Max's Training Log - 1 Year On

True, lots of factors can come into play. That's why I think doing it in fortnightly increments will help get a better picture.
Mate, just going through this and you're doing so well. Your transformation is truly inspiring!

I have so much to learn on diet and weights, it's all just letters to me at the moment. Hopefully I can get my head around it all and if I see a % of your progress I'd be happy!

Keep pushing!
Weigh day on Monday but a little update on my training at the moment, maybe FF can advise/comment on this...

Monday for example = Chest and Triceps (don't have some of the numbers to hand)

Flat DB Bench - 10 sets, 10 reps 20kg dumbells 90 seconds rest
Incline BB Bench - 3 sets, 8 reps 60kg 120 seconds rest
Cable Crossover - 4 sets, 12 reps 60 seconds rest

Dips - 5 sets, 10 reps BW 90 second rest
Skullcrushers - 3 sets, 8 reps 120 seconds rest
Rope pull downs - 4 sets, 12 reps 60 seconds rest

Seems to be doing the trick at the moment but not strictly AVGT I don't think?
Bulk Week 3

Last week's weight: 87.1kg/13 stone 10 lbs.

Current weight: 87.1kg/13 stone 10 lbs.

No change

Nice to see some maintenance for once.

Keeping it the same for this week as I will be out of action for a couple of weeks in June, will re-introduce the bulk once I'm back lifting.
Right I think I want to try this IF malarkey now that my carb tolerances are normal enough now.

Combining this with 5x5 I think as I fancy trying that again too....

Any IF gurus fancy giving me some pointers?

My calories are as follows: (based on my trial and error so there is probably a bit more fine tuning to be done here)

2100 to lose
2500 to maintain
2800 to gain

Using the IF calculator its recommending, using -20/+20:

Rest Days:

2172 - 215g protein/78g carbs/110g fats

Training Days:

2793 - 215g protein/210g carbs/120g fats

How does this look (could be complete waffle but I'm still getting my head round it).

I've set my fats quite high on both days, is this allowed?

I would be training at 6pm, so breaking fast at 12 and probably having 2 small meals and one big carby meal post work out.

Rest days break fast at 12 again with a big lunch, then taper off?

Bear with me...

No training for me for more like 4 weeks so I've got some time to think about this and get something solid sorted for when I return.

I will be keeping low carb on this off period of that matters.
I.F Calc defaults at a recomp value - the -20/+20... most people think this is useful for noobs who are starting out, but less so if you've got a definite plan as far as cutting or bulking go, e.g. -10/+30 or -30/+10 etc (you can set the %'s your self or just use the presets on one of the drop down menus on the left) - I'd lean more one way or the other, especially if per week you'd be having more rest than workout days (e.g. 3 day split = 3 days at +20 and 4 days at -20, so your weekly net is a deficit).

Most of the people I see doing well with I.F. tend to cycle longer bulks with short, but solid cuts (since fat loss is much quicker than lean mass gains) rather than trying to do both at once.
Well here's how I'm looking at the moment @ 88kg (ghey filter to highlight areas)

I currently like my protein/carb/fat split but I think introducing some sort of fasting (particularly with 6pm training) could benefit me.

If I'm totally honest I'm still yo-yo-ing the thought of whether I need to cut or bulk, as you can see I still have a big slump by my love handles.

Reading more into Leangains there is quite a bit of emphasis on big carb days and meals which with the types of food I eat (think Paleo-esque) I would be eating a crap load of sweet potato etc some evenings!

Would I be able to apply my current macro-nutrient split into say a 16-8 and adjust my calories to suit whilst following higher carb post work out meals on training days. This will still be no more than say 100g for a dinner.

Typical work out day could be:

12pm - 1st Meal (500 calories)

4pm - 2nd Meal (500 calories)

6pm - Train

7pm - 3rd Meal (1000 calories)

With focus on being 25%/25%/50% on protein carbs and fats too.

Rest day:

12pm - 1st Meal (1000 calories)

4pm - 2nd Meal (500 calories)

7pm - 3rd Meal (500 calories)

Reverse of training day basically.

Sorry for the big post and likely drivel that it contains :p
I train at 5, break my fast at 12 with one preWO meal 15% (zero carbs), then stick in the best part of 85% of my calories, I like to gorge :D

Off days is more of a 70%/30% split again. My off days at the moment are zero carb as I'm cutting (carb cycling) however if I wasn't I would get some carbs in with the first meal both days.

You can alway smove the fast if you wanted and didn't mind eating later in the evening and larger amounts.

Generally speaking fats should be lowest on training days and higher on off days, with carbs the reverse of this, protein stays the same as you detailed.

I'm sort of mashing everything together having recently used CBL but IF up until this point so my views on carbs and timing intake have changed somewhat.
Ok, this makes sense and I think I can apply this.

I also like to gorge a bit but obviously can't smash through say 200g of carbs in one sitting, hence the 2 pre-workout meals.

I love my fats but lowering them a bit on training days shouldn't be an issue.

Definitely going to give this a bash :)

Again, thoughts on cutting/bulking at my current state?

In my bigger post I don't mean 25/25/50 in terms of protein/carbs/fats btw, I meant starting off low and building them up on training days and visa-versa for rest days. Will work out a suitable split of nutrients soon.
I presumed you meant your % of daily food intake.

You should see some recomposition, I know I did, training fasted for either CV and/or resistance will emphasise this in my experience.

It'll take you a few days to adjust but after that it's plain sailing, just keep busy until you do. I haven't followed your log so don't know your eating pattern atm. People that struggle to adjust generally just need to man the F up and realise they can still function with a different eating pattern & nutrient timing. 20+ years of eating 3 meals a day and or lots of small regular meals will take a few days to get over!

Onwards and upwards since I started IF.

I have a journal IF & HST knocking about detailing my experiences as I was one of the initial guinuea pigs for it here :)
I've done fasted cardio a few times and didn't mind it, but for this I will be training at 6pm.

Today I first ate at 12 and had no issues up until that point so I should be fine.

Just had my second meal now, off to the gym at 6 then a big meal tonight :D
Well, I was diagnosed when I started losing the weight and was on medication.

Now I just control it by diet and exercise so it is purely weight related.

I think if I were to induce some big carb meals frequently I would suffer hence me avoiding some of the meals you tend to see on Leangains...
Well I've played around with IF for the last 2 weeks and in the mornings I feel truly awful, blood sugars go too low for my liking and just generally feel crap.

What's worked best for me which is now what I will stick to is low carb/high fat/high protein breakfast and lunch -> train at 4pm -> nice pwo shake with fruit and a dinner of about 50-75g carbs. Keeping fats over 100g and protein over 250g.

Training wise I'm going to give the PHAT routine a go as that works well with my timetable at the moment :)

Weight update etc Monday.
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