Way to completely miss the point, as usual, Hollywood. The games were a tongue-in-cheek homage to noir, they weren't supposed to be taken completely seriously (the main character is called 'Max Payne' ferchrissake!!). The characters are mainly stereotypes but in a 'knowing' way, the narration is an imitation of 50s film noir, as is the art style.
So now we have a completely po-faced Marky Mark running around trying to be all 'serious actor' with the rest of the cast, chuck in a 'hot babe' and a rapper just to make sure the 'video game' teens are on board, with what will no doubt be a humourless and witless plot centering around a purile revenge fantasy. But oooh, bullet time, thats the Max Payne trademark, that'll be a good focus point in a movie won't it? Coz after all, it hasn't been done literally hundreds of times already in virtually every movie featuring a shootout in the last decade? What else, hmm? Maybe Marky Mark will pull that silly constipated expression from the first game?
It would make a good film? Come on. Seriously. If someone told you that they were making a totally serious action movie about a character called Max Payne who goes on a revenge rampage after his family are gunned down by the mob (yawn) which happens to be based on a pretty old video game, you would just LOL in their face, and rightly so.
This stinks of cash in, again, just like all the other game-to-movie adaptations. If it turns out to be any good, remind me of this post, and I will literally eat my hat and film it and post it on youtube.