After playing it for nearly 100 hours I think its a good Mass Effect Game. They have fixed the faces, issues enough for it to be enjoyable and on par with the others. The graphics are a big leap forward which adds to the immersion. As for the story, I think it STILL has potential and leaves the scope open.

Have the sales really been that bad? I am not so sure! I think the fanbase is huge enough for them to make another sequel. What is more likely is them to go back to their roots and do a Mass Effect that continues from ME:3. I am sure that would bring a lot of people back if they haven't gone for ME:A
I've decided to persevere since I have nothing else to play and everyone keeps saying how it gets better.

After this patch, my main characters face isn't as detailed, and his eyes are all over the place during cutscenes!
This rates as the most disappointing game of the year, imo. Not that it's utterly terrible, it's just not anywhere near what it should / could have been.

It just does not live up to Mass Effect the original.
How I feel after playing it for about 60 hrs: It's a fantastic game. It's just a poor Mass Effect.

Feels dumbed down and they only seem to care about multiplayer and selling loot crates.
I haven't picked this up yet but likely will at some point but will EA take the blame for their poor investment and outsourcing of most of the game, the terrible animations and poor voice acting? Of course not.
With them now putting the series on hold it doesn't help the franchise's appeal short term, I dontk now how this ends but it was supposed to be a trilogy so it needs an ending at least that can be left with no further games necessary
Anyone done the side quest 'modern medicine' on Kadara?

"Sums up the game and Bioware in general for me. Starts off with potential to be interesting and greatly disappoints. You get two options in how to deal with the formula, both of which just end the quest with no consequences, and the main character says some cringeworthy lines that you can't even control(happens far too often!) . There were many more interesting ways to conclude the quest, but we don't even get a proper cutscene any more.

It is not worth the travel time.
I have a question about The Kett. Maybe I'm just being stupid, but I don't get something -

I've just found the asari ark, which has supposedly been lost and not in contact at all... When I first encounter them they shout at me "die you kett bastsrds". How do they know you call them Kett. It is a name made up by the Initiative... They don't call themselves kett do they?
I almost feel like they are taking the **** with some of this content. I just did a side quest to scan some people, then I spoke to the quest fiver who told me to scan exactly the same people again, then she came on the comms and literally said "well that was a waste of time"!

Quest over. No follow up. No cutscene. No consequences. Nothing.
Any one else find the kett chars yet design utter ****? I think I've only seen grunts thus far but there terrible

Kett armor looks w4nk tbh, except for their melee weapon which looks quite nice (the sword one). I think the hyperguardian set is the best looking
I almost feel like they are taking the **** with some of this content. I just did a side quest to scan some people, then I spoke to the quest fiver who told me to scan exactly the same people again, then she came on the comms and literally said "well that was a waste of time"!

Quest over. No follow up. No cutscene. No consequences. Nothing.
This is sadly a lot of quests in MEA

Go to X, scan some Y, get Z exp. They push the scanning mechanic too much sometimes..
This is sadly a lot of quests in MEA

Go to X, scan some Y, get Z exp. They push the scanning mechanic too much sometimes..

I quite like the scanning, and whilst it is overused, the biggest problem is that it is often the only thing involved in a quest. Go here scan this etc with no conversation, other gameplay, or consequences.

I just got to the krogan fist fight. :D hilariously bad!

Overall, there is plenty to like about this game, but it has major issues.

At this point if you asked me would I be interested in a sequel I would definitely say yes(but hope they learn to trim q way some of the crap) . I would also probably play dlc, but I would have to see it first as I think Bioware dlc in general is very poor.
I don't know what exactly the last patch did, it just said improved cutscene animations or something, but the eyes in my game are much worse since during cutscenes. Everyone looks ridiculous!
The game is currently bugged and will hardlock if you approach the top left of the Kedara map. The 'SOS' quest is broken currently.

Avoid that area and you should be fine. It'll be fixed soon apparently.
Finished the game last night. Thoughts-


  • Graphics are excellent throughout and performance on a not very new pc was excellent for me
  • I like that everything ties in with the overall goal of settling Andromeda
  • You do get a sense of achievement when setting up outposts.
  • Even though there is a hell of a lot of poor fetch quests that are badly done, there is also plenty of really good, classic ME content too, you just have to wade through a lot of crap to get to it!
  • Some really cool varied locations. Not especially the planets themselves, but locations within the planets and one-off locations like asteroids, facilities etc. all well designed and fun to explore.
  • Lots of really good little dialogue that builds the lore. There really is tons and tons of throwaway dialogue throughout the game that all adds to the world-building and works well towards building the series for the future.
  • Loyalty missions are all very good.
  • It is a really good set-up for a future series. There are lots of intriguing plot-points set up for future instalments, if there are any!
  • I thought the ending was very good, leaving things open-ended and letting you play after the main story ends without losing any side quests for no reason(which is what DA:I did)
  • Combat is pretty good, if a bit fast paced for me
  • Deep crafting system...but not that much variety in what you can craft tbh.
  • Some nice hubs
  • You get to choose between male and female characters who are twins, and there is good use of the one you don't choose, which I liked
  • The Nomad is fun to drive around in.
  • I'm not a multiplayer guy, but I have to give it a positive because it looks good if you like that sort of thing, and it is quite well implemented in to the main game too.

  • Animations really are very poor. The latest patch was meant to fix things, but it looks worse to me. The eyes are the biggest thing. Everyone looks ridiculous. Also, a lot of the smaller characters look poor and move poorly.
  • Poor dialogue throughout. Just not up to standard. Lots of the individual lines said by characters just aren't very good.
  • Can't play as your own character. The main character is ok,but will have entire conversations with people without any input from you...can we now lay to rest the idea that Bioware make RPGs?!
  • Lack of interesting side characters. You get maybe two interesting squadmates, then the rest are entirely forgettable. Of all of the characters in teh rest of Andromeda, there are maybe one or two with any personality to them that makes me want ot see more of them. The Pathfinders were all pretty strong charaters though. IF there is a sequel. I would hope they are all involved heavily...But then Biware don't do character games any more it seems
  • The biggest problem- All of the boring quests. Sooo many boring fetch quests and 'can you scan 50 of these' BS. Lots and lots of the side quest are pointless, with no consequence or followup at all. Also, lots of them will make you travel too much which is beyond tedious. For example, you get an email form someone telling you to meet them on a planet, so you travel there(that is 3-4 loading screens). travel to the actual meeting place, only to be told in a 1 minute conversation, or worse through text that you now have to travel to another planet, then when you get there, you probably have to go to a different planet....yawn. Really badly designed.
  • Not much variety in enemies
  • Lack of progressions in outposts. You settle an outpost and then it basically stays the same throughout the game. Would have been nice to get some visual indication of them growing. At one point one of my crewmates said to go back to the first outpost to see how they were doing and I thought great, they will have improved it. No.
  • Lack of polish. Quests not updating, wrong dialogue playing(congratulating you for things you haven't done yet for example)
  • There is a general lack of imagination to the game. Two new alien races that are both boring in conception. Remnant are nothing new.
  • Personal one- The word Pathfinder is WAY overused. It is like they shoehorned it in at every opportunity
  • Lots of character's motivation make little sense really. They will often say things that just don't fit with their objective or what is going on. It is very 'gamey' in general. Things will happen because the game needs them to.
  • I'm not really sold on the whole premise of the Andromeda Initiative tbh.
  • Voice acting is patchy.
  • Clunky menu system, and the game doesn't tell you much of how things work.
Overall I mostly enjoyed my time playing the game. There were a lot of tedious bits, but also some good bits, and I think the game is a really good set-up for future instalments(that probably won't come now!).
Would I play DLC? Yes. I would look forward to it.
Would I play a sequel? Yes, but I would hope for improvements. I found it intriguing enough to be interested in the future of a series.
Would I recommend it? Yes, but beware you do have to wade through a lot of boring content

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