May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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I would disagree as basic morality existed prior to the existence of the morality based religions.


As basic religious practice predates civilisation, with the animist religions and primitive belief structures. For example the Austrailian Aboriginal beliefs go back some 60,000 years coalescing into a structured religion about 6000 years ago, predating the first civilizations by thousands of years.

The oldest written religion Hinduism and its related vedic religions are as old as the birth of civilisation itself.

All these beliefs and structure come from an innate need to control, either yourself or each other, moral codes grew out of this need. In my opinon anyway.
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Once again, this is nutjob Muslims misinterpreting the Qur'an. As far as I'm aware -- like the Bible -- it forbids idolatry. Not representative art. Are Muslims that weak that they would worship his likeness?

It's hadith. AKA a load of BS. E.g. "All the painters who make pictures would be in the fire of Hell" (Sahih Muslim). Hadith are tools to understand the Qur'an, not the word of God.

(from my understanding)
Surely you are contradicting yourself here? A society with a moral code based on religion is all about punishment, do good or burn in hell for eternity.

Sure, but its not an "earthly punishment" per se, and the threat of burning for eternity by a supernatural being is a fair bit more frightening than a jail sentence for theft.

We have plenty of Jesus drawings, time to even things out a bit.

We have plenty of Jesus drawings, time to even things out a bit.

This is the closest anyone evers going to get. I find it funny how people are going to attempt to draw him even though there's no record of what he looks like. It's not like you could do a caricature, defeats the whole point of a cartoon.
As i stated earlier.... I still think religion wasnt the need to control or teach but a means to explain.
The unknown causes fear i beleive that even the animist religions was a way to give explanation to the incidents that occur in life, without a belief system in place and before science to give evidence early humans must have found living in a world with no explanation to any bad outcome impossible.
Hence the birth of religion.
I believe we would not need religion in a modern day and age, science can now fulfill most of our curiositys and give us comfort in why things happen, we do not need religion to teach us how we should behave towards ourselves and each other, we are not as weak minded these days.
Why do people get so cross about the fact that they might get offended?? I mean...nothing happens???

Instead of being offended...Just don't be :confused:

Being offended is just a stupid state of mind that can be easily avoided.
Once again, this is nutjob Muslims misinterpreting the Qur'an. As far as I'm aware -- like the Bible -- it forbids idolatry. Not representative art. Are Muslims that weak that they would worship his likeness?
(from my understanding)

This was my understanding also.
I would be keen to hear from a follower of Islamic teachings what they believe to be the case.
I though iconography and idolatry were forbidden, and as such although people might draw Mohammed, they should not pay to, or worship such a picture?
This was my understanding also.
I would be keen to hear from a follower of Islamic teachings what they believe to be the case.
I though iconography and idolatry were forbidden, and as such although people might draw Mohammed, they should not pay to, or worship such a picture?

The danger is always there but it's really best not to draw anyway cos really there is no point. There is no likeness of him so it would be useless making something up. Nothing drawn would do justice so what's the point? There was a movie set in the time of Muhammad but he was never represented by an actor, only talked about and to, and POV shots from his angle.

Personally I'm not offended by any of the images I've seen or will see, just makes me curious as to why people waste their time making cartoons and "insulting" someone or something they know absolutely nothing about. Guess they don't want to be left off the bandwagon. Sad really.
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This was my understanding also.
I would be keen to hear from a follower of Islamic teachings what they believe to be the case.
I though iconography and idolatry were forbidden, and as such although people might draw Mohammed, they should not pay to, or worship such a picture?

I am also pretty sure that regardless what religious text states we are at our own right allowed to draw any representation of anyone....Mythical or otherwise and again publish this in any way.
I can understand complaints if the depicted character is been slandered causing offence to a few individuals (although it should never result in violence or such strong protests) but other than that if any religion causes harm for this reason surely we cannot blame all religions as a whole, only the miss guided weak minded fools who have been taught to respond with violence in the name of god....

Nothing religious has contributed to those things in any way.

Science and research have.

Religion by defenition cannot further scientific progress, its very nature is to hinder it and put all "faith" in "higher powers". Science is regarded by the religious as herasy, though in this day and age, religion has been forced to cut back, and is left with sociological/philosophical view points to have its followers put their "faith" in, as the evidence for the other scientific areas is so insurmountable that faith is abolished as knowledge takes over.

In short, Religion played no part, its presence in any scientific progress is irrelevent as it had no direct interaction with the development of any scientific gain.

This is so ignorant and historically wrong it defies belief.
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