May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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It's interesting to read how Pakistan's government were 'persuaded' to actually ban Ahmadis claiming to be Muslims. How archaic is that ?

Can you imagine that happening in the Western world with the pope for e.g saying anyone who isn't Catholic is henceforth not a Christian :rolleyes:
Well unless you didn't notice it was a train wreck rather than deaths by grenades & scimitars,lol :p

I guess it went over your head that the train wreck was caused by a bomb blast, which most likely planted by those crazy maoists eh?? but carry on ignoring the facts lol.
Ok, so where are we after 63 pages of discussion? Exactly where we started.

Islamic argument: "Stop drawing pictures of somebody I have great faith in - it hurts my feelings"

Non-Islamic argument: "I have the right to draw whatever the hell I want and do not want to feel threatened by draconian behaviour of which I do not conform to".

My take: Although I am not a Muslim and would quite happily draw my depiction of what a guy called Mohammed who may have lived in that time period might have looked like I personally wouldn't do it JUST to cause offence.

But that's just me.
Ok, so where are we after 63 pages of discussion? Exactly where we started.

Islamic argument: "Stop drawing pictures of somebody I have great faith in - it hurts my feelings"

Non-Islamic argument: "I have the right to draw whatever the hell I want and do not want to feel threatened by draconian behaviour of which I do not conform to".

My take: Although I am not a Muslim and would quite happily draw my depiction of what a guy called Mohammed who may have lived in that time period might have looked like I personally wouldn't do it JUST to cause offence.

But that's just me.

Go to the Cookie jar for being good :p
So we've gathered that around 15% of acts of terrorism are by other religions/factions/fundmentalists etc but the other 85% are still done by Islamic extremists

Muslims make up 20% of the world's population and have over 50% of the world's terrorist groups.

  • Islamic: 64
  • Secular nationalist: 36
  • Marxist/Maoist: 13
  • “Other”/Anarchist: 9
  • Christian: 2
  • Shinto and Jewish: 1 each

The religion of peace. :D

There are about 1.2 billion muslims and 4 of them have won a nobel prize.
There are about 14 million jews and 129 of them have won a nobel prize.

I wonder what that tells us. ;)
Muslims make up 20% of the world's population and have over 50% of the world's terrorist groups.

  • Islamic: 64
  • Secular nationalist: 36
  • Marxist/Maoist: 13
  • “Other”/Anarchist: 9
  • Christian: 2
  • Shinto and Jewish: 1 each

The religion of peace. :D

There are about 1.2 billion muslims and 4 of them have won a nobel prize.
There are about 14 million jews and 129 of them have won a nobel prize.

I wonder what that tells us. ;)

Tell us exactly what that means.
LOL Raz how you doing dude??...long time no see or hear??.

Yeh same ole **** different know how it is in this place..

Dude email me sometime...we need to catch up:)

Yup, no change. I'll email you later today!
I think it tells us that muslim kids don't get a proper education. They have a fantasy story forced upon them as soon as they are old enough to read.

Whereas the Jews are taught the Old Testament, which is what? A real story according to you?

Muslims achieved a lot in history, all the while believing in Allah and the Quran, so what you say is irrelevent. That they don't get a proper education in this age is true.
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