*** Mass Effect 3 ***

The thing about Gold is that it really requires a good group set up of both classes and people who can play them well (an adept who doesn't use stasis bubble is a bad adept for example) and people who either know how to work as a team or are on voice comms.

The worst part is it's just not worth doing when you consider how quick and easy silver challenges can be with an "ok" group.

I've had my fair share of failed silver challenges, depending on what class you play you can't always carry the group if they arent up to much(not that I havent let the team down before in silly circumstances). My success rate on gold is actually a lot higher than silver but most of my experience from gold comes from geth fb white farm runs which arent particularly taxing.

I only ever play in PUGs
PS. Anyone seen that Bioware email? ....they are trying their hardest to **** all over their fans...I really don't understand how they can be so out of touch. They have handled this situation unbelievably badly

Not me but ide love to know what it's about, tho i suspect i could take a passable guess at it's content, given Bio's attitude to all this.
Not me but ide love to know what it's about, tho i suspect i could take a passable guess at it's content, given Bio's attitude to all this.


Over 75 perfect scores!

I read that Entertainment Weekly article .....I am not surprised they did not print any more of it!

"Bigger fan reaction than any other videogame's conclusion":o
Something's wrong with it, I went to replay it after one play through and i get about 10 minutes and just give up each time. It's like the ending has ruined the whole game.
I assume I am coming up to the end as Hackett has just asked me twice whether I was to start the next mission and it gives me the option to wait.

I am so apprehensive about continuing because it has been really good so far and the thought of the whole Mass Effect series being ruined because of the conclusion is putting me off lol.
I am so apprehensive about continuing because it has been really good so far and the thought of the whole Mass Effect series being ruined because of the conclusion is putting me off lol.

Just go for it. Some people live with the ending(somehow)

I am about to start ME3 again a bit later. I got loads of bugs at the end of ME2 for some reason when mopping up all of the side missions. sound looping, invisible characters, stuck in environment. Never had those problems before.
All this moaning about the ending has put me off buying ME3. I loved ME2 but if my decisions are going to make sod all difference, then I can't see the point in playing it. I'm still annoyed about the Deus Ex:HR ending, so wouldn't be happy with another useless game ending! :/
All this moaning about the ending has put me off buying ME3.

Its still worth getting, you just need to ignore the last 10 mins or so, as it only goes down hill once casper the star tard shows up. Just make sure you shop around & get it as cheaply as possible, & grab the DLC, then play & enjoy.
Its still worth getting, you just need to ignore the last 10 mins or so, as it only goes down hill once casper the star tard shows up. Just make sure you shop around & get it as cheaply as possible, & grab the DLC, then play & enjoy.

I was hoping it'd become available on Steam, in all honesty, then I'd wait for a sale. Meh!

Might have to buy a hard copy. Do you have to install Origin, even with a non-digital copy?
I was hoping it'd become available on Steam, in all honesty, then I'd wait for a sale. Meh!

Might have to buy a hard copy. Do you have to install Origin, even with a non-digital copy?

Origin all the way. For what it's worth, my advice is to just not get it. Stick with the good memories from 1 and 2. ME3 will not improve your life a single bit.
At times the graphics look great and at other times they look shockingly awful, plus the one-button-does-everything-action-action-action-key!!!!11!1! is VERY annoying

Very annoying..

Whilst trying to run away from an enemy, the character decides to take cover in front of a rock..

I have to admit, I'm struggling on the following:

Palavan - "Clear the Camp" - Just before meeting gen Victus.

There a re various Cannibals and two Brutes.. I just can't escape either for the reason I stated above. If i take cover I can run but as soon as a run past a rock, he ducks down below.

I spent half an hour last night on this.. i got one brute down but as soon as run out into the open, the controls have a mind of their own.
Finished the game and...

I chose the middle path of synthesis as I assumed that was the "main" ending choice that you were given. I don't mind Shepard dying or anything as its in a heroic way but the scenes of, for me, EDI, Joker and Liara touching down on that planet just didn't make any sense to me. Okay so they survived but now what. The part after the credits didn't really shed any light on what happened after the war either.

It just seems to me that they probably rushed the ending as they had dates to hit and were falling way behind. Like the whole game you spend going around recruiting you massive army, but at the big push at the end there was almost no need for the big fleet anyway as you pretty much single handedly save the day yourself. I guess the Ending DLC cinematics may clear some of it up but I can see why so many are disappointed with the ending. I am slightly.

On another note, I got to almost 7000 points on the war assets part, but my galactic readiness was always 50%. What is this about, some feature that wasn't properly put into the game?
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I have to admit, I'm struggling on the following:

Palavan - "Clear the Camp" - Just before meeting gen Victus.

There a re various Cannibals and two Brutes.. I just can't escape either for the reason I stated above. If i take cover I can run but as soon as a run past a rock, he ducks down below.

I spent half an hour last night on this.. i got one brute down but as soon as run out into the open, the controls have a mind of their own.

Use the obstacles and Kite the closer one before moving onto the next same routine shoot dodge, Shoot dodge, try use the obstacles to your advantage also.
Finished the game and...

On another note, I got to almost 7000 points on the war assets part, but my galactic readiness was always 50%. What is this about, some feature that wasn't properly put into the game?

Galactic rediness is determined by Multiplayer and mobile content(Mass Effect: Datapad, Mass Effect: Infiltrator) if you've never done any multiplayer it stays at 50% if you do play multiplayer it'll rise and fall accordingly
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