May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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you still support it and justify it.

the point was peope in this thread said said extrmenists kill innocent people and i was saying well soliders do the same thing. look how many civis have been killed and all people say is 'it war deal with it'

you should have the same attitude when when soliders come home with no legs

No I didn't, explain how I support and justify it?
More drawings please. :)

So does anyone else find this to be intensely pathetic on both sides? The 'muslims' for their predictably hysterical reaction and the 'cartoonists' for their witless provocation. Lame all round.
So does anyone else find this to be intensely pathetic on both sides? The 'muslims' for their predictably hysterical reaction and the 'cartoonists' for their witless provocation. Lame all round.

Yes, it's very pathetic.

But its not a bad place to find people to put on your ignore list.
So does anyone else find this to be intensely pathetic on both sides? The 'muslims' for their predictably hysterical reaction and the 'cartoonists' for their witless provocation. Lame all round.

Yeah I get that feeling. Whilst I agree with the intended sentiment of the act, in that it's in support of non-threatening freedom of expression without fear, I feel that the point is going to be entirely missed by a majority of people on both sides. The Muslim community certainly won't think of it as a defence of our (and to an extent their own) rights, they think of it as nothing but a petty attack on their religion. Perhaps they're not entirely wrong, as I suspect many people participating think of 'everybody draw Mohammed day' just as a way to insult Muslims, which I feel kind of undermines the intended point.
So does anyone else find this to be intensely pathetic on both sides? The 'muslims' for their predictably hysterical reaction and the 'cartoonists' for their witless provocation. Lame all round.
This is my view too.
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