May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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i can't be bothered - and i also know that it WILL offend others, so i won't. But i know if it will be made, then OCUK mods will close the thread, unlike this one.

Be my guest and see what happens. I know what will.

Laterz you nerds.

Cya mate. Thanks for the contribution.
i can't be bothered - and i also know that it WILL offend others, so i won't. But i know if it will be made, then OCUK mods will close the thread, unlike this one.

Be my guest and see what happens. I know what will.

Laterz you nerds.

Bye x
i can't be bothered - and i also know that it WILL offend others, so i won't. But i know if it will be made, then OCUK mods will close the thread, unlike this one.

Be my guest and see what happens. I know what will.

Laterz you nerds.

Hmmmm, were being called planks & nerds because we don't have the same views as him apparently
i can't be bothered - and i also know that it WILL offend others, so i won't. But i know if it will be made, then OCUK mods will close the thread, unlike this one.

Be my guest and see what happens. I know what will.

Laterz you nerds.

To be fair...It probably would get closed. but thats because it's not become a national day, nor is it a note worthy event.

Now if you want to go out and create an official "draw disabled people day" Go for it, then the thread will probably be kept.

You dozy planks - who cares what the thread is about. The thread was made to deliberatley cause offence to others! who cares if they are muslims, buddhists or whatever.

Lets make a thread about the queen and photoshop lots of dodgy images about her, or let's make a thread about disabled people and make fun of them. You don't have to visit the thread if you don't want to.

you have a lot of trouble with this topic? this thread isn't about offending anyone, it's about defending our right to have an opinion, and not to be intimidated by fanatics to keep quiet
you don't want to be "offended" then don't look

just like people who like freedom (including personal liberty, womens' rights, gay rights etc etc) don't emigrate to muslim countries
It's interesting that Jews & disabled people have comics that take the mick & they all fall on the floor laughing, I don't mean disabled falling over tho -ooh err - I feel a David Brent moment coming on
I think balanced normal human beings of sound mind will laugh at anything, even themselves, whereas certain members of certain religions seem a bit touchier? :p

Disabled People, the Queen, Midgets, Bald people, fat chicks, the rich, the poor, the dead and dying, animals, gay people, straight people, trannies, hermaphrodites, old people, young people, middle class, lower class, ******, bankers, Jesus, Buddha, Soliders, Suicidal bombers, presidents, prime ministers and slaves - and everything in between, are all up for ridicule - and quite rightly so, such is the richness of life.

At the very least we can draw pictures of them. But one guy who may or may no have existed and no one knows what he actually looked like, draw him, and certain people throw a hissy fit and go on a murderous rampage.

Yeah, that's a sane, balanced, civilised reaction.

Disclaimer: I know not all Muslims are mentalists!
It's interesting that Jews & disabled people have comics that take the mick & they all fall on the floor laughing, I don't mean disabled falling over tho -ooh err - I feel a David Brent moment coing on

They can roffle...

Oh and DailyGeek, you missed Gingers.
you have a lot of trouble with this topic? this thread isn't about offending anyone, it's about defending our right to have an opinion, and not to be intimidated by fanatics to keep quiet
you don't want to be "offended" then don't look

just like people who like freedom (including personal liberty, womens' rights, gay rights etc etc) don't emigrate to muslim countries

But by contributing to this thread by coming up with the pics etc, you are just stooping to the level if the fanatics. Your just the same as them. Your know full well that your causing offence, but you continue to do it, how is that defending your right to have an opinion? Can you not rise above the level of the fanatics? Or do you beleive every Muslim wants to kill you for drawing a pic?

People need to grow up.
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