May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Because the UK isnt a Sharia country, and because Muslim daddy still wants his wife and daughters to wear the veil.
Lmao. Sorry but that's BS.

There's so much BS in that single page it's unbelievable. And I'm using 30 posts per page!

Good thing I've stayed out of this thread.
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Because the UK isnt a Sharia country, and because Muslim daddy still wants his wife and daughters to wear the veil.

You obviously cant differentiate between culture and religion can you??...a lot of the stuff that happens to women in islam ie bad treatment is due to culture rather than religion...ok if you want to split hairs then yes some of that cultural comes from religion but only in the way its interpreted by the person.
Talk about yourself please, at least about the blatantly obvious ignorance.

I find some followers of the "Islam" they've built themselves extremely offensive, which it just is. I dont need any reasons just like you dont for silly and childless accusations.

I have corrected your own post for you. Oh the shame!
Your original post was a pinch inaccurate. I mean, you don't see me going round protesting against drawing pictures or whatever do you?

You don't see me spell don't incorrectly do you? (:p)

In fact I laughed all through South Park because I find it an extremely entertaining show.
You obviously cant differentiate between culture and religion can you??...a lot of the stuff that happens to women in islam ie bad treatment is due to culture rather than religion...ok if you want to split hairs then yes some of that cultural comes from religion but only in the way its interpreted by the person.

Both the religion and the culture originate from Islam and the Koran, and however the Islamic Scholars have interperated it.
Because the UK isnt a Sharia country, and because Muslim daddy still wants his wife and daughters to wear the veil.

im guessing he wants them in a veil to follow the rules of islam but then why would he let them go against islam by letting them drive ? :p
I havnt made things up, but Im not going to bother researching it again for someone who doesnt know anything about Islam like yourself.

Well thats your opinion and for the record i know quite a bit of about hindhu-ism as well...see im not as ignorant as you to make silly stuff up to back up my points;) fact i know enough about all major religions to realise that there are good and bad parts to every religion...and neither do i find any other religion offensive.

And for someone who keeps bleating like a sheep that i know nothing about islam...why dont you try and counter argue my post about womens rights in islam for a start....or better still why dont you educate me on what islam is exactly because quite clearly you are the islamic expert here by the looks of things.
I mean, you don't see me going round protesting against drawing pictures or whatever do you?

Indeed, and to me that would make you the minority, whereas the majority of Muslims (I.E., everysingle other one I have come across so far, including on this forum), are completely mad over this event.

To be honest, I think that they would say that you arent a real muslim, and you would probably say the same back to them etc etc ......
Tawfik Hamid: A Muslim Scholar Rightfully Opposes Islam

From the heart of a Muslim – by Tawfik Hamid:

I was born a Muslim and lived all my life as a follower of Islam.

After the barbaric terrorist attacks done by the hands of my fellow Muslims everywhere on this globe, and after the too many violent acts by Islamists in many parts of the world, I feel responsible as a Muslim and as a human being, to speak out and tell the truth to protect the world and Muslims as well from a coming catastrophe and war of civilizations.

I have to admit that our current Islamic teaching creates violence and hatred toward Non-Muslims. We Muslims are the ones who need to change. Until now we have accepted polygamy, the beating of women by men, and killing those who convert from Islam to other religions.
And for someone who keeps bleating like a sheep that i know nothing about islam...why dont you try and counter argue my post about womens rights in islam for a start....

I already posted about womens rights in Saudi Arabia, not my fault if you only read selectively about whatever supports your own personal opinion.
Indeed, and to me that would make you the minority, whereas the majority of Muslims (I.E., everysingle other one I have come across so far, including on this forum), are completely mad over this event.

To be honest, I think that they would say that you arent a real muslim, and you would probably say the same back to them etc etc ......


Must be a tiny-huge minority out there then because none of the Muslims I know personally give a care in the world what one studio puts into a TV show!

I think you're adding a hint of exaggeration for effect in this thread. I know such things feel great from time to time but really? now?

Photo: this poor frightened woman is buried up to her waist in preparation for her stoning to death

Many Muslim countries enforce "Sharia laws" under which women deemed to be "immoral" are stoned to death, and widows guilty of being adulterous are buried alive.

Under Iran's brutal Islamic Sharia Laws, women usually get stoned for crimes against chastity. While men who even murder someone in a fit of rage in these cases, usually get only a few years in jail.

Under Iran's strict Sharia law, women sentenced to execution by stoning have their hands bound behind their back. They are wrapped from head to toe in sheets before being seated in a pit. The ditch is filled up to their breasts with dirt, and the soil is packed tightly before people assemble to execute the woman by pitching rocks at her head and upper body.herhhead and upper body.

That one is more of a pro christian site, but I willlook for some better genuine accounts from ex - muslims (yet again for the thousandth time, sigh).
I already posted about womens rights in Saudi Arabia, not my fault if you only read selectively about whatever supports your own personal opinion.

LOL yeh and Saudi Arabia is hardly known for its excuse me if i disregard that example.

I'll ask again bhavv, seeing as you made the claim that i dont know anything islam....please educate me as to what islam really is all about...i mean you have obviously studied islam and quran in great detail because someone wouldnt exactly say that to a muslim...that they know nothing unless the other person is well versed in the particular holy book and faith in general.

I await your answer....although im 110% certain you wont answer it because your full of it in all honesty:).

Must be a tiny-huge minority out there then because none of the Muslims I know personally give a care in the world what one studio puts into a TV show!

I think you're adding a hint of exaggeration for effect in this thread. I know such things feel great from time to time but really? now?

The death threats come in for South Park: 'They will probably end up like Theo van Gogh'

The website has put up a video on their site as well as on Youtube juxtaposing images of the two men who are behind South Park alongside pictures of Ayaan Hirsi Ali (who still lives with permanent security protection) and the dead body of her own film-making partner Theo van Gogh. Van Gogh was murdered in an Amsterdam street by an Islamist in 2004 for the “crime” of making a film about the abuse of women within some Islamic communities.

Theo van Gogh murdered on the streets of Amsterdam

Theo van Gogh was murdered in Amsterdam on Tuesday, November 2. The 47-year-old film director and publicist was shot and stabbed several times by his assassin on the streets of the Dutch capital. Van Gogh had made no secret of his sympathy for the policies and restrictive immigration policies of the party led by the right-wing populist Pim Fortuyn, who was himself murdered in May 2002.

The presumed assassin, Mohammed B., a 26-year-old Dutchman of Moroccan descent, first shot van Gogh, then stabbed him and left behind a note. According to newspaper reports the note called for a “holy war,” although a government release states that the text consisted merely of quotes from the Koran.
I honestly don't know what would be worse.

The UK adopting Sharia law, or it being full of people like the chavs in this thread.

Well at least in sharia run countries...chavs arent allowed to maybe not such a bad thing for the UK to adopt Sharia law lol :p

And before some muppet gets their knickers into a twist i WAS JOKING about the UK adopting Sharia law and getting rid of chavs...well maybe not the chav bit:p
what next... muslim women are not allowed into space ?

you come to that conclusion after years of extensive research in Islam....should we call you Scholar Bhavv :p

Here you go, an explanation from a Muslim cleric on why women shouldnt drive:

Go and ask him about the space question, not me, Im not the one making and enforcing Sharia law.
Islam: What the West Needs to Know

Everything you've always wanted to know about Islam but were afraid to ask. The feature documentary that discovers the basis of Muslim violence in the Koran and the life of Muhammad

Oh look bhavv its your fellow ignorant and anti muslim Tip Top...ill leave you 2 alone to kiss ass over how bad islam and muslims are in general:p
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