What's incredible is that you seem to think this is what everyone is experiencing. It really isn't.

God, getting tired of threads deteriorating in to nonsense. It's so lame and damn tiring. Quite funny at first...but talk about dragging it out.

Are you kidding me, it's reported on every forum, on every major gaming media site, every YouTuber is talking about it, I've seen it on friends first hand, but of course if you're defending this turd, then you are everything wrong with gaming today if your happy to accept this POS.

Really?...From what I have seen I thought the complete opposite. The dialogue choices are limited, with barely any difference in the options you get, the main character has an even more rigidly defined character than Shepard did, you don't get to choose what the character says(in fact it looks even more vague than ME3!), and it looks like everyone will end up with pretty much the same bland character. Combat-wise it looks like with there not being properly defined classes, again everyone will just end up playing the game in pretty much the same way.

Sorry I was a little vague. I was really referring to the micromanagement aspects, more akin to ME1. I always missed the inventory and squad management from that game. ME2 and ME3 were far too dumbed down. I love games like STALKER and Fallout where you actually carry items and scrap or sell what you don't need etc. It seems like ME:A has gone back to a sort of mixture of ME1 and ME3, whilst adding new. You now have an inventory to manage and you can loot bodies which is nice. What I really hate, as you said, the implementation of importantant NPCs. I have zero connection with characters like I did in ME1-3; thus far anyway. The new Angaaran dude, who is blatently meant to be the new Garrus, is just stupid. I'm really not a fan of the Angaara. I also know what you mean about classes, but then I guess it makes sense. IRL, especially being civilian based this time around, you wouldn't be bound by classes as such; you'd learn what you want. SAM's explanation of profiles sort of makes sense and is implemented quite well, even though it just feels like a copy of the Cryo suit from Crysis. Also, the profiles/favourites menu is really clunky; I'm forever hitting the wrong button.

It barely looks like an RPG at all!
Augments once learnt can go onto your gear when you craft it, you'll have little circles at the bottom of the item to put them in.
Blueprints are a pain tbh, you need to scan everything to get research points up, once you've got enough you can then research the item which unlocks the blueprint ready for crafting.

Thanks. I understand that development is essentially the crafting stage of a weapon. So when you find a new weapon in a container (I found Black Widow I on like my second ever container, was well happy!) does that automatically give you the blueprint, or do you have to research or deconstruct an existing item to gain the blueprint? What irritates me, and I consider it a spoiler, is how you can research weapons before you've even come across them. Doesn't really make sense. I just force myself to think that the characters that have already been awake for a year have seen them and their knowledge has been passed on. It would be nice to have a 30s blurb to state this. I haven't bothered reading the CODEX this time, mainly because it's not voiced.

Am 50 hours in, 10 of it in multiplayer and cleared 2 planets now. I am loving this game so far. Sometimes the whole driving around can get boring somewhat, but on the other hand, fits with the game being an explorer and all.

I expect I will be spending many many hours in multiplayer once done aswell. For me, well worth the £35 or so I paid on CD keys.:)

Yeah me too. Only played about 7 or 8 MP missions, all bronze, and enjoying it thus far.

Are you kidding me, it's reported on every forum, on every major gaming media site, every YouTuber is talking about it, I've seen it on friends first hand, but of course if you're defending this ****, then you are everything wrong with gaming today if your happy to accept this POS.

Addison is a bitch anyway. So is the Tann (his voice actor is annoying and totally wrong IMO) Ignore her and you can forget about her poor, tired face.
As soon as you acquire the blueprint you can research it upto the tier that matches your level, usually every 10.
So inwardly conflicted every time I settle down for a play session...

There are moments when the game becomes the Mass Effect I know and love, and then an hour later I'll despise almost everything about what I'm doing. I quit out and ponder what's bothered me and every time it comes back to the same thing, the open world nature of it's design.

For me (and many here, I'm sure), The original trilogy was made great by it's focus. Everything you did felt essential to the world building. Every side quest, character and even item you picked up did something to further invest you in this incredible journey. It was, for all intense and purposes, a linear experience.

Here however, almost the complete opposite is true. I dread having to leave the Nexus because it means I'm going to have spend 3 hours trying to get to one largely disappointing plot point in a story that feels massively underdeveloped, not too mention inconsequential when you consider the last antagonist was an army of soulless, galaxy destroying machines who's only purpose was to press the 'reset' button on the Milky Way.

The game just feels way too 'busy' for me. On the rare occasion something interesting happens, I'm sent off to do some menial task that'll take hours and by the time I return, all investment in said plot point has evaporated.

Eughhhh. Maybe it'll get better, but already being 20+ hours in I can't say I'mma hold out.
Man why the hell are vendors just a long list of items with no way of sorting through sub menus of weapons/elements(resources) etc :( And people thought the Witcher 3 crafting screen was bad. Mass Effect is a whole new level.
What's incredible is that you seem to think this is what everyone is experiencing. It really isn't.
God, getting tired of threads deteriorating in to nonsense. It's so lame and damn tiring. Quite funny at first...but talk about dragging it out.


Are you kidding me, it's reported on every forum, on every major gaming media site, every YouTuber is talking about it, I've seen it on friends first hand, but of course if you're defending this ****, then you are everything wrong with gaming today if your happy to accept this POS.

You seem to be taking it as gospel according to a few you-tubers before actually playing and making your own mind up!! WTF is wrong with people...the video shown is in no way representative for the actual game itself - it's clearly a select few with other issues that could be hardware related. I for one have had no issue with this game what-so-ever. No glitches, graphic **** ups or anything like that...so please, stop slating the game and calling it out for what it's not! Personally I will defend it as I'm enjoying it and it feels like a proper ME game, one which I'm enjoying immensely.

I will however point out that there are 3 things I've noticed:

1. Movement animation can be a little off
2. Some voices don't match that of the character, but that won't stop me playing
3. Some dialogues/facial movements are not aligned

However, in the long run, that's nothing. A game of this scale with this detail is bound to have a few niggles. Remember BF4?? That was a POS on release but this certainly isn't and is far from that. So, make your own mind up by playing and not relying on "reports" from others.
I do think the graphical 'controversy' has been overblown. Regardless, though we shouldn't ignore it, it's getting boring now and is completely drowning out any actual criticism people have toward the game and it's content.
Man why the hell are vendors just a long list of items with no way of sorting through sub menus of weapons/elements(resources) etc :( And people thought the Witcher 3 crafting screen was bad. Mass Effect is a whole new level.

You can check via category the icons at the top of the windows goes between all the parts, same system as when you set your loadout. It is one of the worst parts of this game that the UI is way too console focused.
You can check via category the icons at the top of the windows goes between all the parts, same system as when you set your loadout. It is one of the worst parts of this game that the UI is way too console focused.

Yup it is very console focused; it's the reason I hate the profile/favourites sections so much. What does work for me is remembering that Q/E scrolls main pages (weapons/armour/powers etc) and A/D scroll subpages (weapons -> AR/Pistol/Shotgun...).

WRT facials, again... I've found the humans to be the worst, yet some of the Asari seem to have different 'level' of animation. Lexi, I think it is, looks very fluid and natural. PeeBee is good but not as a good. Perhaps I'm getting used to it, but I feel that the animations are the worst at the start of the game. The same happened in ME3.
You can check via category the icons at the top of the windows goes between all the parts, same system as when you set your loadout. It is one of the worst parts of this game that the UI is way too console focused.

Any chance of a screenshot of the section from a vendors list of items they are selling?
Any chance of a screenshot of the section from a vendors list of items they are selling?
If no one replies by 16:30 today, I'll get one tonight. I have it installed here at work but I don't think my saves are anywhere near a vendor. Some vendors sell only armour, some only weapons, but they will be name respectively. You can't miss it though. Right at the top, you have a pistol symbol, a chest piece symbol, a NOMAD, a gem etc. They all represent categories of items to buy/sell and can be clicked on or cycled through with Q/E. If the vendor has no weapons to sell (likewise if you have non to sell) the sub category is greyed out.
If no one replies by 16:30 today, I'll get one tonight. I have it installed here at work but I don't think my saves are anywhere near a vendor. Some vendors sell only armour, some only weapons, but they will be name respectively. You can't miss it though. Right at the top, you have a pistol symbol, a chest piece symbol, a NOMAD, a gem etc. They all represent categories of items to buy/sell and can be clicked on or cycled through with Q/E. If the vendor has no weapons to sell (likewise if you have non to sell) the sub category is greyed out.

Alright, i'm using a X-Box controller on the PC and could have swore there was no options for the LB/RB to switch categories but will check again today.
reading some of OCUK threads become more funnier than reading reddit :D
never thought i say this,but its true
so many salty people when they didnt even tried game and made they opinions from so called "YT'bers" and other "respectable sources"...
there is NO game which was released this year without issues,and while Andro could have been better,i already sink 60+h and barely scratched surface
but then again,im not "critic" and just enjoying game :p
Any chance of a screenshot of the section from a vendors list of items they are selling?

Okay, I am a full idiot as I do not know how to do in game screenies, but here is a pic of my monitor. Can see with Vendor's they break the item down into Armor, weapons, materials etc. You start off on the all category which mixes everything in together.

Pic of Armor filter on vendor.

They getting worst as the series goes on, and to be honest if they let ME:A launch with so many bugs it looks to me that they don't really care and that is EA, I am on about.
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