So you're saying that unless we've played the game, we shouldn't be allowed to form an opinion even after watching it on live streams and YouTube clips? I don't get this place. On one hand you've got people saying that buying a game before watching videos about it to know what it's like is silly, and then others like you are alluding that you can't form an opinion without having played the game first. I'm sorry but I'm not prepared to drop almost £45 on a game when I can clearly see that there are issues, and for me personally, having played the first three and loved them (up until ME3 was butchered), I have high expectations on what a game set in that IPs universe should be like. From what I've seen and read, ME:A doesn't even reach the bar.

No but that is only going to take you say far. I've watched some of the facial videos and also some gameplay streams but they are not really representative of what it is like to play the game (or any game) moment to moment when you are playing it yourself. Maybe it's me but I can't get immersed in a game watching someone else play it at all.

Chances are he is just being defensive about something he is enjoying. As for what he said, I have based my judgement not only on what I have seen, but what LOADS of people have said.

But your judgement is still not based on your experiences of playing the game. And how many of those loads have actually played it for any length of time if at all? Are they really the majority you are basing your opinion on? My issue is that so many people are willing to go into a thread and slate a game based on someone else's comments and videos. I can understand someone saying "This game looks as though it's not going to be for me from looking at videos" but "oh my god this game is crap I knew it was going to be be raaarrrggghhhh" without actually playing it is nonsense (not that you've done that personally but you get the idea).
Meant to be female I think. Since when were Krogan females able to achieve anything in their society? I thought they were locked away for breeding by their male counterparts? Obviously someone with an agenda doing some fiddling with the story there!

If this isn't tagged on after ME3 then isn't there still a genophage?

Some genophage stuff comes up quite early on in a conversation with Keri.
Hmm so basically they've fudged the story then.

Not that I'd have a problem with a "gay sounding" character in an appropriate context but I really was expecting that Krogan to start singing, "I'm THUPER! Thanks for athking!" :eek: It sounds like a South Park skit where they dubbed over the top.

Massively immersion breaking IMO. I'm now doubting that I should even pick this up in a sale unless the multiplayer is better than ME3.
I just purchased the game and online for some reason it's stuck to auto sprint. So i can't just move slowly and i have to stand still to reload (I'm using a ps4 controller) Is this a known issue as i switched to M&K and the same thing is happening.

Edit: It seems to only happen when i'm in a game with my friend, when i search for a match online without my friend it doesn't happen. what the heck!
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Great news and bad news. Great news: I have a lovely new X34A to play this game on. Bad news, my 980Ti is struggling to maintain good FPS. One minute it's 80 plus, other it'll drop to the teens, especially in MP. Averaging about 45 FPS. Gsync is on (FS and windowed) and have confirmed by checking the info page of the screen's OSD. I've also enabled Fast sync but I think that that is responsible for a mild stutter. Should I bother to use Fast Sync, or just cap the FPS to 100?

What settings are best to drop/tweak in order to regain FPS without making the game look crap? HBAO is on middle, shadows and lighting are on medium. Even with the resolution scale dropped to 0.80, I'm still getting FPS drops. When the FPS gets so low that GSync isn't active, it's an awful, stuttery mess.

I just purchased the game and online for some reason it's stuck to auto sprint. So i can't just move slowly and i have to stand still to reload (I'm using a ps4 controller) Is this a known issue as i switched to M&K and the same thing is happening.

Edit: It seems to only happen when i'm in a game with my friend, when i search for a match online without my friend it doesn't happen. what the heck!

Happens for me too, particularly aboard the Tempest. My sprint is set to Hold, not toggle, yet when I release shift, she's still sprinting. It's really annoying if I suddenly want to stop and scan something, because I have to come to a full stop and wait for the game to allow me to open the scanner....
From all of my usual sources, this game is an absolute abortion, from bad writing/dialogue to terrible animation.

I'll be giving this one a miss, just like ME3. AAA used to mean something.
From all of my usual sources, this game is an absolute abortion, from bad writing/dialogue to terrible animation.

I'll be giving this one a miss, just like ME3. AAA used to mean something.

Typically, I tend to avoid AAA. "Big" games to me just ring of the latest battlefield or CoD. ME:A isn't as good as the first but they set an impossibly high bar IMO. ME:A is good, but yeh, it could have been better.
Really struggling to feel anything for any of your crew in this game other than Vetra, hoping that will change. I just don't care about anything any of them have to say, unlike previous games where i'd feel I had to have every conversation with everyone on the ship between missions.
Really struggling to feel anything for any of your crew in this game other than Vetra, hoping that will change. I just don't care about anything any of them have to say, unlike previous games where i'd feel I had to have every conversation with everyone on the ship between missions.
Yup, I agree with that :/
But your judgement is still not based on your experiences of playing the game. And how many of those loads have actually played it for any length of time if at all? Are they really the majority you are basing your opinion on? My issue is that so many people are willing to go into a thread and slate a game based on someone else's comments and videos. I can understand someone saying "This game looks as though it's not going to be for me from looking at videos" but "oh my god this game is crap I knew it was going to be be raaarrrggghhhh" without actually playing it is nonsense (not that you've done that personally but you get the idea).
I am just super disappointed man. I was hoping this game returned back to it's roots as I loved the original Mass Effect.

Trouble is, these days publishers have lost the plot and decisions are made to make the game appeal to as many people as possible and to maximise profit. But that is not how it should work. They should leave devs to make a good game and if it is any good, it will sell it's self like ME did! Same thing happened to Deus Ex recently with the top dogs at Square Enix sticking their nose into things, being too greedy, did not work out well for them either.

It is simple, produce a good game, that should be the primary goal, the money will come if they achieve that goal. The primary goal should not be, lets sit at a table and work out what will sell best and make that.
Yup, I agree with that :/

It's super disappointing in this respect. I've apparently got 9 hours on the game so far, including about an hour of multiplayer.

With regards to gameplay, the combat is more or less the same as previous games and travelling around on foot can be a bit of a task having to constantly switch between jump boost and evade boost.
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From all of my usual sources, this game is an absolute abortion, from bad writing/dialogue to terrible animation.

I'll be giving this one a miss, just like ME3. AAA used to mean something.

I thought ME3 was still worth playing despite the ridiculous end plot device. I managed to get a "good", or at least the best ending possible so wasn't raging as much as many were.

A bit of a pants ending after a reasonably good game I can handle but not fan fiction level of writing and awful dialogue.

All the videos I've seen on YouTube of Andromeda so far make me think this would be painful to play through with the exception of combat. I'm much fussier than a lot of people though and many may be able to look past the flaws in which case I'm happy someone enjoys more ME. :)
I just got a refund on the game, for me it was unplayable not sure why the bug happens but it just sprints when i press W on the Keyboard, so i have to stand still when i need to reload.

Not happy i'll wait for it to be a lower price later in the year and hopefully that bug is ironed out.

Also had another bug where sound went altogether but was fine with spotify in the background and time to time i'd get disconnected.
My god the difficulty on this is just like Ninja Gaiden on Master Ninja difficulty. Almost cheap in some ways. (I LOVE IT!!! :p)

DON'T play on insanity and do all the optionals from your first run. You'll run into something that will own you in so many ways. :D
Really struggling to feel anything for any of your crew in this game other than Vetra, hoping that will change. I just don't care about anything any of them have to say, unlike previous games where i'd feel I had to have every conversation with everyone on the ship between missions.

Vetra was the only one I actually wanted to speak to!
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