Max's Training Log - 1 Year On

Your pre prandial levels are good - what fasting period is that for (ideally it should be 8hrs)?

What are your post prandial levels like (typically 2hrs after eating) or have you not done those yet? Though really you should be eating a high glycemic food to make it fair.
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Yep first thing in the morning before eating.

2 hours after eating something like a chicken salad are around 5mmol/L.

After a chicken kebab in a white pitta bread with a few chips it (purely for scientific testing:p) was 6.5mmol/L 2 hours after.
What are the thoughts on eating certain foods pre or post work out?

Does it really matter when I get my protein in during the day by the means of whole foods or shakes?

As a snack I have 2 oat cakes with some peanut butter, will it make a difference if I eat this before or after work out or not?

Usually I train at 2pm and have a shake and snack when I get back before dinner, but I've been training at 6pm recently so when I get back its time for dinner. I don't want to snack for the sake of it just before dinner but I am trying to hit my calorie target.

Hope that makes some sort of sense.
Some motivation for me here to look back on, yes I'm doing curls but I don't care :p


This months treat meal earlier on tonight after training:

Quick update, early January I was 13st 13lbs, this morning I weighed in at 14st 1lb.

Regardless of how strict I've been *Ignore the above picture!!!* is it silly to assume that I've gained that in lean mass in under 2 months? Obligatory pictures on the 1st March.
Chaps, I am averaging about 120g of fat a day, coming from eggs and nuts mainly.

Is this too much? That's on 2500 calories a day. The rest come from 225g protein and 100g carbs, I guess I need to keep upping my carbs as its a bit fat and protein heavy?

Reverted back to a sort of 5x5 regime this month with a few added things in, see how it goes.

Got my HBA1C test booked in soon so fingers crossed the hard work has paid off.
Things are going well at the moment.

Just come back from my first circuit training/cardio class thing my gym has started doing.

30 mins and I am RUINED! Will be doing this twice a week for a bit instead of my normal cardio to keep things fresh :D
That circuit training has just about left my system :o Not felt that destroyed in a long time.

Same again this week though!

Other than that I'm gaining some strength which is good but look no different which sucks.

Odd as it may sound I think 2500 cals might be a bit much for me, so I'm going to trim it down a bit in April and see how it goes.
Squats again today, no video as I was by myself as usual :p

Managed 105kg 5x5, last rep was a bit wobbly though and without a squat rack I did panic slightly! Really wish my gym had a rack :(

Pictures for reference coming on Monday, not looking much different but I'm really pleased with my strength gains this month so I can't complain too much.
Ugh, not even bothering uploading the pictures this month :(

Back down to 13st 13lbs/88.45kg and I still have a ton of fat which I was trying to pretend was to do with loose skin.

I really need to blitz a stone off so I am going to keep my training the same but go back down to 1800 calories for 6 weeks.
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