A belief system, which you will find that Atheists also dont believe in, and Atheism itself is not.
All babies are born Atheist, that is that no one is born with the idea of God, but this is usually taught to just about everyone as they grow up.
This doesnt mean that babies believe that god does not exist, as they do not have the function to believe that either, they simply lack the idea and hence the belief in any God or religion.
That doesn't make them Atheist, that makes them Agnostic. Atheisism is a belief structure by definition,
The definition of belief:
The Macquarie Encyclopedic Dictionary definition of "belief" is:
1. that which is believed; an accepted opinion.
2. conviction of the truth or reality of a thing, based upon grounds insufficient to afford positive knowledge:
Atheists have an accepted opinion that God or Gods do not exist. They have insufficient proof to afford positive knowledge of this fact, therefore it is a belief.
Agnostics do not believe or disbelieve, they maintain that as it is unknowable one way or the other they basically reserve judgement. This is how may so called Atheists see themselves.
The problem is that many Atheists are attempting to redefine the term Atheist so they do not have to answer such difficult "belief" questions or respond to claims of anti-religious zealotry.