May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Well, where do you see Sikhs and Hindus threatening death to the writers of South Park and Danish cartoon artists for satire? Believe me if members of those other religions tried the same sort of **** they'd receive the same kind of backlash, and deservedly so. With that said, here's something we can all enjoy:

Duh nah na na duh nah nah naaaa!

Exactly... This is people fed up with having to pussy foot around Islam due to threats over anything they consider as blasphemy. Why should people have to tolerate these threats, and/or witness media companies having to change their policies/output due to it?

Islam (or the cultures involved) need to grow up and let Mohammed maybe fight his own battles? He'll do just fine without them threatening to kill left right and center...
So basically now shakeel and vita are claiming only muslims get mocked and made fun out of. Awwww the poor muslims its not like anyone rips the catholic church or jews on tv is it. Oh wait they do?
Where do you see facebook pages insulting Hindus..Sikhs etc..

Hindus and Sikhs tend to just get on with their religion without making a huge fuss about stuff.

Buddah was in the South Park episode snorting cocaine. Where are the protests? There are none.

Ironically the episode actually DID take the mick out of Jesus and Buddah, but didnt take the mick out of Muhammed.
Now that it's all over, I'd like to know what people feel they achieved on Everybody Draw Muhammed Day :)

Well it certainly put Overclockers in the front seat of what many outsiders have been accusing them of being over the years.
Even though the thread was having a go at extremists you still can't make an omlette without breaking an egg.
That is all I have to say and I won't reply to what has been an insulting thread.
I had a bacon butty this morning.

Why is that ok but drawing an unoffensive picture of the prophet not?

I am breaking the rules of Islam either way. Obviously Islam teaches tolerance of other religions so where is the problem?
Some people are really missing the point... the idea is to fight for our right to free speech and show that we wont give into threats of violence, not to offend some imaginary being and all of its followers...
Well it certainly put Overclockers in the front seat of what many outsiders have been accusing them of being over the years.
Even though the thread was having a go at extremists you still can't make an omlette without breaking an egg.
That is all I have to say and I won't reply to what has been an insulting thread.

Well said Dmpoole.

I agree! Let's see how long Pakistan can can close its internet access etc

Drive the point completely home!

"Draw Mohammed Year" :)

But thats the hasnt driven any point home other than to antagonise muslims in general:rolleyes:...geez you just DONT GET IT DO YOU???
I had a bacon butty this morning.

Why is that ok but drawing an unoffensive picture of the prophet not?

I am breaking the rules of Islam either way. Obviously Islam teaches tolerance of other religions so where is the problem?

What drugs you on??...its forbidden as a muslim to eat any pork products so where you get this notion that its ok when quite clearly it isnt is beyond me.

Unless im missing the point completely and if i am then i apologise.

Most muslims generally are tolerant of other faiths/religions...i mean i havent got any issues with other religions and neither do i feel the need to mock them or insult their matter how ridiculous i feel they are being ie hindhu's and their thousands of gods for instance.

Just a few extremists out there have got all worked up for no particular reason...yes i agree that maybe if they hadnt made a fuss about it then no one really would care much...but thanks to them they make out that islam is full of nutters.
What drugs you on??...its forbidden as a muslim to eat any pork products so where you get this notion that its ok when quite clearly it isnt is beyond me.

Unless im missing the point completely and if i am then i apologise.

The point being you are being selective of what rules you suggest non believers need to adhere to. For example it is OK for a non muslim to eat pork yet not OK for a non muslim to draw Mohammed.

Most muslims generally are tolerant of other faiths/religions...i mean i havent got any issues with other religions and neither do i feel the need to mock them or insult their matter how ridiculous i feel they are being ie hindhu's and their thousands of gods for instance.

You might want to do a little more reading up on Hinduism as in some respects it is monotheistic (though in others it is panthiestic). Not to mention finding lots of Gods being ridiculous when your yourself differ only in number...

Just a few extremists out there have got all worked up for no particular reason...yes i agree that maybe if they hadnt made a fuss about it then no one really would care much...but thanks to them they make out that islam is full of nutters.

Is that really any different from you branding all of OCUK as intolerant due to the actions of a few?
I posted a pic in this thread and it was not my goal to enrage/offend Muslim members of these boards. As i said in a previous post i think Islam is in an immature period at the moment. It seems unable to tolerate criticism, and often resorts to violence in order to defend itself.

The media/people of this country should be free to express themselves without the fear of death.
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The media/people of this country should be free to express themselves without the fear or death.

And that, in a nutshell, is what all this is about.

We all get offended. None of us think being offended is a good reason for murder.

And not just murder of cartoonists... how about the ritual murder of daughters in so-called "honour" killings? The number of such killings reach double digits in this country each year, according to the bbc - and is common in Pakistan, where many people support the idea.
Most muslims generally are tolerant of other faiths/religions...i mean i havent got any issues with other religions and neither do i feel the need to mock them or insult their matter how ridiculous i feel they are being ie hindhu's and their thousands of gods for instance.

But hang on... you have just ridiculed Hinduism. Think before you type! :rolleyes:

Let's be honest, Islam isn't one of the older, more respected religions. It's at the Johnny-come-lately, teenage, no one loves me, I hate you stage of development. Unfortunately the rest of the world has moved on leaving the Islamic countries as the most dangerous and unproductive countries on the face of this earth.
Please, someone tell me, what contributions have any Islamic country made to development in the world over the last 500 years. (Don't mention oil, that would still be under the ground if they were left to their own devices)
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Some people are really missing the point... the idea is to fight for our right to free speech and show that we wont give into threats of violence, not to offend some imaginary being and all of its followers...

But who have you put your point across to? Do you really think you have made a difference here or is it just a bunch of idiots insulting a few of the muslim members here?

I understand what your point is, and I agree with it. But the way you have gone about it made you all out to be a bunch of ignorant and disrespectful chavs tbh.
your an idiot. you still dont get the our prophet is important to us, do you...

But everything is important to someone! If you worried about offending people you literally couldn't joke about a damned thing.

you started it becuase of freedom of speech which quickly turned into 'lets bash islam day'

That doens't make any sense, it was started because of something that supposedly happened after it started? :confused:

yep going to. but they still wont be able see how its offensive

Of course we see how it's offensive, but we have every right to offend you. As you do everybody else. That's the point.
But thats the hasnt driven any point home other than to antagonise muslims in general:rolleyes:...geez you just DONT GET IT DO YOU???

Awww, have we antagonised some people?

It appears many people believe that being threatened with death simply for drawing or saying something is fairly antagonistic too. Why do we have to bend over backwards to appease what is clearly not tolerant? Why should we be the ones to have to change our behaviour?

A lot of people are clearly fed up with it, and decided to make a fairly harmless and comical stand. Now, if this antagonised some muslims... Sorry... Don't look... Don't read... Don't listen... Easy isn't it...

But bear in mind here, not a single person has been threated or hurt in this action, unlike what we've repeatedly seen coming from the other direction. So, maybe, go and ride your moral high horse off in that direction and do some good... Cos it's pretty lame where it is now...
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