Ah!!! was watching a few videos in regard to the glitches with animations, surfaces, falling through stuff, and basically buggy fundamental game systems, etc. then it twigged to me to check what game engine is being used...

Frostbite 3

**there aren't enough facepalms in the world**

Dice really should just give up - the name literally must stand for Doesn't Include Coding Excellence (sure it looks pretty but the fundamental coding of low level systems is botched as hell).

Bioware must really be regretting moving from the unreal engine.
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Ah!!! was watching a few videos in regard to the glitches with animations, surfaces, falling through stuff, and basically buggy fundamental game systems, etc. then it twigged to me to check what game engine is being used...

Frostbite 3

**there aren't enough facepalms in the world**

Dice really should just give up - the name literally must stand for Doesn't Include Coding Excellence (sure it looks pretty but the fundamental coding of low level systems is botched as hell).

Bioware must really be regretting moving from the unreal engine.
Nothing wrong with frostbite engine, it works very well in the games that use it i.e. BF, star wars, mirrors edge catalyst, planets vs zombies, need for speed. It is also an extremely polished engine in terms of optimisation/performance for great graphics etc.

The falling through the floors, graphical artefacts, animations etc. are all down to Bioware's incompetence for developing this game, it isn't the engine's fault for all of these issues. The fact that they couldn't even properly adjust tessellation shows just how incompetent this team is.
Nothing wrong with frostbite engine, it works very well in the games that use it i.e. BF, star wars, mirrors edge catalyst, planets vs zombies, need for speed. It is also an extremely polished engine in terms of optimisation/performance for great graphics etc.

The falling through the floors, graphical artefacts, animations etc. are all down to Bioware's incompetence for developing this game, it isn't the engine's fault for all of these issues. The fact that they couldn't even properly adjust tessellation shows just how incompetent this team is.

To be fair it does work pretty well in SW:BF though I still found a few dozen glitches with regard to geometry in that.

It is far from polished under the hood - there are dozens of poorly papered over glitches that are engine level rather than game coding level stuff - many of those things like animation systems working as expected and not falling through surfaces (some of which are completely random and not easily reproducible) shouldn't really be something a 3rd party studio has to deal with too much.

Things like this in BF4 should never have even been there in the first place:



I mean take BF 1 - albeit this is from the beta but still most of these issues are rooted in the engine and should have been ironed out LONG before BF1 - skip to 2:53 in the video below can see the same issue as one of my videos from BF4:


To call the engine polished would be to redefine what polished meant.
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To be fair it does work pretty well in SW:BF though I still found a few dozen glitches with regard to geometry in that.

It is far from polished under the hood - there are dozens of poorly papered over glitches that are engine level rather than game coding level stuff - many of those things like animation systems working as expected and not falling through surfaces (some of which are completely random and not easily reproducible) shouldn't really be something a 3rd party studio has to deal with too much.
My experience has been very good in all those frost bite games, I have had a few graphical artefacts every now and then in bf 4 and in BF 3 there were a few animation issues i.e. the long neck bug but all in all, nowhere as many issues as what are being shown in this MEA game so far. The animation in BF 1 is stunning, especially during the cut scenes for single player content. I also don't recall of ever falling through the map in any of those games other than just dying in some weird way.

Maybe the engine doesn't make it as easy for developers to work with but with my experience of unreal engine and frostbite etc., I rather have frostbite for the better optimisation, graphics to performance etc.

absolutely disgraceful, sums up where gaming is at right now. How on earth a huge game like this get launched in this state absolutely baffles me. Incredible.
Yup, unfortunately it seems to be the trend for games over the last 1-2 years now :(

I think the biggest problem is that the publishers are just pushing the developers to rush the games out when they really need at least another 6 months of work, hence why we seem to be guaranteed as big patch or 2 in the first week and then have games downgraded come release.

It really is best these days now just to wait 6 months until games are all patched up and working more or less as they should have been on day 1.
My experience has been very good in all those frost bite games, I have had a few graphical artefacts every now and then in bf 4 and in BF 3 there were a few animation issues i.e. the long neck bug but all in all, nowhere as many issues as what are being shown in this MEA game so far. The animation in BF 1 is stunning, especially during the cut scenes for single player content. I also don't recall of ever falling through the map in any of those games other than just dying in some weird way.

Maybe the engine doesn't make it as easy for developers to work with but with my experience of unreal engine and frostbite etc., I rather have frostbite for the better optimisation, graphics to performance etc.

I suspect one aspect of that is that Dice/studios that work with them are more familiar with how broken those systems are and how to work around those issues while more 3rd party studios like Bioware aren't as familiar with the problems and just expect the systems to be largely robust like most other engines.

There are numerous known issues with BF4 and falling through the map, quite a few places on Hainan which is a well known one for it*, Siege of Shanghai and Floodzone where it can and does happen (its quite random and they've stopped some of the more frequent places with subsequent patches compared to the first few weeks after launch) and the first few videos on youtube are on other maps which I didn't even know had those issues and a quick look on youtube for BF1 shows a fair few hits which I'm not as familiar with.

* i.e. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU-Caz4VRvo

EDIT: I've not got a lot of patience with the FB engine as having some coding experience it feels like a lot of lazy work in the "glue" and other utility code where someone has basically gone - that works 8 times out of 10 that is good enough and moved on rather than bothering to take some pride in their work. More often than not I've been one of the people most affected by the times it doesn't work as the dozens of videos I have from BF4 can demonstrate :| could spend all day linking to my unlisted ones
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Sounds like a lot of excuses.

They failed with MEA. It lacks polish, it' lacks subtle world building and good narrative and ultimately someone just couldn't be arsed to do QA.
absolutely disgraceful, sums up where gaming is at right now. How on earth a huge game like this get launched in this state absolutely baffles me. Incredible.

What's incredible is that you seem to think this is what everyone is experiencing. It really isn't.

God, getting tired of threads deteriorating in to nonsense. It's so lame and damn tiring. Quite funny at first...but talk about dragging it out.
I've enjoyed my first 12 hours so far. I have one technical issue, when moving around with a weapon drawn, stopping then panning left or right, there is momentary hitch. Same when moving around with the scanner drawn. I actually think its linked with the stopping animation of the character. It does niggle. However that aside I've had no other issues whatsoever. I personally think its a great game and the animation/body expressions and VO has all been fine to me. I've not seen any dodgy running animations etc. So far anyway its all been fine. No stability issues for me either.

Combat is superb and better than the previous ME's.

Thumbs up from me and I'm sure my minor niggle will get patched out at some point.
A lot of people seem to be playing ME1-3 again. I think that says a lot as they search for quality.

If it was so great why all the controversy, other studios have shown they can pump out quality but it seems EA/Bioware have lost it.

I'm one of them. Currently having a blast playing ME1 with a pad.

I never finished any of them first time around, but will do now, hopefully.
well i have given up trying to play it for now. No matter what I do it crashs with in 20 mins :/

Curious to know how much RAM and VRAM you have? It apparently has a bad memory leak, and I've noticed that the game frequently uses 4.5-5.5GB VRAM. Not sure about normal memory usage, but I have 16GB so I doubt it's not enough. I've noticed that I'll be playing for a while when my FPS is suddenly half what it should be. Restart of the game and PC and all is well again.
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