Burden of proof lies equally on you.
You have zero evidence yet you state with certainty there is no god.
Comeon now, that is not what it is saying.
It is saying 'I am an Atheist because I cannot believe in God based on the current lack of evidence'.
Also, saying that 'there is no god' is NOT proposing the existence of something. Non existence is not something that people need to prove, just like no one is expected to prove that leprachauns and fairies do not exist for this to be considered as a logical truth.
When someone proposes the existence of something, there needs to be PROOF that this something actually exists for it to be believable. People who dont believe in myths and tall tales do not require any kind of evidence for why something does not exist.
#1. Argumentum ad ignorantium - Fallacy that something must be true because it has not been, Or can't be, proven false.
If you can't prove that god doesn't exist, That means he must exist.