I just cant understand people who not playing this and still coming here to post they drivel
It is a series people are invested in and many are loyal to, and they are disappointed in what they have seen.
I know some people have a bizarre attitude when it comes to gaming where you should 'put up or shut up' so to speak, but luckily this is a forum where discussion is allowed, and will not be stopped just because it isn't positive.

This is a good thing.
From what I have read so far the majority of people who are playing it are saying they are enjoying it despite it's well known faults. But the people who are shouting the loudest saying it's awful haven't.

I like game,i really do,and i see faults,i see bad faults,but i find funny when people who not played it and made they "judgement" from some YT videos know more about game without playing it.
Not picking names or anything - but seeing how 99% in this thread is pure "i saw videos and made my mind" negativity etc. So lil bit positivity wotn hurt
But then again,its a trend now to watch some crappy YT videos and say whatever comes to mind.
But seeing same people who even didnt played it talk so much,that those who play it cant even talk about game itself,really tells all.
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I've completed the game and given my appraisal on that experience and wrote meta critic and few retailers sites.

I'd call myself a huge ME fan but I'm not tunnel visioned enough to just support it because it's ME. You don't get trends between magazines reviews, online reviews and just normal gamers, as we are, without there being legitimate rationale. As I said it's a mixed bag but considering the devlopment time and money invested in it, it appears ambition and reality have not come to fruition with MEA.

Living up to ME2 (which is my all time No1 game) is always going to be a hard task and I don't think it was ever going to. It's just whether the game is good enough on it's own merit to warrant a £30 price tag.
Living up to ME2 (which is my all time No1 game) is always going to be a hard task and I don't think it was ever going to. It's just whether the game is good enough on it's own merit to warrant a £30 price tag.

Don't look at just a few numbers/bugs, play it. It's very immersive and does get intense
Don't look at just a few numbers/bugs, play it. It's very immersive and does get intense

Indeed the Architect fights are some of the hardest boss battles I've had in the last few years of gaming especially when the environment hazards are draining your life support at the same time.
I don't think It's right to compare MEA to ME2. It's on it's new trajectory. What I think is missing is the subtle world building and immersivness of the the whole ME universe. We know it's new people and a new story so accept changes but this is so far of the mark it's very noticeable. It's weak like some 14 year fan fic writer admitting to fandom
Am I supposed to be going back and forward to planets or finishing one at a time? Im getting bogged down with billions of side quests too :P
On the upside once I turned off that stupid auto gfx setting im getting a lovely solid 60fps with everything on its highest setting at 4k.
Am I supposed to be going back and forward to planets or finishing one at a time? Im getting bogged down with billions of side quests too :p
On the upside once I turned off that stupid auto gfx setting im getting a lovely solid 60fps with everything on its highest setting at 4k.

yeah, you will be moved between planets. Mainly EOS...you will kick off the monoliths move to Havel/Voeld and then have to go a EOS to finish the quests. I like working the same way though, clearing one at a time.
What sort of loadouts and runs people going with? Tried Vanguard my bread and butter for last few games, but found it lacking in this game. Moved to infiltrator, and wow with some of the plasma based perks you can use on weapons, Sniper rifles fires plasma shells which have a crazy AOE damage and with the other perks in which the bullets also track enemies, Nuts! :D
I've got Voeld 100% as that was second planet I went to, EOS is only at 80% and I haven't killed the architect there yet, quest just says to wait for the atmosphere changes to kick in. Off to Havel tonight to see what that's got.

Some of the tasks I haven't finished as there is no markers and I'm not running round the map trying to find things to destroy etc.
From what I have read so far the majority of people who are playing it are saying they are enjoying it despite it's well known faults. But the people who are shouting the loudest saying it's awful haven't.

I've been shouting pretty loud and I'm apparently half way through xD

The problem is that it's not INHERENTLY a bad game. Very few AAA releases could be considered objectively bad. It's ME's pedigree that's causing the issues and those issues are incredibly subjective.

You cannot deny however that it's hugely derivative of Dragon Age Inquisition and that a lot of the mechanics are nowhere near as streamline as they should be.

I really don't like it personally. There's more I hate about it then enjoy if I'm being totally honest. Doesn't feel remotely like the Mass Effect I know and love and I totally agree with the reviewers who've given it lower scores. However, who cares? Doesn't matter what anybody else says so long as you're enjoying it.

I will say that the rise of this discussion about the 'relevancy of reviewers' is horse ****. We need critics and reviewers. Just because someone can afford too lose cash on every new release doesn't mean we all can.
I've got Voeld 100% as that was second planet I went to, EOS is only at 80% and I haven't killed the architect there yet, quest just says to wait for the atmosphere changes to kick in. Off to Havel tonight to see what that's got.

Some of the tasks I haven't finished as there is no markers and I'm not running round the map trying to find things to destroy etc.

I took that one down yesterday and it wasn't as bad as the first. There is a forward outpost at the top of the hill which makes it easy to replenish health/ammo but it's still a long ol' fight. I've been caught out a few times by his red swarm and learnt to dodge fairly quickly as it's very destructive.
Does anyone have an idea how ME:A would run on i5 6400, GTX 1070 and 8GB DDR4 2133? would it do high at 1080? Just wondering how much of a bottleneck i5 6400 would be.

1070 should be fine and from what @Mario has seen, it's got some great utilisation at 1080p. Not sure how your CPU would hold out but if you're doing OK in other games, it'll be fine.
and that a lot of the mechanics are nowhere near as streamline

This is something that has broken a lot of games for me lately - 15-20 years ago I could invest time to get my head around fiddly mechanics, etc. but after playing so many games I don't have the patience - if I can't just drop in and pick it up based on playing so many games over the years and/or if its unnecessarily clunky or time consuming to do basic things (which often seems to be the case in games that have been designed primarily for console and given little more than a cursory makeover of the UI for PC) I just put the game straight down.
Are you kidding me, it's reported on every forum, on every major gaming media site, every YouTuber is talking about it, I've seen it on friends first hand, but of course if you're defending this ****, then you are everything wrong with gaming today if your happy to accept this POS.

Give it a rest. Jesus. All you have to manage to do is not buy it...that's it. You can then fill your day with other activities.
Give it a rest. Jesus. All you have to manage to do is not buy it...that's it. You can then fill your day with other activities.
I think it's just a matter of some people being massively (ho ho) invested in the franchise and not being happy with the latest incarnation failing to achieve the same emotional impact, sense of wonder and immersion of the first two games given the evidence at hand.

For anyone who didn't cut their teeth on KotOR, NWN, Baldur's gate and all the classic Bioware games this is in all honesty, likely to be a great game. For us miserable old gits who wanted something more it's a crying shame and wasted opportunity.

You're right, we are free not to buy it and I won't be. That doesn't mean we're not allowed to do the whole, 'in my day' old git whining about how it was better in the old days! ME1 Ashley looks miles better than any of the humans in ME:A FFS...

I also object to Bioware's recruitment policy experiment when they should have just got the best people for the job in.

Anyway, installing KOTOR 1 and 2. BBIAB. ;)
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