Max Payne - The movie?

you know, ever since i played the original Max Payne, I always had the image in the back of my mind of a movie being made from this game. It has the perfect storyline for a movie. An average american cop with the perfect life. Wife, kid, job. His family is killed, and he basically goes on a rampage for revenge. Good to see its being put to good use :)
My brother rented that the other night and, well............ AWFUL, SIMPLY AWFUL. They even wasted talent (Robert Knepper, Dougray Scott). Almost turned it off it was so bad, eurgh. Same things probs gonna happen with Max Payne too :(.

:o i acctaully really enjoyed the movie everyone has there taste i guess , tho it was a ripoff Bourne
More to the point who'll be playing Mona Sax ?

Courtney Cox would have been a decent Mona a few year back :D but she's probably past her best now.

^^ Photo's taken from the official fansite of Alan Wake.

As for Max, even Corra's own Tricky Dicky (AKA Richard Hillman) could do a better job than Marky Mark. :D

Seriously though, I reckon Adrian Pasdar (Nathan Petrelli in Heroes) would have been a better choice than the Funky Bunch cast off.
you know, ever since i played the original Max Payne, I always had the image in the back of my mind of a movie being made from this game. It has the perfect storyline for a movie. An average american cop with the perfect life. Wife, kid, job. His family is killed, and he basically goes on a rampage for revenge. Good to see its being put to good use :)

Death Wish?
If this film is no 18+ it'll be terrible. I really hope they go for a SinCity look to the film, really stylish and grainy, like the game. I remember playing that and thinking the overuse of metaphors was pure poetry hehe

edit: Just seen the trailer..... :(
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i liked shooter but i dont think he is the guy to play max payne, but then again the way things seem to be going with films these days im sure even if they found the perfect guy they would manage to make it into some unintelligent rubbish film with endless plot holes :(
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