May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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i meant in athiest terms whats the point of living if your miserable and suffering

I'm gonna quote Angel here (the vampire) as it sums it up pretty well for me:

Well ... I guess I kind of worked it out. If there's no great glorious end to all this, if ... nothing we do matters ... then all that matters is what we do. 'Cause that's all there is. What we do. Now. Today.
(in athiest terms)

whats the point once your dead your dead.

Well, thats just life. Unfortunately, thats just how life works.

Everyone lives, and then dies.

Life is the interval between birth and death. The best way to deal with it is to enjoy it.
In religious terms what's the point of living?

Surely you'd be happier if you'd died at birth?

100% chance of getting into heaven, and you wouldn't have to live here for 70 odd years.

1. We go thorugh the pains and siffering of live in order to please God and attain heaven. In islam we believe life is a test

2. The is different grades and heaven. Those with more good deeds will attian more reward in the atfer life.

So if you lived for 70 years and you stayed away from adulty,drugs,alcohol,

and helped the poor,elderly,sick and did good things for your community etc...then you have a better chance of gaining more
So if you lived for 70 years and you stayed away from adulty,drugs,alcohol,

Well, I've only lived 26 years and already done those things, yay for me.

Also, pork is very very yummy and enjoyable. If you live for anything, then it should be to enjoy yummy bacon, Mmmmmmmm .....
I'm agnostic though so without any proof either why I'm kinda stumped.

yeah same.

Kind of what I already meant, but religious people always believe that there is no point to life without God.

As a theist,what is the point to living if you are miserable and suffering? Absolutely no more point than to being an atheist.

True although i believe more in the chemical machine kindda thing.

We act simply how we must, a river reaching a cliff will make a water fall and a man will act how the sum total of his molecules and the odd random quantum event will act.

But we're such a complicated machine with so much feed back and effect based on everything we consume (from food, to dugs, to the very make up of the air and how it varies with it's content) and the effects of our own actions on our body that we're nearly impossible to predict.
1. We go thorugh the pains and siffering of live in order to please God and attain heaven. In islam we believe life is a test

2. The is different grades and heaven. Those with more good deeds will attian more reward in the atfer life.

So if you lived for 70 years and you stayed away from adulty,drugs,alcohol,

and helped the poor,elderly,sick and did good things for your community etc...then you have a better chance of gaining more

Unless we don't believe in your god then whatever we do doesn't make any difference and we're going straight to hell?
1. We go thorugh the pains and siffering of live in order to please God and attain heaven. In islam we believe life is a test

2. The is different grades and heaven. Those with more good deeds will attian more reward in the atfer life.

So if you lived for 70 years and you stayed away from adulty,drugs,alcohol,

and helped the poor,elderly,sick and did good things for your community etc...then you have a better chance of gaining more

or if the umbilical chord got wrapped round your neck at birth you'd be having all that fun and virgins right now.
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or if the umbilical chord got wrapped round your neck at birth you'd be having all that fun and virgins right now.

:D but the same thing will happen if you live for 70 years and do good. as i said the more good you do then the more you attain in the after life
The problem with Islam where terrorists are concerned is that they aren't afraid to die along with their bomb victims simply because of their belief of an afterlife in paradise with endless virgins etc.etc.

can't recall any other terrorists organisations with this view but why do they do it when according to the quran - the religion of peace - murder & certainly not mass murder of innocents is not permitted etc so how come they still gleefully blow themselves up ?
:D but the same thing will happen if you live for 70 years and do good. as i said the more good you do then the more you attain in the after life

why 70 years?

It makes up pretty much 0% of your total life time (if you go to heaven or hell).

Seems like testing a football team based on their first 0.012 seconds of a match.

And you still havn't said what your quran says in 4.24 and how you interpret it yet.

these verse does seem trouble some.

So far we've had one

"I refuse to tell you my interpretations"


"that's a made up hadith" when it isn't

And one

"if i ignore it long enough i might not have to read it"

Also how about spawn?

He's an adulterer but a believer will he go to hell?
oh bhavv! :D:D:D:D:D i thought you meant the charity and helping the poor etc..

Oh, well, I've done that as well. Is there such a thing as Karma, where good points balance out the bad?

suicide is wrong in islam. for get the media and the extremeists for two minutes.

Only according to your interperation, not that of the people who advocate and carry out such beliefs as part of their religion.
why 70 years?

It makes up pretty much 0% of your total life time (if you go to heaven or hell).

Seems like testing a football team based on their first 0.012 seconds of a match.

And you still havn't said what your quran says in 4.24 and how you interpret it yet.

these verse does seem trouble some.

So far we've had one

"I refuse to tell you my interpretations"


"that's a made up hadith" when it isn't

And one

"if i ignore it long enoguh i might not have to read it"

i cant interpret it, if i want ill get a scholers explanation for you. as i said i havent been to an islamic university or school so my interpretation could be very wrong
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