May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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I find it quite funny that South Park of all things has caused this. :p

Obviously not by it's self.

It's about time something caused it! ridiculous that this religion (or some of its followers/leaders) should believe it can act in this way... Actually threatening lives, yet alone taking them... I'm going to start my 'we're in the 21st century' rant in a min :)
Let's stop bickering, let's get some quality Mo the Paedo drawings in instead!

Here's what Mo the Paedo stands for. This is a Somalian man supposedly guilty of sleeping around. He is half buried in the ground waiting to be stoned to death by the local inbreds.

And when will you people complain about this? When it is epidemic in Asia or when it is legally acceptable and commonplace in London, Leicester, Bradford and Birmingham?
Note the look of satisfaction on the face of Mo the Paedo that I have superimposed.
Although not strictly speaking a drawing it'll do as my show of disgust for the religion of peace.
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It doesn't matter if religion or Islam is right or wrong. It's just freedom of speech.
And if you are religious (wanna go homo bashing etc) you need that.
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Here's what Mo the Paedo stands for. This is a Somalian man supposedly guilty of sleeping around. He is half buried in the ground waiting to be stoned to death by the local inbreds.

Their country their laws...get over it FFS;) nothing to do with you or me. Look at your own countrys problems before judging houses and all that...
I'm glad the mods let this thread stay open today. The debate was very interesting and although some posters found the images distasteful, at least we were able to excercise our right to free speach.
Look at your own countrys problems before judging houses and all that...

Our countries problems pale into insignificance alongside a man burried in the ground alive so he can be stoned to death. It's just completely backwards, its like they are living 1000 years in the past.
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[TW]Fox;16595117 said:
Our countries problems pale into insignificance alongside a man burried in the ground alive so he can be stoned to death. It's just completely backwards, its like they are living 1000 years in the past.

Of course its backwards but again their country and their laws...they have every right to dish out punishments like that if they wish to do so...doesnt make it right or just but then what do i care if another country wants to bury some guy for sleeping around...his bad, he should have been more careful the dirty bugger lol...surely when you sleep around the aim is not to get caught:p
Why are muslims so crazily defensive about their religion? Reletively normal looking muslims are going crackers about this.

Are they that indoctrinated from birth that they just turn in to crackheads whenever you mention this geezer Mohammad - who by the way is a complete PHONEY :o
Their country their laws...get over it FFS;) nothing to do with you or me. Look at your own countrys problems before judging houses and all that...

that is a pretty fail argument as to why someone shouldn't be concerned over the treatment of fellow human beings by other human beings
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