Only 1 hour in and absolutely loving it. Game prefers borderless window and looks nice and crisp after injecting lumasharpen via a reshade to offset the TAA. No issues with the animations or VO for me so far. Feels very Mass Effect and visually very nice, maxed out and very smooth. GTX1080, i7 7700k, 32gb RAM, so would hope so, but nothings guaranteed these days. Early days but so far initial impressions are great.
"Overlord Morda" sounds like he's about to say "Oh you brute!" and run off sobbing. What the actual?! What a fabulous Krogan.

I'll stick with playing through ME2 and hope that was temporary voice over for animation that they forgot to replace.
This he sounds more like a nerd than a Krogen, he sounds all wrong to me.
Hate to be that person, but no surprise to me it's exactly how I been calling it for months. A rubbish glorified shooter that's just not Mass Effect, stripped of most things that made the Mass Effect trilogy so incredible. In the words of Angry Joe...."you done @$&*#! It up!!"

Not even bothering to purchase this steaming pile in a sale, after playing it around my mates tonight it's killed off Mass Effect for me. Bring back Shepherd and the Bioware team that ploughed so much love, emotion and true feels into this story in the early days. So disappointing.
Hate to be that person, but no surprise to me it's exactly how I been calling it for months. A rubbish glorified shooter that's just not Mass Effect, stripped of most things that made the Mass Effect trilogy so incredible. In the words of Angry Joe...."you done @$&*#! It up!!"

Not even bothering to purchase this steaming pile in a sale, after playing it around my mates tonight it's killed off Mass Effect for me. Bring back Shepherd and the Bioware team that ploughed so much love, emotion and true feels into this story in the early days. So disappointing.

You aren't being "that guy" you are expressing your opinion on a game (albeit imo a bit strongly)

I find it fascinating the divide between opinions on this. We seem to have several groups of opinion that are all very strong. With this, one thing we all need to remember is that at the end of the day we are all gamers we all love different things and to try and not be too frustrated by the fact someone may or may not view something in the same light as you.

I've noticed too that since I've stopped following hype trains as much as possible I've started to enjoy games a lot more again :).

Ps: Tony any of my comments were not directed at you bud just in case they seemed it :)
Basically it is all about expectations. Those who have low or no expectations stand to enjoy it more. Others like me who really enjoyed the original Mass Effect and have been hoping for something of that quality since will be disappointed. It is possible that just as a game it is decent one, but compared to Mass Effect it is **** :p
The actual cut scene looked fine too me barring the woeful Krogan scrap.

I didn't know that female Krogans were supposed to sound like a very camp gay man, at least Eve wasn't like that. :confused: Getting Shohreh Aghdashloo or someone with a similarly appropriate tone would have worked better IMO.

Watching that whole scene was painful. The voice acting is stunted, lacks fluidity and whoever did the casting should be flogged.
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Anyone playing ultra wide? Is the map bugged so that it's not clicking where you are?

The game is enjoyable for me so far but it's almost literally dragon age inquisition in space. Open areas, filler quests here and there, lots of things to pick up, even has dragon fights (well the equivalent anyway)
If you're of a gentle disposition, then don't watch this clip.

It contains graphic violence like you've never seen before.

Bioware had their most skilled graphic artists, designers and writers work on this.


Erm, is that meant to be a camp Krogan? That's just awful. That entire scene is terrible from start to finish. His voice is wrong for a start. Krogan's have deep, rumbling voices. The fight goes against everything you ever learn about the Krogan race in the previous games. They're vicious, proud and able fighters that wouldn't take a few hand slaps to lay out on the floor. And before the fight starts and the bit of dust kicks up when he moves his left foot looks silly. It's like they've gone over the top with everything. It's sad to see what they've reduced the franchise to. They had such a strong IP and they've not done it justice whatsoever. It's a real shame.
Basically it is all about expectations. Those who have low or no expectations stand to enjoy it more. Others like me who really enjoyed the original Mass Effect and have been hoping for something of that quality since will be disappointed. It is possible that just as a game it is decent one, but compared to Mass Effect it is **** :p

My expectations were for a Mass Effect game and I feel I've got that and am enjoying it immensely. I think having an opinion without actually playing the game is more of an issue than expectations?

That's not to say there aren't issues. I've found the editing to be more of an issue regarding story and character elements. Scenes sometimes get cut immediately after the last word which is quite jarring. Also maybe it was the direction of the scenes or again editing but conversations don't flow as well as they should. Everything else though is mostly fine on the story front unless facial animations really make you rage.

The real problem I've had is that it's very much like BBC programs we see now where the characters were clearly chosen by a diversity comity. I'm all for diversity but it smacks you in the face and doesn't really feel natural at all. It's like a check list of everyone someone with a strong agenda for such things would think needs to be in the game.

I'm really enjoying it though and feel invested in a lot of my crew, Drack, Peebee, Vetra etc are all awesome. The gameplay is great but it's a shame they removed any control you had over your team.
My expectations were for a Mass Effect game and I feel I've got that and am enjoying it immensely. I think having an opinion without actually playing the game is more of an issue than expectations?


So you're saying that unless we've played the game, we shouldn't be allowed to form an opinion even after watching it on live streams and YouTube clips? I don't get this place. On one hand you've got people saying that buying a game before watching videos about it to know what it's like is silly, and then others like you are alluding that you can't form an opinion without having played the game first. I'm sorry but I'm not prepared to drop almost £45 on a game when I can clearly see that there are issues, and for me personally, having played the first three and loved them (up until ME3 was butchered), I have high expectations on what a game set in that IPs universe should be like. From what I've seen and read, ME:A doesn't even reach the bar.
So you're saying that unless we've played the game, we shouldn't be allowed to form an opinion even after watching it on live streams and YouTube clips? I don't get this place. On one hand you've got people saying that buying a game before watching videos about it to know what it's like is silly, and then others like you are alluding that you can't form an opinion without having played the game first. I'm sorry but I'm not prepared to drop almost £45 on a game when I can clearly see that there are issues, and for me personally, having played the first three and loved them (up until ME3 was butchered), I have high expectations on what a game set in that IPs universe should be like. From what I've seen and read, ME:A doesn't even reach the bar.

Chances are he is just being defensive about something he is enjoying. As for what he said, I have based my judgement not only on what I have seen, but what LOADS of people have said.

Something similar happened to me recently with the PC Zelda thread where people without playing were saying it is no way near as good as the likes of Witcher 3 or Horizon. It could be that they just prefer better graphics and therefore that is true to them so that is why they said that, but that was a different case to this where everyone was signing the praises of the game and giving it 10/10. Plus pretty much everyone including people like me who are primarily PC gamers said Zelda was better than Witcher 3 overall. Obviously not everyone will agree as tastes are different, but with MEA there are so many people saying it is pap.
I will admit that I am a huge loyal fan of the ME franchise.

About 40 hours in to MEA:

There's something just not right about this game, depth of story, polish, and all of it feeds into a subtle feeling that for all the hype it's not that great.....

The entirety of the above post more or less sums up how I feel about the game.
I'm heavily invested into the Mass Effect universe and I replayed all 3 games prior to this one being released, just so I could get back in to it all (I was aware that they added nothing to this game), and coming off the back of that trilogy in to this game you just feel the difference almost straight away.
The characters lack something which makes me want to connect with them and that was something I never had a problem with in the previous trilogy, even the quests annoy the hell out of me as the majority of them are lazy collection/fetch quests, I can totally understand when people call it DA: Inquisition in space because that's exactly what it is.
By no means does this mean it's a bad game, it's just not that great if you're an ME fan.

Also the bugs in the game are annoying as hell, from enemies being stuck in the environment and still being able to kill you while you can't hit them, doors in the main quest not working forcing you to reload a previous save just so it opens, weird graphical glitches all over the place to having those weird glitches happen in the middle of a fight making you get stuck in a stone unable to move while enemies just shoot you.
Those are just a few of the ones that I can remember from the top of my head, but it makes me wonder how the hell did these all get missed prior to launch?!
Just completed it.

It was ok not amazing. I think the open world hurt it more then helped.

I did like the combat though. Felt like a great change from the clunky 20fps combat from 2 and 3 which I played on the ps3 a couple of days before.

My biggest bug bare though was :

only 1 new alien race really? no the kett don't count as they were just genetically modified versions of the others.
The first Mass effect wasn't amazing game play wise but the universe and all the weird and new aliens easily made up for it.
If there had been different races especially ones you could have on your team I would have been more inclined to actually do the loyalty missions as in mass effect 2 doing those meant you got to visit new places you had never visited before. Whereas in this one all the loyalty missions bar one took you to places you had already visited for the main missions
If you're of a gentle disposition, then don't watch this clip.

It contains graphic violence like you've never seen before.

Bioware had their most skilled graphic artists, designers and writers work on this.


There's something very original about the clip - the first time a gay alien has been encountered :). Not that there's anything wrong with that. THe voice overs definitely needed to get more into the roles - pretty crap acting (voicing?).
So you're saying that unless we've played the game, we shouldn't be allowed to form an opinion even after watching it on live streams and YouTube clips? I don't get this place. On one hand you've got people saying that buying a game before watching videos about it to know what it's like is silly, and then others like you are alluding that you can't form an opinion without having played the game first. I'm sorry but I'm not prepared to drop almost £45 on a game when I can clearly see that there are issues, and for me personally, having played the first three and loved them (up until ME3 was butchered), I have high expectations on what a game set in that IPs universe should be like. From what I've seen and read, ME:A doesn't even reach the bar.

I get what you're saying. But I read his comment more in light of some issues being blown up beyond what I've personally experienced. I nearly didn't buy the game based on the numerous VO bug clips, but I'm so glad I didnt focus solely on those. Opinions are just that and we all have them. In this case personally I do think there's more to the game here than what some youtube clips are presenting. Perhaps that's all he was trying to say.
Now I've completed the game,

I don't think it's as clear cut as previous ME gamers and non ME gamers liking and disliking it.

I think in my review this game sits Ina very grey area between being bad and good and that's more indicative of the studio etc than anything else.

I just get he impression it's not polish and the culture of 'that will do' was there, plus some missing QA!
There's something very original about the clip - the first time a gay alien has been encountered :). Not that there's anything wrong with that. THe voice overs definitely needed to get more into the roles - pretty crap acting (voicing?).

Meant to be female I think. Since when were Krogan females able to achieve anything in their society? I thought they were locked away for breeding by their male counterparts? Obviously someone with an agenda doing some fiddling with the story there!

If this isn't tagged on after ME3 then isn't there still a genophage?
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