May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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The state police chief said a 46cm (1.5ft) portion of the train track was missing, and that the Maoists had claimed responsibility for the act of sabotage.

Oh crap my daily fail again:p

/me curses the daily fail for making me believe the crap they write:D

Ok, so where are we after 63 pages of discussion? Exactly where we started.

Islamic argument: "Stop drawing pictures of somebody I have great faith in - it hurts my feelings"

Non-Islamic argument: "I have the right to draw whatever the hell I want and do not want to feel threatened by draconian behaviour of which I do not conform to".

My take: Although I am not a Muslim and would quite happily draw my depiction of what a guy called Mohammed who may have lived in that time period might have looked like I personally wouldn't do it JUST to cause offence.

But that's just me.

Which isnt surprising really...the non muslims wont believe anything a muslim says and everytime we counter argue a point from these particular non muslims in here...we get shouted down lol.

Quite funny though in all honesty...ive enjoyed the thread i have to say, really opened my eyes towards a few particular members...thankfully my non muslim mates that i have dont have that sort of viewpoint....they dont agree with islam but thats their right...but neither do they feel the need to insult me or any other muslim.

Yup, no change. I'll email you later today!

Good stuff Raz....looking forward to catching up with you:).
Isn't that the key though? Your views are you own, you're welcome to them, I may not follow them, so don't force them on me, and I won't force mine on you?

*EDIT* Just realized it looks like I'm attacking spawn, it wasn't aimed at anyone.
computer says no

LOL well 20k Americans would disagree with you for a start:)

And to end it off...this will really fire up bhavv, slug, tip top and izzy....Prophet Muhammad[pbuh] is the most influential person in the history of mankind according to what wiki says:) for someone to say he didnt exist...well then how is it that hes regarded as the most influential person in history??

I mean geez a non muslim himself has stated that Prophet Muhammad[pbuh] is the most influential person in all of history...go figure eh??
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[TW]Fox;16642561 said:
Is it not the case that some scholars beleive that what you abbreviate after his name is actually disrespectful and that you should say the whole thing?

when we write (pbuh) we actually say the whole thing.
[TW]Fox;16642561 said:
Is it not the case that some scholars beleive that what you abbreviate after his name is actually disrespectful and that you should say the whole thing?

Well i cant speak for all the scholars but the scholars i know and speak to...dont make an issue of it because when i ask or talk to them...i actually do say prophet muhammad[pbuh]...i dont just call him muhammad lol.

Anyhow ill change that seeing as you nit picked it;).
And to end it off...this will really fire up bhavv, slug, tip top and izzy....Prophet Muhammad[pbuh] is the most influential person in the history of mankind according to what wiki says:) for someone to say he didnt exist...well then how is it that hes regarded as the most influential person in history??

Influential in what way?

Yes Mohammed certainly is influential in inciting radical behaviour :)

I never once said I didn't believe Mohammed existed for a start, I said that he was just an ordinary bloke just the same as Jesus was & thru time began to take on a following believing them to have divine abilities etc.
rophet Muhammad[pbuh] is the most influential person in the history of mankind according to what wiki says:).

no, that's what Michael H. Hart says, wiki says nothing.

I mean geez a non muslim himself has stated that Prophet Muhammad[pbuh] is the most influential person in all of history...go figure eh??

A terrestrial human has said that aliens have been the most influential force on humans entire history and even existence does it make it true?

Ones mans ideas are not really useful for proving something so diverse.
Ive been watching this thread for a while but kept out of it.

As an ex muslim *shock*horror* I am embarrased to remember how easily I was taken in & definitely brainwashed by what I now see as pure fantasy just like all the other religions.
In recent times it's become the religion of fanatics, idiots, & the laughing stock of the free world & I am glad I am rid of it

I was raised a Muslim as a boy in Pakistan where I was beaten in school if I couldn't learn pages of the Quran quickly enough,I remember some boys were beaten on the soles of their feet.:confused:
When we came to England & I grew up here I began to hate everything as just like Bhavv my parents were strict & everything revolved round being a good muslim before anything else.
my dad forbade my sisters from leaving the house at one point because a friend of mums had seen them talking to a boy outside school & they missed 3 weeks of school before anyone apparently noticed & sent someone round the house :rolleyes:,

when I met a girl at work who came from a non practicing Christian background I knew it would enrage my parents & when they eventually found out my dad tried to ban me from seeing her, lol I was 23 & they had a girl in pakistan lined up for me & it was all aranged at great expence & I couldn't get out of it:rolleyes:
they only met her the once & altho my Mother tried to be respectful my dad was openly hostile firing questions at her till she started crying
The idea put to them that I wanted to marry this girl & the demand that she must convert to Islam was the final straw.

we are now happily married with 2 lovely children that my parents will never see as they stopped all contact with me, only my younger sister keeps in secret contact, she tells me that it is forbidden to mention my name, she also told me that dad had a stroke recently that partly paralised but even on his deathbed I won't go near him a i know what will happen.

so basically Islam has broken up my family but just like Bhavv I care not as I am now free.:D
Ive been watching this thread for a while but kept out of it.

As an ex muslim *shock*horror* I am embarrased to remember how easily I was taken in & definitely brainwashed by what I now see as pure fantasy just like all the other religions.
In recent times it's become the religion of fanatics, idiots, & the laughing stock of the free world & I am glad I am rid of it

I was raised a Muslim as a boy in Pakistan where I was beaten in school if I couldn't learn pages of the Quran quickly enough,I remember some boys were beaten on the soles of their feet.:confused:
When we came to England & I grew up here I began to hate everything as just like Bhavv my parents were strict & everything revolved round being a good muslim before anything else.
my dad forbade my sisters from leaving the house at one point because a friend of mums had seen them talking to a boy outside school & they missed 3 weeks of school before anyone apparently noticed & sent someone round the house :rolleyes:,

when I met a girl at work who came from a non practicing Christian background I knew it would enrage my parents & when they eventually found out my dad tried to ban me from seeing her, lol I was 23 & they had a girl in pakistan lined up for me & it was all aranged at great expence & I couldn't get out of it:rolleyes:
they only met her the once & altho my Mother tried to be respectful my dad was openly hostile firing questions at her till she started crying
The idea put to them that I wanted to marry this girl & the demand that she must convert to Islam was the final straw.

we are now happily married with 2 lovely children that my parents will never see as they stopped all contact with me, only my younger sister keeps in secret contact, she tells me that it is forbidden to mention my name, she also told me that dad had a stroke recently that partly paralised but even on his deathbed I won't go near him a i know what will happen.

so basically Islam has broken up my family but just like Bhavv I care not as I am now free.:D

Wow, just shows how messed up it is. Family cutting all contact with you over some stupid belief is just absolutely ridiculous. How any parent can turn their back on their child like that is beyond me. You seem a lot happier now you've left though, so that's good.

Of course, Spawn et al will be along shortly to tell you to burn in hell for insulting their pride and joy.
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so basically Islam has broken up my family but just like Bhavv I care not as I am now free.:D

That's terrible about your family slitting up like that. :(

It sounds like you are really happy now and have a good life, and that's the most imporant thing. Live long and prosper. :)
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