Max Payne - The movie?

Yep, it has the noir look, but it doesn't parody classic noir, it updates it comic book-style (kinda like the game itself does, oscillating between subtle parody of noir clichés and original straight-faced noir storytelling) - the teaser intro on the website, with the ice shattering, is particularly impressive, and I hope they can sustain this look for the whole film rather than making a 2'-wonder like most films with great trailers!:p
Just read the screenplay (fourth draft) and this does have the potential to be very good.

Well, at least it DID have potential before they revealed it'll be PG-13. The script is full of nice bloody headshots, skulls decimated by bullets, necks cracked and Payne literally covered "up to the elbows" in blood. My guess is none of that will actually make it to the screen.

For the most part, it covers the story of the first game relatively closely, with Mona thrown into the mix (she's played by Mila Kunis - hot as hell).

The winged things from the trailer are indeed Valkyrie-induced hallucinations. The V addicts see them as angels with golden wings - hoping to be "taken up" or "lifted" by them on an almost occult level.

Put it this way - as it stands this is a decent adaptation, and Wahlberg does fit the bill nicely, however it will ONLY work if it goes for the kind of excess seen in the recent "Hitman" movie. I'm talking huge bloody squibs, bone-cracking violence and total assaulting chaos during the larger gunfights. If they stick to the PG-13 plan, all it's going to be is another diluted mass-market failure, and will completely miss the target audience who actually played and loved the games.
Looks quite good, just watched the trailed which looks pretty cool!

Really enjoyed the Max Payne games a few years back. Best part of it was installing all the mods onto it. Some of the Matrix mods were incredible, never seen a mod change a game so much. Not just overwriting old things, but adding stuff to Max Payne that i would never have thought of.
Playing thru' Max Payne

This threads just motivated me to play through the Max Payne games again, and there flippin amazing!! They definately don't make them like this anymore. Very atmospheric, and the gameplay is quality. You don't even notice how the graphics are slightly dated either. Good story and excellent soundtrack too.

Do any Max Payne mod fans have any websites that still have the Matrix mods on there, im sure i used to have a really good one for Mp2, but i cant find many sites. Im sure there was a few dedicated sites to max payne, but im sure being an older game they might not be around anymore.
Way to completely miss the point, as usual, Hollywood. The games were a tongue-in-cheek homage to noir, they weren't supposed to be taken completely seriously (the main character is called 'Max Payne' ferchrissake!!). The characters are mainly stereotypes but in a 'knowing' way, the narration is an imitation of 50s film noir, as is the art style.

So now we have a completely po-faced Marky Mark running around trying to be all 'serious actor' with the rest of the cast, chuck in a 'hot babe' and a rapper just to make sure the 'video game' teens are on board, with what will no doubt be a humourless and witless plot centering around a purile revenge fantasy. But oooh, bullet time, thats the Max Payne trademark, that'll be a good focus point in a movie won't it? Coz after all, it hasn't been done literally hundreds of times already in virtually every movie featuring a shootout in the last decade? What else, hmm? Maybe Marky Mark will pull that silly constipated expression from the first game?

It would make a good film? Come on. Seriously. If someone told you that they were making a totally serious action movie about a character called Max Payne who goes on a revenge rampage after his family are gunned down by the mob (yawn) which happens to be based on a pretty old video game, you would just LOL in their face, and rightly so.

This stinks of cash in, again, just like all the other game-to-movie adaptations. If it turns out to be any good, remind me of this post, and I will literally eat my hat and film it and post it on youtube.
Do any Max Payne mod fans have any websites that still have the Matrix mods on there, im sure i used to have a really good one for Mp2, but i cant find many sites. Im sure there was a few dedicated sites to max payne, but im sure being an older game they might not be around anymore.

Try filefront, theres quite a few Max Payne mods on there.
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