May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Why don't we all do it on OCUK ? Ms paint a Mohamed day???

Cos it will be closed faster than you can say "bud bud ding ding" i suspect ??

I've posted pics of Mohammed on OcUK before and they were not deleted

Here is another one
Sure, if wasting your precious bacon might make you feel better....

If you were going to do it you would use cheap bacon, preferably from the Danes. You certainly wouldn't waste good Wiltshire cured bacon, that would be tantamount to blasphemy!
So my question still stands - Why insult billions of of normal people when just a tiny amount are terrorists?

Anyone insulted by this is not a normal person.

I don't see why pandering to the billions of nutcases that are supposedly offended by this joke should take priority over having a bloody good laugh! Laughter is important, the ability to express ones self freely within the law is important, and South Park is awesome. So they can all go **** themselves if they're offended.
It's easy to blame religion, but they will always find something else to fight over.

I know that this is about freedom of speech and not drawing mohammed, but I'll be gathering the opinions of my Muslim friends and co-workers before I participate.

I don't actually mind not being able to draw mohammed, I've no real reason to. I can't draw a swastika and hand that in public...
Life of Brian offended plenty of Christians at its time of release but now it's considered a classic.

But still not by the original people it offended.
My Brother In Law is a Python fan but refuses to watch Life Of Brian.

Anyway, the similarity is -
Nick Griffin is British and whatever he says he must be speaking for the whole of the British people.
But still not by the original people it offended.
My Brother In Law is a Python fan but refuses to watch Life Of Brian.

Anyway, the similarity is -
Nick Griffin is British and whatever he says he must be speaking for the whole of the British people.

Why should someone else's believes dictate what i can and can not draw?
I remember a teacher inciting the locals to parade through the streets with 'behead the infidels' signs after naming a teddy bear in her class Mohammed. Funny thing was she named it after a boy in the class, not the prophet. Eggface.

This annoyed me. Why should we give into death threats and violence?

Muslims don't run the country, but apparently they think they can bully us into doing whatever they want.
Makes you wonder... If Mohammed came to life, the same way Jesus apparently did at one time. Would he live if he announced himself the Mohammed? haha, That would be real eggface right there.
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