May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Oh look bhavv its your fellow ignorant and anti muslim Tip Top...ill leave you 2 alone to kiss ass over how bad islam and muslims are in general:p

I laugh at how you call truth ignorance and continuously beat down every criticism of your religion like a 12 year old school girl, yet every single thing you have asked or said has been very easily countered.

This must be you:

I havnt even bothered to look for any testmonials from Ex Muslims about Islam, but like it even matters when someone is so consumed and dominated by it that they think that Islam is a loving and peaceful joyride through candyland with all things made from sugar and spice like you seem to do.
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Go and ask him about the space question, not me, Im not the one making and enforcing Sharia law.

and i don't care for Sharia law or that guys words, you were the one claiming muslim women are not allowed to drive yet i see it quite often. So is it really written in the quran or another guys interpretation of the quran to try and control people ?
I laugh at how you call truth ignorance and continuously beat down every criticism of your religion like a 12 year old school girl, yet every single thing you have asked or said has been very easily countered.

This must be you:


Spawn is a 12 year old school girl. ;)
I'll ask again bhavv, seeing as you made the claim that i dont know anything islam....please educate me as to what islam really is all about...

Already answered before when I told you - Islam means submission, obedience, and peace. Not really nice sounding at all to me.

and i don't care for Sharia law or that guys words, you were the one claiming muslim women are not allowed to drive yet i see it quite often. So is it really written in the quran or another guys interpretation of the quran to try and control people ?

I said under the Sharia Law. You do not live in a Sharia State. Big, obvious difference.
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Spawn is a 12 year old school girl. ;)

Oh dear.

Please mods, close this thread before it gets even more embarrassing for these people.

I know that it won't happen though, as this is a very touchy subject and was probably brought to the boss' attention very quickly, and he has given permission for it to stay open.

It says a lot about this place.
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Already answered before when I told you - Islam means submission, dominance, and peace. Not really nice sounding at all to me.

a quick google and browsing over the first page none of the results included the word dominance so why add it in ?

from google
The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means 'submission', and derives from a word meaning 'peace'. In a religious context it means complete submission to the will of God. 'Allah' is the Arabic name for God, which is used by Arab Muslims and Christians alike.

I said under the Sharia Law. You do not live in a Sharia State. Big, obvious difference.

ok lets break the post down

Erm, no it doesnt, you know nothing about Islam or Sharia Law.

Go and read your Koran, you obviously did it wrong the first time.

A woman is worth HALF that of a man,
is not allowed to drive,
must be covered up at all times (according to many Islamic scholars and hadiths),
and is given half of the amount of compensation or 'eye for an eye' treatment in courts (If a man burns both of a womans eyes off with Acid,
the man then only gets one of his eyes burned off as men are seen as twice as valuable).

so you didn't.....why lie so much ?
so you didn't.....why lie so much ?

So I shouldnt have listed the issue with driving under the word Koran, an easy mistake to make when trying to recall entirely what laws are based of the Koran, and which ones are based on misinterperation by the Islamic Scholars and Clerics in Saudi Arabia.

Big deal.

With everything that goes on in the Sharia world, it is incredibly difficult to tell exactly what does come from the koran, and what doesnt, but either way, everything stems from the vast majority having a strong belief in Islam.

You call me out for my mistake, how about atempting a debate with spawn instead and his ridiculous claim that Women are treated equally in Islam?
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a quick google and browsing over the first page none of the results included the word dominance so why add it in ?

An Arabic word only has one root. The root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender.” There is no controversy about this among Islamic scholars. al-Silm (submission) does not mean the same thing as al-Salaam (peace), otherwise they would be the same word.

Submission and peace can be very different concepts, even if a form of peace is often brought about through forcing others into submission. As the modern-day Islamic scholar, Ibrahim Sulaiman, puts it, "Jihad is not inhumane, despite its necessary violence and bloodshed, its ultimate desire is peace which is protected and enhanced by the rule of law."

In truth, the Qur’an not only calls Muslims to submit to Allah, it also commands them to subdue people of other religions until they are in a full state of submission to Islamic rule. This has inspired the aggressive history of Islam and its success in conquering other cultures.

You should read this:

And this:




The word 'pathetic' doesnt quite cut it for that.

No I shouldn't, as I don't have any intentions to follow Islam or attack it's followers.

And thats exactly why you dont know anything about Islam, because you actually refuse to read about it from a source which doesnt make it out to be the best thing ever since sliced bread.
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And thats exactly why you dont know anything about Islam, because you actually refuse to read about it from a source which doesnt make it out to be the best thing ever since sliced bread.

and what is worse in your eyes ....not knowing about something or spreading lies to create hate against a group of people ?
and what is worse in your eyes ....not knowing about something or spreading lies to create hate against a group of people ?

They arent lies though, it is absolute truth.

Nothing on Jihadwatch, religion of peace, Ex Muslim Council of Great Britain, or Quilliam is a lie, they are far more reliable than any pro Islamic, or any anti Islamic source out there.

This is exactly showing how you, and other people here dont actually know anything about Islam, because you seem to think that truthful criticisms automatically = lies.

Or how about if you want to learn the truth about Islam and Sharia Law, go and look up and listen to Anjem Chaudary instead :).

He doesnt lie. He presents Sharia Law exactly as it should be. God bless him for showing us the truth.
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