Oh yeah he loves white people.....


If someone said the same stuff about black people they would likely get attacked, Hospitalized and their career ended in a heartbeat.

Sick of this double standard.

A quick google shows me that KenttneK is Kent Hudson, a white guy. It was probably just some lolz conversation with a friend - Where is the rest of it? Things taken out of context don't mean anything.
So...we only have one side of a conversation? Awesome.

Just read this, I can't be bothered to argue again on the internet about nothing that affects my life - I've got better things to do.


I can guarantee if the roles were reversed and instead o talking about murdering white people and he started talking about murdering black people there would be zero amount of apologists.
I checked all this and it just seems like a bunch of people getting in a tiz over nothing.

In fact it wouldn't surprise me if it's the usual anti feminist, #gamergate crowd because of this talk he gave


The articles I've been reading about his twitter comments are the sort of crap you could fling at most people including all the people that think saying racist things on YouTube, reddit etc are funny.

It's quite clear he doesn't wish death on white people...

Using polygon instantly takes any credibility away from your argument.

They're really good at games as well:

Gave it a shot, got Origin Access. All in all, the verdict is: meh; will buy it when it gets discounted to £10 or less. It doesn't feel like Mass Effect at all, and the problem is compounded by the fact that it's a teen-flick kind of game, with unbelievably horrible writing and acting&voicing - much much worse than anything in the previous games. It's as if someone took a cast of Comedy Central people and dropped them into the game, it's all very cringey. The UI is terrible, the characters look worse than previous games imo, even though technically they are more advanced they unfortunately feel much worse (that damn uncanny valley feeling). Add to that all the pointless pointless busy-work you have to do and it's just not fun at all. I don't mind so much that it's not really "Mass Effect", but I do mind that it's not Mass Effect and it's just terrible.

What they did better: Graphics.
What they did worse: Everything else.

Unfortunately it looks like their **** streak from DA:I continues (had to abandon that one after about 2 hours).
Using polygon instantly takes any credibility away from your argument.

Does it though? Is that according to the lords of the internet?

I really don't see how a video of doom from last year relates to an article 3 years ago.

I don't read Polygon but the article is about Manveer Heirs speech so it's mostly direct quotes.
Does it though? Is that according to the lords of the internet?

I really don't see how a video of doom from last year relates to an article 3 years ago.

I don't read Polygon but the article is about Manveer Heirs speech so it's mostly direct quotes.

For me it does. They are the ********** website at this point to the extent they cant even commit to a score for games,changing it as they see fit. I find it hard to tolerate the pandering nonsense they drivel on about these days.

They are also notoriously bad at playing games in their review videos.
Does it though? Is that according to the lords of the internet?

I really don't see how a video of doom from last year relates to an article 3 years ago.

I don't read Polygon but the article is about Manveer Heirs speech so it's mostly direct quotes.

"lords of the internet" thank you for the laugh.

The video is something i enjoy because it shows the quality to expect from polygon.

I just googled Manveer's name and got this:


He seems to enjoy his "White Tears" cup quite a lot as it's in many of his pictures.

Back on topic: I watched Robbaz stream this game last night and he gave up on it due to the horrendous/cringy voice acting and animations.
Getting away from the Heir stuff...

The acting and facial stuff is laughably bad so far. Crazy expressions everywhere you look and it completely pulls me out the game.

I'm shocked they thought it was OK in this state really,given its one of the most important IP's going these days.
gameplay is good fun.. specing into biotics early.. love the jump pack and evade ability can do some nice moves and feels fluid too..

graphics are incredible on ultra @ 21:9 3440x1440 with gsync super smooth! as is the sound on my GSX and 599s

voice acting is bad yea but couldn't care less.. story seems ok so far but am only 4 hours in!

haven't really seen any bad animations that people are over exaggerating about..
So what's the overall verdict from the preview, worth preordering for a big mass effect fan who enjoyed all 3?

The voice acting of the British sounding character reminds me a little of Destiny's AI voice actor prepatch where everything sounded like there was zero effort and just didnt fit the scene.
So what's the overall verdict from the preview, worth preordering for a big mass effect fan who enjoyed all 3?

The voice acting of the British sounding character reminds me a little of Destiny's AI voice actor prepatch where everything sounded like there was zero effort and just didnt fit the scene.

Here's the issue, people played ME for different reasons. As someone that played it for world-building, immersion and the story, ME:A is a flop. If you are more into MP and other things, it's a different conversation (which I don't have an opinion on).
I totally don't get what all the fuss about the facial animations is. I really wouldn't have noticed anything about them if the fuss wasn't happening. They've got faces, that'll do for me. Likewise I didn't care a hoot about the lip-sync in Horizon Zero Dawn.
I'm looking forward to running about with a pink afro in MA:A.
because the first 10 hours is a great way to tell a story.. :rolleyes:

No, but the first 10 hours needs to wow you and pull you in, like ME 1 most definitely did attaining spectre status. Also 2 or 3 did it somewhat successfully.

This is getting slammed so far, like I've said all along regardless of "its just a 10 hour trial" this isn't ME, it's generic modern day crap built for a dumber generation and will do nothing but leave a bitter taste in the mouths of the people that have ploughed thousands and thousands of hours into the evolving story of the Mass Effect universe over the years.
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because the first 10 hours is a great way to tell a story.. :rolleyes:

How many hours are needed for that?

Here's the thing, first of all I value my time, so if I need to put 10s of hours into it to maybe get a pay-off, I'm not going to do it. Secondly, I can tell what I'm gonna feel like playing a game just from watching some gameplay footage & some cutscences and dialogue (100% success rate so far). Thirdly, I got into each ME from the very first second, why should this be any different? I have yet to play a game that ended up "growing on me" in >20 years of gaming. Not one.
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