But thats the thing...it hasnt driven any point home other than to antagonise muslims in general...geez you just DONT GET IT DO YOU???
Most muslims generally are tolerant of other faiths/religions...i mean i havent got any issues with other religions and neither do i feel the need to mock them or insult their beliefs...no matter how ridiculous i feel they are being ie hindhu's and their thousands of gods for instance.
But hang on... you have just ridiculed Hinduism. Think before you type!
Let's be honest, Islam isn't one of the older, more respected religions. It's at the Johnny-come-lately, teenage, no one loves me, I hate you stage of development. Unfortunately the rest of the world has moved on leaving the Islamic countries as the most dangerous and unproductive countries on the face of this earth.
Please, someone tell me, what contributions have any Islamic country made to development in the world over the last 500 years. (Don't mention oil, that would still be under the ground if they were left to their own devices)
I hang around with everyday are nearly all Muslims. Of course I have no problem with them, they're awesome.
To be fair people of the Muslim faith have contributed greatly to Mankinds knowledge, be it mathematics, medicine, astrology etc. Do a quick Google of 'Muslim contribution to Civilization.'
I just think modern day Islam is clashing with modern society (free West) and is doing itself no favours in the process.
Please pass the sickbag!
That's just cringeworthy snivelling!
"they're awesome" FFS.
But thats the thing...it hasnt driven any point home other than to antagonise muslims in general...geez you just DONT GET IT DO YOU???
I find it hard to understand how Muslims respect people to respect their beliefs by using threats of violence.
I think what the Muslims in this thread have failed to grasp (besides Khaaan!) is that you have no right to impose your beliefs onto others. Yes you might find it offensive that people are drawing Mohammed, but this is legal in the uk and even though you are offended you cant stop people from doing something that is well within their rights.
Personally i feel the thread has been a little derailed. If the Muslims hadnt shown how offended they were by just the thought of pictures, then the torrent of pictures that appeared might not have happened.
I do appreciate that a lot of pictures are just offensive and have been posted just to rile Muslims, but by actually rising to the bait and getting more riled.. it just encourages more pictures. Be less judgemental, people will get bored and not focus on it.
Be less judgemental,
Shame that's the situation though. I think most people just took this as an opportunity to rile Muslims up a bit. No one HERE has literally been denied their right of expression directly, so why the need to go out of your way to "fight for it"?
because it is hysterically funny that you can really upset some people by drawing a person with a turban and a beard and calling it mohammed?
And when you consider that Burnley, Bradford, Bolton, Leicester, Birmingham etc are full of people in pyjamas called Mohammed it's not obvious which Mohammed it is.
And before I get slammed for stereotyping Muslims, why do they stereotype themselves by putting Mo the Paedo somewhere in every kids name and using English as their second language even though they have been born in the UK?
To be fair people of the Muslim faith have contributed greatly to Mankinds knowledge, be it mathematics, medicine, astrology etc. Do a quick Google of 'Muslim contribution to Civilization.'
I just think modern day Islam is clashing with modern society (free West) and is doing itself no favours in the process.
And when you consider that Burnley, Bradford, Bolton, Leicester, Birmingham etc are full of people in pyjamas called Mohammed it's not obvious which Mohammed it is.
And before I get slammed for stereotyping Muslims, why do they stereotype themselves by putting Mo the Paedo somewhere in every kids name and using English as their second language even though they have been born in the UK?
I had a bacon butty this morning.
Why is that ok but drawing an unoffensive picture of the prophet not?
I am breaking the rules of Islam either way. Obviously Islam teaches tolerance of other religions so where is the problem?
You'll never understand Islam or the important of our prophet (pbuh). No point even trying to tell you.
You'll never understand Islam or the important of our prophet (pbuh). No point even trying to tell you.