Originally posted by AlphaNumeric
Its one thing to break free from that "second" matrix, but they would have no resources in the Real "Real workd", certainly not the ability to destroy the machines.
Of course.. that would very much depend on what exactly the real world is
It could literally be anything.
Maybe it's all part of a neural simulation, with mankind trying to force machines to develop AI....
Okay, so that's completely far fetched and extremely unlikely, but still.
It could literally be anything
Originally posted by cyKey
One thing I think no-ones picked up on yet, is that while they're all humans, they're cybernetically enhanced ones. They must have some chips in them to be able to accept being plugged into the matrix. Maybe, Neo's just found a way to talk to those components without having to jack in. That might explain why he collapses, too much drain on him. The Architect does say that his conciousnous has been altered. This kinda goes with my theory that the machines wanted Neo to join the source because they are afraid of what he might become given time to fully understand his new powers.
Personally, I don't think they are cybernetically enhanced as such. The reason they can enter the matrix is because of that socket in the back of the head, which would be direct wired into the relevant senses section of the brain. Scientists are capable at the moment of creating some elementary form of vision using a similar technique on blind people.
To quote Morpheous from the first film:
What is real? How do you define real? If it is what you see and smell and touch, then real is merely electrical impulses sent to your brain...
The same concept is used for Geordi's VISOR in the Star Trek: TNG episodes.
All that has to occur is for things to be translated into suitable electrical impulses that the brain can understand.
The extra holes around the body were for nutrition supply / waste removal etc. etc. Hence they don't shove anything into those holes to enter the matrix, merely shove that dirty great spike (and you thought needles were bad..) into the back of their head.