May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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If its offensive to Moslems to draw a picture of their Prophet then we should respect that as rational Civilised Human beings regardless of those believers that would commit seriouse crimes in drefense against this sleight.

There is to much hatred and injustice in this world without need to go stoking fires.

We should show a bit of respect to the moslems and look at what their culture has given to the world ie Mathematics Medicine Architecture etc.... instead of looking at the minority of fanatics to draw our conclusions.
You'll never understand Islam or the important of our prophet (pbuh). No point even trying to tell you.

So we understand each other then.
Then don't try to tell me, that is a first for Islam.
I spend all my time being told that I am ignorant and intolerant by hypocritical, sanctimonious, bigoted, ignorant muslims that seem to have a disproportionate amount of airtime.
I'd love to see Muslims make any sort of effort whatsoever towards "multiculturalism" instead of using the term as a gravy train.

EDIT: Still waiting for the long list of Islamic countries contributions over the last 500 years... <hears pin drop>
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If its offensive to Moslems to draw a picture of their Prophet then we should respect that as rational Civilised Human beings regardless of those believers that would commit seriouse crimes in drefense against this sleight.

There is to much hatred and injustice in this world without need to go stoking fires.

We should show a bit of respect to the moslems and look at what their culture has given to the world ie Mathematics Medicine Architecture etc.... instead of looking at the minority of fanatics to draw our conclusions.

"Mathematics Medicine" - Examples?
Still waiting for anything the Islamic world has offered to the rest of the world over the last 500 years.
A classic example of how dogma can hold people back (the inbreeding doesn't help either) ;)
If its offensive to Moslems to draw a picture of their Prophet then we should respect that as rational Civilised Human beings regardless of those believers that would commit seriouse crimes in drefense against this sleight.

There is to much hatred and injustice in this world without need to go stoking fires.

We should show a bit of respect to the moslems and look at what their culture has given to the world ie Mathematics Medicine Architecture etc.... instead of looking at the minority of fanatics to draw our conclusions.

Finally someone with a bit of bloody common sense...

So we understand each other then.
Then don't try to tell me, that is a first for Islam.
I spend all my time being told that I am ignorant and intolerant by hypocritical, sanctimonious, bigoted, ignorant muslims that seem to have a disproportionate amount of airtime.
I'd love to see Muslims make any sort of effort whatsoever towards "multiculturalism" instead of using the term as a gravy train.

EDIT: Still waiting for the long list of Islamic countries contributions over the last 500 years... <hears pin drop>

What is your problem exactly?? you just act like an idiot for the sake of being one??...the way you resort to childish insults when asking questions about islam isnt going to get you any grow up and act like an adult and maybe just maybe if you showed a bit more respect when you ask questions without having to resort to childish insults....i and other muslims might answer your questions....but tbh we would just be wasting our time in all honesty.
If its offensive to Moslems to draw a picture of their Prophet then we should respect that as rational Civilised Human beings regardless of those believers that would commit seriouse crimes in drefense against this sleight.

We should and we would respect their feelings, if there was some way to do that without sending a clear message to the terrorists that extremism works.

If they kill a cartoonist, make a couple death threats, and suddenly nobody draws Mohammed any more, what message could that possibly be sending out?
Finally someone with a bit of bloody common sense...

What is your problem exactly?? you just act like an idiot for the sake of being one??...the way you resort to childish insults when asking questions about islam isnt going to get you any grow up and act like an adult and maybe just maybe if you showed a bit more respect when you ask questions without having to resort to childish insults....i and other muslims might answer your questions....but tbh we would just be wasting our time in all honesty.

I think you are the idiot if you can't see what my problem is. Didn't I make it plain enough?
And please don't ask for respect until you learn the meaning of and the way to earn it.

TBH you sound like ANOTHER one of those sanctimonious muslims.
I spend all my time being told that I am ignorant and intolerant by hypocritical, sanctimonious, bigoted, ignorant muslims that seem to have a disproportionate amount of airtime.
I'd love to see Muslims make any sort of effort whatsoever towards "multiculturalism" instead of using the term as a gravy train.

EDIT: Still waiting for the long list of Islamic countries contributions over the last 500 years... <hears pin drop>

I'll repeat because I think it needs repeating.
Finally someone with a bit of bloody common sense...

He speaks sense, yes, but surely you can appreciate the other side of the coin? When you see banners stating "BEHEAD ALL WHO OPPOSE ISLAM", "FREE SPEECH GO TO HELL" and "KILL FACEBOOK THOSE WHO DRAW OUR HOLY MUHAMMUD" etc. etc. it's quite easy to appreciate where the intentional wave of offense has come from?

Every other religion takes lampooning of their Gods and otherwise with a pinch of salt. Why can't you?

When was the last time you saw a bunch of Christians campaigning for the physical dismemberment of those who make fun of Jesus?

Those who are drawing some, rather sickening, depictions of Mohammed are doing so to laugh in the face of the ****holes claiming all sorts of violence against those who do so. Blood will NOT run in the streets over this, and that's the point. It can't, and it won't be allowed here - that's the overriding message: Extremists, suck it up.

As I said, though, I can appreciate the moderists being offended in the same way I can appreciate Christian moderates being offended at a T-shirt of Jesus giving the thumbs-up on the cross. It's just a pity that the extremists on the Muslim side err towards violence.
Lol seriously what muslims should understand is that it's because it is considered offensive that there was a draw Mohammed day, you can draw god getting it from Santa and I wouldn't given flying monkeys because I'm not uptight and have a sense of humour
welcome to the
western world if you haven't figured it out in about a hundered years I don't fancynyour chances in doing so anytime soon

Lesson in the western world No1
if a friend annoys you imply you have had intercourse with his mother/ sister
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I'm genuinely glad some people are being highly offended by some of these pictures.
Many of the images show no artistic ability at all, they don't put across any message and are purely drawn just for comedy. Still, people are throwing the toys out, it's genuinely hilarious.

Disrespectful? Of course it is. A large number of us do not share the (hilarious) beliefs as the extremist religious cults. There's no need to respect any religion we do not personally follow.

You know what's great? Being able to draw whatever we want. Censorship is a terrible thing and if some people can't deal with it... There's a simple solution. Stop looking for the things that cause offense.

Again... It's pretty clear what the discussion and content of this thread are going to be.
Doesn't stop a large amount of people coming in and whining of how intolerant we all are.
Intolerant? It works both ways. Tolerate the drawing of some meaningless pictures (and they are meaningless), maybe once that starts happening, we can work something out.

The joy of living in this wonderful country, and it has its drawbacks... People have a lot of freedom to express themselves. I never thought I would say this and mean it but... If you don't like the UK and the rights we have here, leave.
The UK would be a better place without people trying to break how we live. You want to follow a specific religion? That's absolutely fine :), just don't try and force your views/beliefs on everyone else. It's bad enough having Christianity try it...
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Why do Muslims say 'mohammed' and then insist on saying 'PBUH@ after (standing for peace be upon him)?

Are they so scared that if you didn't say it they will get punished? Like not calling someone 'Sir'?

Its been beaten in to them thats probably why.
Why do Muslims say 'mohammed' and then insist on saying 'PBUH@ after (standing for peace be upon him)?

Are they so scared that if you didn't say it they will get punished? Like not calling someone 'Sir'?

Its been beaten in to them thats probably why.

Just out of respect, I guess.
I have been offended a lot of times in my life, I was verbally and physically bullied back in school on top of many others things.

I don't react in the way some religious people have, they sound childish wanting violence to be used in matters like this, it's almost animalistic in nature to just lash out and what you don't like. They act all *****(cat) hurt like it's the worst thing you can possibly do.

Personally I can't take any religion seriously when some people use said religion to act out heinous crimes. I understand that you may follow it peacefully by the book but others don't and you may chose to ignore it, I could find it offensive you decide to continue being a part of something so wonderfully bizzare yet ugly at the same time but I don't.

Why? Because you have every right to do what you want within good reason (Don't pester other people that don't want to know about it and don't hurt other people) as much as I have every right to do what I want to do.

My take on these drawings are just a lashback at people telling us we can't do it and we have to follow their beliefs, in a system I certainly do not remember agreeing to. when violence is brought into it you lose all respect and you're damned sure I'm going to draw a little stick man out of spite to show how amazingly stupid you've become and to what level you've decided to bring your petty argument to.

That's right, the bickering is at the level of death threats and little drawings.
Yup, this just happened.

You/They/etc = Nobody in particular.
Islam is the religion of peas, not peace!!!!

The muslims interperated the quran completely wrong.


And the response I got:

Image removed due to swearing.

Not embedding that because its too rude. But I have no death threats yet, I need to try harder.

Peas number 2:

Seriously, how can people find that offensive?
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