May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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You do seem to be a rather angry young man,:D maybe a faith of some description could calm you down a little.:p

Lol, where is the 'angry' in any of my posts in this thread any more than anyone else ? :p

Err I'm agnostic....

agnostics lol, people who can't make their minds up as to the existance of god but just in case there is one they 'don't really mean it' :p

you both responded to my Atheist view of religion, I am not afraid to say that I believe totally that there is no god
whereas an agnostic view is neither here nor there, if not following this thread from start to finish has not changed your view one iota then you might just as well join one side or the other & stop dithering ;)
I was in a dark and scary place once and felt true fear. I was lost in a dense Forest at night and could hear wild animals around me and for the life of me I couldnt find the end of this Forest panic ensued.

I started to Think about a religious figure and the fear I felt evaporated and I felt stronger. Eventualy I found my way out of the Forest and stopped thinking about religiouse figures.

Do the SAS teach this method ? :D

I think Religion is Hard wired into the brain on a primal level for survival reasons.

No, it just means you were a bit of a pansy.
Lol, where is the 'angry' in any of my posts in this thread any more than anyone else ? :p

They say that the first step in treatment is acceptance of having a problem to begin with, I see you have yet to take that step...:p

agnostics lol, people who can't make their minds up as to the existance of god but just in case there is one they 'don't really mean it' :p

you both responded to my Atheist view of religion, I am not afraid to say that I believe totally that there is no god
whereas an agnostic view is neither here nor there, if not following this thread from start to finish has not changed your view one iota then you might just as well join one side or the other & stop dithering ;)


Being agnostic doesn't mean I can't make my mind up. It just means I'm skeptical of either position. It doesn't meant that I do not adhere to a personal spirituality either.

The smart, tolerant people reserve judgement rather than jumping to ill-conceived conclusions based on little more than their personal opinion.
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agnostics lol, people who can't make their minds up as to the existance of god but just in case there is one they 'don't really mean it' :p

you both responded to my Atheist view of religion, I am not afraid to say that I believe totally that there is no god
whereas an agnostic view is neither here nor there, if not following this thread from start to finish has not changed your view one iota then you might just as well join one side or the other & stop dithering ;)

There's no evidence so it would be foolish to make a judgement.
They say that the first step in treatment is acceptance of having a problem to begin with, I see you have yet to take that step...:p

The smart, tolerant people reserve judgement rather than jumping to ill-conceived conclusions based on little more than their personal opinion.

calm down, you are getting rather angry aren't you ? :p:p

smart people can see that religion is a backward step in the advancement of mankind.

Another question to ponder:
Is there is life elsewhere in the universe ? absolutely because the odds are so in favour amongst the countless millions of planets. Do I believe god put all those countless galaxies into existance, err I don't think so -do you??
calm down, you are getting rather angry aren't you ? :p:p

smart people can see that religion is a backward step in the advancement of mankind.

Another question to ponder:
Is there is life elsewhere in the universe ? absolutely because the odds are so in favour amongst the countless millions of planets. Do I believe god put all those countless galaxies into existance, err I don't think so -do you??

I'm not angry, rather the contrary, saddened if the truth be known. Psychological self-projection is another symptom I'm told. :p

Smart people understand that at one time in humanities past, organised Religion bought order, moral terpitude and rule of law where there was simply anarchy before, so to say it was a backward step is highly disputable. As mankind has grown its belief structures have grown also, they have become far more complex and far-ranging.

Many Christians for example, do not believe in a literal God (the one with the beard), but that God is an abstract idea, created to bring meaning to a spiritual awareness within them they cannot explain.

Buddism and Confucianism are religions which do not have a God, yet Atheists denounce them also.

I would suspect there is life in the Universe other than our own, the simple fact of the earths biodiversity and the immensity of the universe is a good indication of it.

Do I believe God created it, I have no idea. I have no understanding of the nature of God other than the opinion of others. So again I reserve judgement on making any specific claims one way or the other.
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Smart people understand that at one time in humanities past, organised Religion bought order, moral terpitude and rule of law where there was simply anarchy before, so to say it was a backward step is highly disputable.

I don't agree with your reasoning there, it might be highly disputable to you yes - organised religion was always based on fear, fear of death , if your religious views differed from what was generally accepted then you were a heretic, the punishment for heresy was death by being burned alive. :eek:

Religion was invented by man to control man,ordinary man wrote the sacred books, Jesus & Mohammed were ordinary men perceived as something they were not by the simple peasants who followed them. Bit like fans of David Blaine really :p

Many Christians for example, do not believe in a literal God (the one with the beard), but that God is an abstract idea, created to bring meaning to a spiritual awareness within them they cannot explain. end quote:

many Christians believed that Jesus & Mary were white people as depicted in paintings & statues because they couldn't accept that they would have been dark skinned.

so you say your saddened by my reasoning then,lol
I don't agree with your reasoning there, it might be highly disputable to you yes - organised religion was always based on fear, fear of death , if your religious views differed from what was generally accepted then you were a heretic, the punishment for heresy was death by being burned alive. :eek:

Religion was invented by man to control man,ordinary man wrote the sacred books, Jesus & Mohammed were ordinary men perceived as something they were not by the simple peasants who followed them. Bit like fans of David Blaine really :p

Many Christians for example, do not believe in a literal God (the one with the beard), but that God is an abstract idea, created to bring meaning to a spiritual awareness within them they cannot explain. end quote:

many Christians believed that Jesus & Mary were white people as depicted in paintings & statues because they couldn't accept that they would have been dark skinned.

so you say your saddened by my reasoning then,lol

No, saddened by your lack of reasoning maybe. You attempt to denounce all religious belief based on what 12th and 13th Century Painters and Scribes depicted. That's not reasoning, that's Desperation.

As for Christ's actually ethnicity, if he was indeed a pure Gallilean Jew, he would resemble any Middle-Eastern man, but as many were intermarried with Romans, Greeks, Spanish and Gaulish (modern France) it is quite possible that he was indeed White or at the very least Caucasian. The majority of the Roman legionaries and settlers in their provinces of Judea and Galilee were from Northern Europe and the genealogy of the region had been a melting pot for centuries.

Of course, many cultures have depicted Christ as Arab, African, Persian or Indian depending upon the ethnic background of the artist or scribe.

So your reasoning is unreasonable.

As for blaming religion for all the ills of mankind, Man doesn't need religion to kill and maim each other, he just needs it for justification. If it didn't exist, we would justify it some other way. Just look at Stalin, Mao tse Tung, and so on.
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Why is everyone always so focused on the Abrahamic religions?

They're relatively new compared to most.

Because most haven't got the faintest idea what they are yapping on about.

Atheists believe something different from them so they must cleanse the world of all God figures and references....remind you of anything?
Because most haven't got the faintest idea what they are yapping on about.

Atheists believe something different from them so they must cleanse the world of all God figures and references....remind you of anything?

Definitely seem the case with izzy, slug, tip top and bhavv in here...i mean their incessant need to tell OCUK that islam is evil etc etc.

I mean im muslim but ill be damned if i go around trying to ram my beliefs down someones and let live is my motto.

Its the one thing i really despise about Atheists with their holier than thou attitude...thinking that everything and anything can be explained via a scientific method not to mention they think they are better people because they dont believe in God:confused:...i wont say all atheists as i have a few friends who are atheists but they dont have a problem with my beliefs and neither do i have problems with their beliefs. Just the ones in here seem to have that snobbish attitude towards religious people.
i mean their incessant need to tell OCUK that islam is evil etc etc.

But it is evil, and there is *PLENTY* more evidence supporting that Islam is evil than there is supporting that God could in any way be real.

One example:

Muslim councilor gets death threats over 'western' appearance


Shiria Khatun says she has adapted the way she dresses after receiving death threats, but will continue to work at Tower Hamlets council

Shiria Khatun, a Labour councillor in Tower Hamlets, said she was called on her work mobile three weeks ago by a man speaking in Sylheti, a dialect of Bengali.

“He threatened to exhume my parents' bodies and put me in there so I just put the phone down,” she said.

Ms Khatun, 38, called in police after the man rang a week later and threatened her four children. Detectives gave her an alarm and increased patrols around the route her children take to school.

The councillor says the harassment began 18 months ago and has included late night obscene phone calls from a number of men and cars following her in the street.

“No ward resident ever complained about how I dressed, but I heard from my female colleagues and friends that some people were criticising me for wearing jeans and skirts,” she said.

She now wears loose Asian clothes to social and ward functions and has swapped her contact lenses for thick glasses. She still wears western clothes to her job in an employment charity and to council meetings in the evenings.

Ms Khatun said the threats made her re-consider her political career, but added: “After getting a lot of support from my friends I have decided to stay on.”

The Met police said it was investigating “an allegation of harassment via telecommunication, made on 26 February”.

Yay, Islam is not evil, funniest thing I've heard since 'Islam is Peaceful'.
Another question to ponder:
Is there is life elsewhere in the universe ? absolutely because the odds are so in favour amongst the countless millions of planets. Do I believe god put all those countless galaxies into existance, err I don't think so -do you??

This is God again, doing the best hiding act of all time. Creating a Universe that perfectly hides him. ie: As yet, we really don't see any aspect of nature that requires there to be a God...

This raises two questions:-
1) Why would he go to such lengths for such a silly little game.
2) More importantly... Today, in modern times, we know nature can be explained without a God. But X hundred years ago, nature was still astonishing and it seemed to show a God existed. Had we been born in those time, surely it would have been more likey we'd believe in God. So once again, a roll of the dice (when you're born), affects your chances of Hell or Heaven! Nice!
it sucked so much what they did to that south park episode, they even cut his important speech at the end which made no reference to the mohammad name.
No, saddened by your lack of reasoning maybe. You attempt to denounce all religious belief based on what 12th and 13th Century Painters and Scribes depicted. That's not reasoning, that's Desperation.

Lack of reasoning, lol that's rich from someone who claims to be agnostic & seemingly spends all his time studying religion :p:p

lets see whats reasonable here shall we as presumably you can't make up your mind what to believe.

The bible for e.g is so full of holes that I can't comprehend intelligent people believing it word for word.

lets take the ridiculous 7 days of creation myth, modern interpretation conveniently says that a day could mean more than 24 hours as we know it, Hmm, I suspect 500,000 million year days would be easier to accept as we know that the Earth is around 4.5 billion years old.

Tell me that your not sure whether the bible or science is correct & you lose all credibilty as a thinking man .

the ludicrous Noah & his ark myth.

The entire Earth was covered in water, did that mean the Polar icecaps melted ? were the scribes in the desert who wrote that story even aware that such things as icecaps even existed?
In which case where did Noah get Penguins & Polar bears from ? bible scholars answer - God used supernatural means, :p:p:p what a convenient answer to fill in a massive hole :o

tell me you even consider whether that may or may not be true & you lose all credibility as a thinking man :o

Even with modern technology would it be possible to build a boat big enough to get a pair of every animal, bird, insect -including Locusts, Tsetse flies, Mosquitoes, etc ( I wonder why they included those ) plus enough fodder & meat ( I wonder what they used for meat ? )

Plus of coure you would need examples of every plant that couldn't survive under water for 40 days & that would probably mean hundreds of thousands of species & sub species.

Could this boat have ever been built ?

tell me you even consider whether that may or may not be true & you lose all credibility as a thinking man :o

Adam & Eve;

Eve grew from adams rib while he was asleep, Adam lived for 930 years :o
who did their children grow up & copulate with ? it had to be with each other so was it incest ?

Where did Black & Mongoloid people come from? were they
brothers & sisters of Adam & Eves children also ?

These & hundreds of other Biblical stories/myths bear no resemblance to intelligent thinking & yet million of people including my own sister (who is a Christadelphian) avidly believes every word & refuses to believe the scientific age of the Earth & won't even talk about Dinosaurs.

So don't even dare question my reasoning on any of the above without making yourself look foolish.

& Your saddened by my lack of reasoning :p:p:p:p give me strength
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Get out. Seriously. We'd certainly not have freedom of speech if we were living under Sharia law.

Stop attributing the good deeds of men to some God. The people in this country, and every other democracy where freedom of speech existed fought and worked for their rights.

What is the real benefits from freedom of speech and what islam offers under it's laws.I don't think you can provide a good answer as i doubt you have read and understand the hadiths and teachings of muhammed (peace be upon him).

You also have to think about where the good laws and secular laws come from to begin with,i've witnessed many debates about this with christians in england and they are all sure that the moral foundry of england has been based around the laws of christianity and jesus.
Is that really what you're taught?

Because that would mean that all the fighting between muslims and non-muslims is Allahs doing too... that he wills it to happen?

Surely that can't be what you're saying?

Yes i am,and you can't know all the reasons why Allah punishes,fights with,kills people because only Allah knows what a person has done or what is in his heart.

Allah does not work in a straight way,an obvious way,if you have ever read any story in the bible or quran you will see that something happen to someone for a reason that is not apparent to the naked eye.
Change is good as Tefal says.. but what happened to the laws being eternal?

So what is the value to the law in the first place if people change it,it means it's not worth anything.

In Islam we hold the laws of Allah as the most great things to do or not to do,not something you can just change (although christians and jews did change some of the original laws of Allah by augmenting his holy books,torah/gospel).

However i have to say that although you may not know it any moral laws you understand today are from Allah,although changed and not intact,they are ultimately from the forgiver and most merciful...
Dont know about that ie people being born gay in all honesty....saying that im not too clued up on what makes a person homosexual or not.

It's called lust first and foremost,lust for women,lust for men,lust for animal,it's not a person,its not a identity,it's not some natural's an act only and a test for sure from Allah.

If you were to say to a man who commited fornication with a women would you label him as a fornicator?Or if a man made relations with his sister or mother would you label him as a incest?No you would say the act of incest or the act of fornication is what is wrong,not label the person as the name of the act,it's just ridiculous.

Your not born a adulterer you do an act,but because of modern society they have decided to call these people from what they do.
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