Mayhems Pastel White Splitting

Yes all new blocks, I followed a video on youtube describing how to flush and rinse rads prior to use. Even though the PE rads said on the box that flushing wasn't required and there was very little that came out of them there were some particulates so it was worth doing. I read up on this for a long time while planning my build, it’s apparent that there are many opinions on what and what not to do, often contradictory which doesn’t help someone new to water cooling. To be fair this is only a minor problem that I can resolve, I’m still pretty chuffed to have successfully built my first water cooled pc with a disto block and acrylic tubing, which is running very cool and quiet, albeit not looking quite as white as I’d hoped.

Rinsed to hell and back, but there is clearly something driving a reaction here, I can only imagine its at homeopathy concentration levels :D But in all reality its likely to be the pH that's out of range.

I'm really annoyed by this to be honest given i followed all the directions, used Distilled not De-ionised water, flushed and rinsed everything according to directions and then rinsed some more, I'm a scientist by trade so picky about how such things are done

I would rinse everything back with tap water, then distilled water, then connect the loop outside of your pc and fill it with distilled water and let it run for an hour, empty and then mount everything back in the computer and fill it with pastel.

I know there are lots of infos out there, but for a first timer i would never recommend to rinse with something more than water, if not at all.
That’s pretty much my plan, except I’ll keep the loop in my system, rebuilding outside of the case would be a major pia given it’s hardline with distro plate etc, easier if I had some flexible tubing but... I’ll need to check the blocks for where all the zinc oxide has gone, hopefully it will be in my bottom rad and easy to flush out rather than stuck in the blocks.

It still doesn’t explain why the coolant did the same in my filling bottle though. I’m going to make up a litre from the concentrate and see what that does in the fill bottle for 24 hours before putting it into my loop.
Creating a mix in your filling bottle is a great idea to see if the mixture still separates.

That should give you a clear indication whether the problem with the fluid is independent of your loop.

I drained mine last night and everything is stained white. I was due to strip the system over the weekend any way so its an opportunity do give things a good clean out.

@Mark011 I too used white wine vinegar but only in my radiators - which were flush with both tap and distilled water.

I genuinely feel I did all I could to prep the system short of using the blitz kit.
A mix made from the concentrate in the bottle will tell me if the fluid is sound before putting it into the loop. Unfortunately it won’t tell me anything about the coolant that’s split as that was from a premix, pity Mayhems don’t put lot numbers on the product.
I’m flushing my system now with water but the particles are stuck to everything.

I got a reply from Mayhems asking is I followed the method on their site, they seem to be thinking it’s a pH issue so your findings of the fluid being at pH 7 would counter this.

I’m now wondering if Blitz Part 2 would strip this out. If not I’ll need to pull the loop and blocks apart. I don’t really want to do this with the distro plate as that’s going to be a bunch of work to get back together. I’ll also need to order more TIM. What a pain in the ass.

if I’ve learnt anything here it’s, 1 don’t bother with pastels, 2 distro plates look nice but draining the loop isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do given the position of the drain port on the distro plate.
I feel your pain, I hoped by putting a drain at the bottom of my loop, it would be a case of open the valve and watch the system drain.

In reality the liquid gets locked due to the lack of a vent at the top of the system/gravity traps. So required a lot of man handling.

Its a faff but it will be worth it once its up and running.
It’s a hiccup to be honest but I’m having a crappy week as my mum passed away on Tuesday so it’s partly a hassle I don’t need and partly a welcome distraction.

Given it’s the bank holiday so I won’t be able to get either the blitz kit part 2 or new coolant until mid week at the earliest so do you think I can run the loop on plain distilled water for 3-4 days?
It’s a hiccup to be honest but I’m having a crappy week as my mum passed away on Tuesday so it’s partly a hassle I don’t need and partly a welcome distraction.

Given it’s the bank holiday so I won’t be able to get either the blitz kit part 2 or new coolant until mid week at the earliest so do you think I can run the loop on plain distilled water for 3-4 days?

Sorry about your mum! Definitely run distilled water for few days, it should clear it out.

Also, i know is a pain to dismantle your loop once is done, but believe me it will help you a lot cleaning everything outside of the loop, and will protect your hardware as well, think about that once you done it and everything is as it should be, you don't have to touch it again for a while :)
It’s a hiccup to be honest but I’m having a crappy week as my mum passed away on Tuesday so it’s partly a hassle I don’t need and partly a welcome distraction.

Given it’s the bank holiday so I won’t be able to get either the blitz kit part 2 or new coolant until mid week at the earliest so do you think I can run the loop on plain distilled water for 3-4 days?
Awful news. Sorry to hear that.

I'm interested to hear how you get on with this as I'm also about to use the pastel white Mayhems pre-mix (not concentrate). I was fully aware of the problems with the Aurora and the known issues with the EK radiators and the Mayhems fluid. I'd also heard about the tubing causing issues too, so I've made sure to get Mayhems tubing also. My setup isn't together yet as I'm in the process of cleaning everything up and prepping it while I'm waiting for a PSU to turn up. My setup is all second hand parts except for the fittings, tubing, fluid and one of the 2 radiators.

I've got 2 white black ice nemesis radiators, and XSPC Photon Res and pump combo, Phanteks waterblock on the GPU and an EK Supremacy EVO on the CPU. I fully intend on using both parts of the blitz kit I've got for the whole loop after everything has been cleaned down rinsed and prepped.
Thanks guys, appreciated. Crappy time but getting through day by day.

I need to find a better way of flushing the loop, perhaps a garden hose connector or such like as I’m far from convinced I’m getting anywhere near all of the liquid out simply by manhandling the case through various axis.

on the plus side one of the bends wasn’t perfect so I’ll replace that once it’s empty
I feel your pain, I hoped by putting a drain at the bottom of my loop, it would be a case of open the valve and watch the system drain.

In reality the liquid gets locked due to the lack of a vent at the top of the system/gravity traps. So required a lot of man handling.

Its a faff but it will be worth it once its up and running.

I don't really have that. Radiator ports are at the bottom, and I just open the top of the Res, and nearly the entire system drains in one go.

Quick tilt clears the last dribbles. I think the config has a lot to do with it.

Looking forward to watching Mayhem's point the finger at OP for a while before shrugging their shoulders and quietly sending out some replacement fluid as a 'good will' gesture :D
I have exactly the same issue too, if its an issue with EK radiators then they should make that clear on the product packaging.

From the sound of things we've both been really thorough with our pre-cleaning.
I have EK and Hardware labs in my loop. I cleaned out with hot water, alcohol (rads only), hot water for the entire loop and then distilled water before putting the fluids in. Pastel White is fine in my system.
Thanks guys, appreciated. Crappy time but getting through day by day.

I need to find a better way of flushing the loop, perhaps a garden hose connector or such like as I’m far from convinced I’m getting anywhere near all of the liquid out simply by manhandling the case through various axis.

on the plus side one of the bends wasn’t perfect so I’ll replace that once it’s empty

As daft as it sounds, I just held a long length of tube connected to the my loop to the tap in the bathoom, position it right and push against it and it sealed ok (for me :P). Had another length just letting the water out into the plug hole.
It’s a hiccup to be honest but I’m having a crappy week as my mum passed away on Tuesday so it’s partly a hassle I don’t need and partly a welcome distraction.

Given it’s the bank holiday so I won’t be able to get either the blitz kit part 2 or new coolant until mid week at the earliest so do you think I can run the loop on plain distilled water for 3-4 days?
Sorry to hear that mate. Lost my mum at the end of last year, it sucks.

Ive just filled my loop today with the Mayhems Pastel White Premix. I’m using the Mayhems Ultraclear soft tubing and Bykski rads and blocks with a mixture of Barrow and Bykski fittings. I’ll see how mine gets on.
Sorry to hear that mate. Lost my mum at the end of last year, it sucks.

Ive just filled my loop today with the Mayhems Pastel White Premix. I’m using the Mayhems Ultraclear soft tubing and Bykski rads and blocks with a mixture of Barrow and Bykski fittings. I’ll see how mine gets on.

Awful isn't it, sorry for your loss.

Good luck with the pastel, I really like the look of my build with this fluid so I'm going to try the Blitz part 2 and then refill with pastel, if after that it still splits I'll probably go for a clear coolant instead.
This is my first go at water cooling so hoping I have better luck than others on here. Will report back how I get on. It seems to show up pretty quickly so I should know sooner rather than later.
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