May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Spotted this on the facebook group, made me pee.

I'm not offended, but I'm definately beginning to feel a little nauseous.

Cool then, I will assume you don't have any love to your family and they are worthless to you.

Cachulain, feel free to do what your like.

From a Muslim point of view, you are the loser at the end of the day.

You may ask why? Cachulain, have you ever thought about the very complicated question that everybody hate to face --- "What if"

What if I was on the wrong side of the formula ?

Seriously man, this is a wast of time, nobody will ever change atheist will always remain disrespectful to great Symbols even to their own families,

Cool then, I will assume you don't have any love to your family and they are worthless to you.

Cachulain, feel free to do what your like.

From a Muslim point of view, you are the loser at the end of the day.

You may ask why? Cachulain, have you ever thought about the very complicated question that everybody hate to face --- "What if"

What if I was on the wrong side of the formula ?

Seriously man, this is a wast of time, nobody will ever change atheist will always remain disrespectful to great Symbols even to their own families,



FYI...Its not just atheists, its anyone with any sort of understanding of the message we're trying to get across. Dont try and dictate us with your Muslim beliefs. Simples
Cool then, I will assume you don't have any love to your family and they are worthless to you.

Cachulain, feel free to do what your like.

From a Muslim point of view, you are the loser at the end of the day.

You may ask why? Cachulain, have you ever thought about the very complicated question that everybody hate to face --- "What if"

What if I was on the wrong side of the formula ?

Seriously man, this is a wast of time, nobody will ever change atheist will always remain disrespectful to great Symbols even to their own families,


said with the passion of a... fanatic?
"What if"

PLEASE ask yourself the same question. If you were born in a different country you'd worship a different god. If you were born in a different time you'd worship a different god. Why do you think YOUR god is the "god" when thousands upon thousands of others got it wrong? Fortunately for you when you die you won't regret having wasted your only life worshipping something that almost certainly doesn't exist because you'll cease to exist.

I'm a good person and not because I fear punishment from a higher power but I actually want to be a good person. If there is a god then I'm sure it would respect that more than some fool who followed his faith blindly.
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Cool then, I will assume you don't have any love to your family and they are worthless to you.

Cachulain, feel free to do what your like.

From a Muslim point of view, you are the loser at the end of the day.

You may ask why? Cachulain, have you ever thought about the very complicated question that everybody hate to face --- "What if"

What if I was on the wrong side of the formula ?

Seriously man, this is a wast of time, nobody will ever change atheist will always remain disrespectful to great Symbols even to their own families,


lol. you really do think you're superior don't you? Don't worry, you can take my place in the afterlife, and in the meantime.. i'll enjoy all this spare time I have on my hands while you get down on your hands and knee's.
Careful not to make this turn into a slanging match else the thread will get closed and those fantastic pictures of this imaginary guy called Muhammed won't be seen.
hmm, Certain people seem to be missing the point... Why the **** should we listen to rules of a religion we dont belong to!?

Shall we all start eating halal meat aswell? i mean why not, I mean I'm not muslim but muslims believe meat should be halal, We'd best eat it too right!?

No halal bacon:(.
Yes you can draw him and do whatever you like, but do it in private without offending the believers.

This is where this argument will always fall short. One set of believers is offending a different set of believers - Whilst both sets think they have more right not to be offended

Atheists/Non Muslims are offended by being told they can't do something.

Muslims are offended because people aren't doing what they tell them to.

But in response to being offended one group is drawing pictures, the other is threatening to commit murder. Hmmmmm, which is more rational/humane/sane/moral/right/legal(?)/take your pick.

It's ridiculous to say "Be offensive but don't put it some where that I can see it" Whilst the same person is shoving their own offensive views on the person/people they are speaking to. Hypocrites.
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