Mayhems Pastel White Splitting

Fair play to them. I'm inclined to use what I've got as planned as see how I get on. I'm still waiting on a couple of fittings but when they turn up plan is:
  1. Blitz part 1 both radiators. One is second hand anyway.
  2. Flush radiators with hot water
  3. Blitz part 2 on the full system
  4. Flush entire system with deionised water at least twice
Fair play to them. I'm inclined to use what I've got as planned as see how I get on. I'm still waiting on a couple of fittings but when they turn up plan is:
  1. Blitz part 1 both radiators. One is second hand anyway.
  2. Flush radiators with hot water
  3. Blitz part 2 on the full system
  4. Flush entire system with deionised water at least twice

All I did is flush with tap water then flush with distilled water. No chemicals, no vinegar, etc
My premix was March 2020.

The mayhems owner has said it seems random at the moment so I take from that it’s happening to some but not all bottles of the same batch. He’s been opening bottles from his stock to determine this.

Hoping you don’t face the issues we did, fingers crossed.
Went to turn my PC on a few minutes ago and noticed what could only be described as a streaky effect in the GPU block. I couldn't see any colour separation in the micro channels. It seems to have disappeared after my PC being on for a few minutes.
Fingers crossed it doesn't deteriorate for you mate.

Its a massive pain cleaning everything out.

I'll do mine again when the kit arrives, going to redo some bends I'm not happy with using the barrow mitre kit I got from China.
Yes mate it did, did yours?

They sent me -

2 x x1 clear conc
1 x 5Ltr water
1 x Blitz kit

Cant fault them for sending it all out and openly admitting there may be an issue with pastels. I'd still like to use the pastel white as it really sets the build off, I'll decide if I'll ever go that way again once I've gone through the first strip down and rebuild process. TBH I cant see as I will as it took me an age to do the first build but hopefully the rebuild will be quicker.

I'm waiting on a couple of bits from OCUK and else where (I ran out of TIM!!) then I'll strip everything, blitz the rads with part 1 and the full loop with part 2 the do a refill - hopefully this weekend
Yes mate it did, did yours?

They sent me -

2 x x1 clear conc
1 x 5Ltr water
1 x Blitz kit

Cant fault them for sending it all out and openly admitting there may be an issue with pastels. I'd still like to use the pastel white as it really sets the build off, I'll decide if I'll ever go that way again once I've gone through the first strip down and rebuild process. TBH I cant see as I will as it took me an age to do the first build but hopefully the rebuild will be quicker.

I'm waiting on a couple of bits from OCUK and else where (I ran out of TIM!!) then I'll strip everything, blitz the rads with part 1 and the full loop with part 2 the do a refill - hopefully this weekend

How can you run out of Themal Paste? :D I must have about 2 or 3 completely unused tubes, that have come with various coolers etc. over the years. I think I'm still using the same AS5 I bought about 10 years ago.

I'm also waiting on stuff from OcUK but I think it's because one of the items I ordered wasn't in stock. I'm tempted to ring them and remove the item from the order so they can send everything else out.

It'll be interesting to see how you get on after cleaning if you do decide to put the white back in.
So this is what mine looks like in the morning when I first turn it on.


It does however clear/mix-in when I leave it running for a few minutes. Problem or just settling overnight?
How can you run out of Themal Paste? :D I must have about 2 or 3 completely unused tubes, that have come with various coolers etc. over the years. I think I'm still using the same AS5 I bought about 10 years ago.

I'm also waiting on stuff from OcUK but I think it's because one of the items I ordered wasn't in stock. I'm tempted to ring them and remove the item from the order so they can send everything else out.

It'll be interesting to see how you get on after cleaning if you do decide to put the white back in.

when I say I’ve ran out I mean I’ve ran out of the TIM I want to use this time lol. I’ve got loads of scrappy end of tubes sitting around but I’d prefer to use one type on the GPU and CPU blocks, given I’ve got to take the whole PC apart I want to do this once and once only for hopefully the next 12 months :)
So this is what mine looks like in the morning when I first turn it on.


It does however clear/mix-in when I leave it running for a few minutes. Problem or just settling overnight?

I think it’s probably ok. From what I’ve read and seen it will settle out a little when not used.

What we’re seeing is a complete separation where the white particles literally coat tubings and blocks and then do not remix.
Its all in bits again now including the gpu block, it's caked.

I binned the remainder of the pastel I have.

The rgb strip on this ek block is almost welded on, the tape they've used to attach it is ridiculous, even with the heat gun on it
Something like this? Lol

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All cleaned off easily enough. Bigger issue for me is my distro plate, it’s got a film of white all over it. I’m hoping the blitz part 2 will take care of it, if not I’ll need to strip that out too, not something I fancy as there’s a mass of seals in there.
I'd love to have good news but I found the part 2 didn't remove the gunk from the face of the plexi and had to take it all apart.

It was like it had adhered to the plastic.

Run the part 2 through and see how it is after.

Saying that, seeing as you have the loop dismantled I'd be tempted to do it now rather than potentially stripping the loop again.
I’ve given it serious thought but it’s a major ball ache to do so even if there is a little left on it I’ll probably live with it for now. :(

or maybe not... lol

if I do strip it down I’ll probably chuck in a 3.2 pump, I’m finding the 3.1 at certain speeds has a really annoying whine to it.
Something like this? Lol

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All cleaned off easily enough. Bigger issue for me is my distro plate, it’s got a film of white all over it. I’m hoping the blitz part 2 will take care of it, if not I’ll need to strip that out too, not something I fancy as there’s a mass of seals in there.
OMG. How long did it take for that to happen? Is that a Phanteks Glacier block?
This was after 3 days after a new build, I first noticed a problem around 24 hours after finishing by day 3 only clear fluid was circulating. The particles literally fall of solution and settle at the lowest points, amazingly the lowest point here was below the heat transfer fins so temps were still fine. Cleaned out quite easily though :)

Yes it’s a phantecs glacier, heavy as hell, I’ve had to put a support bracket beneath the GPU to prevent it sagging.
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