May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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you cant just take one verse and come to a conclusion. there will be other verses related to this. also we have scholers to go to to get the quran explained becuase we havnt been to islamic universities or anything similar.

Thats why you have so many different explanations for the bible becuse every joey is just making up a conclusion to suit his own needs.

The proper way to get the quran explained is to go to a scholer becuase they put their whole life behind the quran to explain it and reasearch it etc their islamic knowladge is vast

Who said we thought the bible was any good?

Its just as fictional as your quran.
you cant just take one verse and come to a conclusion. there will be other verses related to this. also we have scholers to go to to get the quran explained becuase we havnt been to islamic universities or anything similar.

Thats why you have so many different explanations for the bible becuse every joey is just making up a conclusion to suit his own needs.

The proper way to get the quran explained is to go to a scholer becuase they put their whole life behind the quran to explain it and reasearch it etc their islamic knowladge is vast

But surely your just taking their word as being gospel (for want of a better word). These scholars are men so are fallible, how do you know their interpretations are correct?
read to quran, and i dont mean google it. read it with an open mind and that will be your proof for god

you are still basing your beliefs on a book written in the dark ages just like the tales of Arabian nights.
Telling us to read the Qoran & thus we will see proof of god ?

If I read Harry potter will it be proof of wizards & magic ?
Have you got a link where I can get them from please?

Don't have the links for the pdfs, i got them from a mate in uni. (i still have his study bible i forgot to give back :o)

there's a good quran on-line though

lets you flick between the multiple translations (both engish and forigen) and gives the original side by side.
chrisitans, jews and muslims believe the the books were bought down from the heavens.

Also our prophet couldnt not write and this is a sign to mankind the cant have written the quran. The verses were revealed to him by allah



EL OH EL!!!!!

chrisitans, jews and muslims believe the the books were bought down from the heavens.

Also our prophet couldnt not write and this is a sign to mankind the cant have written the quran. The verses were revealed to him by allah

As i said before.. high on drugs(or just his own delusions/insanity etc), spouting stuff to the nearby scribes.

Unless you want to claim he couldn't speak either? :)
chrisitans, jews and muslims believe the the books were bought down from the heavens.

Also our prophet couldnt not write and this is a sign to mankind the cant have written the quran. The verses were revealed to him by allah

nah Christians believe the new testament was written by men mate.
to make things better for yourself or others?

Kind of what I already meant, but religious people always believe that there is no point to life without God.

As a theist,what is the point to living if you are miserable and suffering? Absolutely no more point than to being an atheist.
i wish cobs wasn't banned :(

would be hilarious to get him in here.

He was one fo the die hard KJV Christians that pop up in SC every so often :p

I lurked a lot when they were posting - they were great :D

And steivo i bet you get the same answer from shakeel as they always gave.

Thing is though I am genuinely interested and would love to get some decent answers.

I sometimes wish that I had the same sort of faith as some of these guys - would make life a bit less worrying sometimes.

I'm agnostic though so without any proof either why I'm kinda stumped.
nah Christians believe the new testament was written by men mate.

Luke, Matthew, David and someone else I think, again, that comment that the 'Holy books decsended from the heavens' was just legendary comic gold.

Just like all the books that I own were made / written by magical pixies using fairy dust.
You've dodged the argument perfectly, as you religious folk always do... The same way as you need to dodge "the facts" I assume too...

I've pointed our some very clear and logical issues with religions view on how we are tested during our life, and if you end up in heaven or hell due to this test, and not a single religious individual has come close to even attempting to try and rationalise these issues. Why? Because they can't... Instead we get questions instead of an answer...

I dare just one of you to explain to me the disparity in ones likelyhood to believe dependent upon where or when you were born? How is that fair? Explain to me how some individuals are not even tested and go straight to heaven (eg: a young children that dies).

The system is crooked, so how can it be fair? If it's not fair then it's cruel. Why would an all loving God design a cruel/unfair test?

Its only cruel in your eyes because your primitive human brain does not understand the full picture. How can you compare your own logic to that of the almighty creator? You cant, and thats the exact issue which bemuses all you naysayers. You like to understand everything fully, know exactly why when and how, but this is absolutely impossible in this case.

You still think of God like he is one of his creations, which He is not. Perhaps thats because the only God you have heard of is the Christian one that has children with his creations and allowed his own supposed 'son' to die for 'our sins'. Of coarse its fair to assume that God is an absolute idiot in that case and therefore your entire faith collapses.

Look at the description of God in Islam and even in Judaism and you will see that He is the absolute incomparable unimaginable ruler and creator. He does not require your approval of whether his ways are cruel or not, he does what He wishes and in his own superior wisdom. He also doesnt need you, you need him. If you dont believe in him you suffer the consequences. If you want to appeal then you appeal directly to Him - there is no one else to appeal to. He is the final judge. and you dont have an attorney, you are your only attorney. This sort of judicial system would never work for us because it is termed 'unfair' but thats only because we are human, we make mistakes. God does not make mistakes. He is always right, even when you think he is wrong.

That is the difference between those of us who believe and those who dont. When we believe in God we absolutely believe that he is the ultimate absolute greatest being in and outside the universes. Those who dont believe in him think he is like Santa clause or something sitting on a cloud trying to answer all the prayers and 'missing' out on people cos he didnt get the message in time or some other bull.

You belittle the being that you dont believe in, and therefore you will never believe in him. To me that makes no difference, to you it makes all the difference. You behave like a child that doesnt like the rules of a game so goes off in a sulk and decides not to play. He is the creator and he makes the rules, but you cant quit the 'game', so feel free to sulk some more.
chrisitans, jews and muslims believe the the books were bought down from the heavens.

Also our prophet couldnt not write and this is a sign to mankind the cant have written the quran. The verses were revealed to him by allah

Joseph Smith, couldn't read hieroglyphics either, does that mean Mormonism is the right way to go?
(in athiest terms)

whats the point once your dead your dead.

You've only got one life, make the best of it, enjoy it while you can.

Why do you need some for of reward or punishment to drive your actions?

Seems rather shallow.

In religious terms what's the point of living?

Surely you'd be happier if you'd died at birth?

100% chance of getting into heaven, and you wouldn't have to live here for 70 odd years.
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