May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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It's banned for 2 men to hold hands in Islam, he may get beheaded for it.

Sorry, low blow :(

It's not band at all, if you go to a lot of middle eastern countries you will see loads of young guys (Think 18-30) holding hands. They are clever enough to realise that holding someone's hand doesn't make you gay :eek:
I'm never going to grow up, where's the fun in that.

FoxEye that's brilliant, I'll come to your funeral when they find you.
I'm sorry guys, I've got nothing against Muslims (I've never met any), and I really don't want to cause any offense, but I just couldn't resist making this...

I haven't drawn Mohammed (place bacon upon him), and if anyone really feels insulted by this I'll take it down.

But here, hopefully for your amusement, is an MS Paint GIF...


ha ha ha ha, excellent. On no accounts should that be removed! :D
It's not band at all, if you go to a lot of middle eastern countries you will see loads of young guys (Think 18-30) holding hands. They are clever enough to realise that holding someone's hand doesn't make you gay :eek:

& yet if a man & woman are seen holding hands they get thrown in jail for fornicating in public :rolleyes:
It's not band at all, if you go to a lot of middle eastern countries you will see loads of young guys (Think 18-30) holding hands. They are clever enough to realise that holding someone's hand doesn't make you gay :eek:

I'd say if two guys were holding hands (unless it was a manly grip of greeting a bro and was over fairly swiftly) was pretty gay :P

But then I'd have no problem with it other than my instinctual revulsion which unlike a lot of intolerant people I recognise for what it is, irrational, and do not act.

But if two of my straight (or supposedly lol) male friends were holding hands walking down the street or something, I might take the **** out of them in a homophobic fashion. So sue me.
I think balanced normal human beings of sound mind will laugh at anything, even themselves, whereas certain members of certain religions seem a bit touchier? :p

Disabled People, the Queen, Midgets, Bald people, fat chicks, the rich, the poor, the dead and dying, animals, gay people, straight people, trannies, hermaphrodites, old people, young people, middle class, lower class, ******, bankers, Jesus, Buddha, Soliders, Suicidal bombers, presidents, prime ministers and slaves - and everything in between, are all up for ridicule - and quite rightly so, such is the richness of life.

Yeah, that's a sane, balanced, civilised reaction.

Can I ask why prety much the only group you missed was racial?

In my opinion a lot of those groups are not in the situation because of something they can change, i.e. gays, midgets etc. Many people find them acceptable to poke fun at but as soon as the colour of someones skin is mentioned it is instantly wrong.

I stand by south parks view of If you cant laugh at EVERYTHING then don't make fun of anything.

you can't choose to be offended by something while mocking someone else for something they can't help.
Except we don't strap explosives under our shirts & get on London buses, don't run riot burning flags & efigies, stone people to death in Hyde park etc

Oh really. Who is 'we'? I'm assuming either Christian or Atheist. The list is too long to go through what barbaric acts 'you' have commited. 'You' want a bit more oil, so 'you' occupy a few countries and murder ~million people. That's nice.

Just for the record, just because a Muslim blows himself up etc, does not mean that Islam permits it. You seem to judge the religion by the people that try to practise it, rather than look at the religion itself. I guess it's much easier for you that way.

For the simpletons out there an example would be if a Muslim steals a car, this does not mean that stealing cars is allowed in Islam.:p
20 mins a day. 365 days a year. ~70 years lifespan.

You do realise that that equals 352 days of "belief", at 24 hours a day, in something that doesn't exist?

Regardless of whether it exists or not, it isnt nothing. It is almost a full year of your life.

It doesn't hurt me at all, right now in my office, writing this comment, and posting here, I know God does exist but I am not thinking about him in every single second, I ONLY think about him when I want too!..... Did I lose something at the end of the day ? nothing....!
its like water for example, you know that you need water when you are thirsty, but you don't think of water every single second of your life ?

20mins / 5 = 5mins every few hours,

do you think 5mins is a big deal?, we play for 1000s of hours a video game,....
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Can I ask why prety much the only group you missed was racial?

In my opinion a lot of those groups are not in the situation because of something they can change, i.e. gays, midgets etc. Many people find them acceptable to poke fun at but as soon as the colour of someones skin is mentioned it is instantly wrong.

I stand by south parks view of If you cant laugh at EVERYTHING then don't make fun of anything.

you can't choose to be offended by something while mocking someone else for something they can't help.

It wasn't intentional trust me, I just rattled that list of the top of my head. Whilst I stand by the fact that anything should be free to be ridiculed, personally, I find the intention behind racial commentary tends to be driven by ill-feeling or malice.

However, feel free to assume 'they' are included in the list - hence everything in-between being mentioned :)
Oh really. Who is 'we'? I'm assuming either Christian or Atheist. The list is too long to go through what barbaric acts 'you' have commited. 'You' want a bit more oil, so 'you' occupy a few countries and murder ~million people. That's nice.

Just for the record, just because a Muslim blows himself up etc, does not mean that Islam permits it. You seem to judge the religion by the people that try to practise it, rather than look at the religion itself. I guess it's much easier for you that way.

For the simpletons out there an example would be if a Muslim steals a car, this does not mean that stealing cars is allowed in Islam.:p

No but people preach these acts in the name of Islam every day, and in this thread alone we've seen Muslims acting violently just because of a few pictures.

This isn't entirely about extremists, it's about the fact that so many Muslims are so far up their own arses. They want to be exempt from modern society just because of a few fairytales that were told a few thousand years ago and get all butthurt when people challenge them and don't comply by their standards. The fact of the matter is your religion (And I'm not saying that any other religion is better or worse) is a cancer that need to be cut out of society for the better good.

If you want to practice your religion then by all means do it, but stop getting in the rest of the civilized world's face about it and perhaps then it can be accepted, but until Islam gets off it's high horse people will continue to challenge it.
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Oh really. Who is 'we'? I'm assuming either Christian or Atheist. The list is too long to go through what barbaric acts 'you' have commited. 'You' want a bit more oil, so 'you' occupy a few countries and murder ~million people. That's nice.

Just for the record, just because a Muslim blows himself up etc, does not mean that Islam permits it. You seem to judge the religion by the people that try to practise it, rather than look at the religion itself. I guess it's much easier for you that way.

For the simpletons out there an example would be if a Muslim steals a car, this does not mean that stealing cars is allowed in Islam.:p

'We' is anyone who isn't a muslim, What soldiers are ordered to do in the name of the crown does not compute in this discussion & we are talking about wanton acts by individuals who do it in the name of Islam regardless of whether it is permitted in the Quaran
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