*** Mass Effect 3 ***

There's nothing really that hideous in the demo, I've just played through it and yeah, it turns around on something pretty quick (as Cutshaw said) but it kinda had to or the game wouldn't work so it was obvious it was coming.

No xbox pad support yet, hopefully they fix that in the full game.
The single player demo is exactly the same build I played on at the EA stand in Arndale good few months ago. Now multi is a whole different pair of socks as that wasn't available back then. Hopefully coop turns out to be more than just survive 12 waves of mobs on release because that's fairly repetitive and gets boring fast =/
Arg I just don't know what to do. I don't really like the path Bioware are going down but i really enjoy the ME world, ME3 seems more of the same which is both good and bad.
Arg I just don't know what to do. I don't really like the path Bioware are going down but i really enjoy the ME world, ME3 seems more of the same which is both good and bad.

I would wait and see. There is nothing to lose. Be wary of spoilers and see what the opinions are like after it's been out a week or two. I'm sure you have a pile of games to keep you happy.
The demo seemed to have a similar sort of game play as ME2. As I quite liked some aspects to the second, this should be worth a buy. Pretty good, if a little contrived...but aren't most games? :D
Have been playing the MP demo the past couple of days. Initially I couldn't stand being so zoomed in on the action, however, after a while I started to get used to it. The view just seemed to be so restrictive and would quite often end up with enemies just appearing to the side of me.

I'm guessing there is no way to zoom out at all?

Haven't tried the single player part of the demo yet, is the camera the same?

Overall though, really enjoyed the time spent playing the multiplayer.
I must be the only person that never looks at textures in detail as i always see complaints when its gone unnoticed to me.
Have been playing the MP demo the past couple of days. Initially I couldn't stand being so zoomed in on the action, however, after a while I started to get used to it. The view just seemed to be so restrictive and would quite often end up with enemies just appearing to the side of me.

Overall though, really enjoyed the time spent playing the multiplayer.

That is what struck me, the annoying lack of field of view. Had a quick look at the game config, but couldn't see any setting relating to the fov.

The two maps are a bit small and with the full game can you play against fellow players in the mp, or is it just against the a.i.

Cheapest I can find it for is £25 for the standard edition. Not sure if I will be buying it.
The two maps are a bit small and with the full game can you play against fellow players in the mp, or is it just against the a.i.

From what I've read about the game the multiplayer will purely be against AI and never against other human players. There will obviously be a load more maps at launch as well as enemies.
I think I'm slightly Mass Effect crazy atm.

I have ordered all 3 of the Normandy replicas and I'm also contemplating whether or not to waste some money on the replica rifle that they are putting out too! :p
I think I'm slightly Mass Effect crazy atm.

I have ordered all 3 of the Normandy replicas and I'm also contemplating whether or not to waste some money on the replica rifle that they are putting out too! :p

Wow just looked at those replicas and they look fantastic!

Also just caved and started downloading the demo now, so much for willpower!
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