I think balanced normal human beings of sound mind will laugh at anything, even themselves, whereas certain members of certain religions seem a bit touchier?
Disabled People, the Queen, Midgets, Bald people, fat chicks, the rich, the poor, the dead and dying, animals, gay people, straight people, trannies, hermaphrodites, old people, young people, middle class, lower class, ******, bankers, Jesus, Buddha, Soliders, Suicidal bombers, presidents, prime ministers and slaves - and everything in between, are all up for ridicule - and quite rightly so, such is the richness of life.
At the
very least we can draw pictures of them. But one guy who may or may no have existed and no one knows what he actually looked like, draw him, and certain people throw a hissy fit and go on a murderous rampage.
Yeah, that's a sane, balanced, civilised reaction.
Disclaimer: I know not all Muslims are mentalists!