McCanns going too far?

Just heard on a radio station that the investigation has taken a turn and they may well be suspects until eliminated. I obviously know nothing about the investigation so I am not personally suggesting they had anything to do with it.

However imagine the uproar if they were found to be involved. What would happen to the money that had been raised?
I did read that the McCanns had been bugged and that one of the family knows shes dead. However this was in a less than trustworthy newspaper. So I doubt it's true as no one else has reported it.
Third Opinion said:
What would happen to the money that had been raised?

The money has always been raised under the premise of it being used for the "Find Madeleine" campaign. If/when she's found, regardless of her status, the money would be most likely given to a relevant charity.

There's a lot of unconfirmed speculation flying around, ranging from the Mcanns having secret phone calls between themselves and their friends on the night of Madeleine's abduction, to the father being spotted on the beach carrying something wrapped in a blanket on the said night.

It's all unconfirmed and just garbage to get the newspapers sold.
One thing that is a bit weird is that not once have the parents expressed anything towards madeline. Something simple along the lines of "we hope you're ok", or "hang in there, we are looking for you".

It's all been about them, and what they are doing.
Its getting on my nerves so much.... Typical Media Moral Panics exagguration. Madeline is 1 Little girl. Thousands of little girls die each day around the world. Why Focus on her more?...
FrannoBaz said:
Its getting on my nerves so much.... Typical Media Moral Panics exagguration. Madeline is 1 Little girl. Thousands of little girls die each day around the world. Why Focus on her more?...

Same here, I find it all too fishy..

Firstly, why would the parents leave three young kids on their own while they went out for a meal, very selfish, it isn't as if they couldn't afford a babysitter, or taken the kids with them...

for some reason it all seems too convenient, and to be honest I don't care, like I didn't when Diana died, I couldn't have cared less, I don't know them, and have never met them.
Imagine this scenario:

The parents are in the hotel room with their kids, when a freak accident occurs, killing Madeleine instantly in the process. Like she falls off the bed and breaks her neck, or even one of the parents smack her and she lands awkwardly and dies from it. Now the parents instantly realise how bad it looks and that they could get the blame for her death. And ultimately lose their other kids in the process. So they hide the body by moving it outside the hotel somewhere. That night they have plans with friends to go for a meal, not wanting to look out of sorts they decide to go ahead with the plans resulting in setting up circumstances that could indicate kidnapping as the cause of her disappearance.

So knowing that the body is not in the hotel, they go and have their meal. When they return, on no she's missing, someone has kidnapped her. Police and media get involved, and it snowballs into something a lot bigger than planned.

Now this is one of the scenarios I've had in my head for a number of weeks now and when I heard about the possible blood on the wall, I thought something similar to what I thought must have happened. Or maybe I've got an over active imagination.
Linoge said:
Imagine this scenario:

The parents are in the hotel room with their kids, when a freak accident occurs, killing Madeleine instantly in the process. Like she falls off the bed and breaks her neck, or even one of the parents smack her and she lands awkwardly and dies from it. Now the parents instantly realise how bad it looks and that they could get the blame for her death. And ultimately lose their other kids in the process. So they hide the body by moving it outside the hotel somewhere. That night they have plans with friends to go for a meal, not wanting to look out of sorts they decide to go ahead with the plans resulting in setting up circumstances that could indicate kidnapping as the cause of her disappearance.

So knowing that the body is not in the hotel, they go and have their meal. When they return, on no she's missing, someone has kidnapped her. Police and media get involved, and it snowballs into something a lot bigger than planned.

Now this is one of the scenarios I've had in my head for a number of weeks now and when I heard about the possible blood on the wall, I thought something similar to what I thought must have happened. Or maybe I've got an over active imagination.

I can believe this up to a point, but how could you have dinner naturally after that? I'd be sitting there, poking my fois gras, whilst trying to talk about the shoreline and what a change the refreshing spray of


Portugal makes to Brighton while feeling very tense indeed.
iCraig said:
Just remember that speculation isn't evidence and until there is evidence on the Mcanns they shouldn't be treated as guilty. Innocent until proven guilty and all that?

Suspicion isn't the same thing as guilt. Those who are suspicious of the Mcanns have every right to be, and that includes speculating and discussing why they feel the whole thing doesn't add up.
Linoge said:
Imagine this scenario:

The parents are in the hotel room with their kids, when a freak accident occurs, killing Madeleine instantly in the process. Like she falls off the bed and breaks her neck, or even one of the parents smack her and she lands awkwardly and dies from it. Now the parents instantly realise how bad it looks and that they could get the blame for her death. And ultimately lose their other kids in the process. So they hide the body by moving it outside the hotel somewhere. That night they have plans with friends to go for a meal, not wanting to look out of sorts they decide to go ahead with the plans resulting in setting up circumstances that could indicate kidnapping as the cause of her disappearance.

So knowing that the body is not in the hotel, they go and have their meal. When they return, on no she's missing, someone has kidnapped her. Police and media get involved, and it snowballs into something a lot bigger than planned.

Now this is one of the scenarios I've had in my head for a number of weeks now and when I heard about the possible blood on the wall, I thought something similar to what I thought must have happened. Or maybe I've got an over active imagination.

Not unheard of, and probably happened thousands of times throughout the world....

What I don't get is how come the polics have only 'just' found blood in the room????
Baz said:
What I don't get is how come the polics have only 'just' found blood in the room????

Probably due to the fact that the Portuguese police are absolutely dire, and this finding was only discovered after they'd allowed our police to get more involved and use their sniffer dogs.
Dolph said:
Suspicion isn't the same thing as guilt. Those who are suspicious of the Mcanns have every right to be, and that includes speculating and discussing why they feel the whole thing doesn't add up.

But usually it's just because of "hunches" and "feelings" and then some have the strange need to genuinely ask why they haven't been arrested and thrown into jail for murder/manslaughter etc yet? :confused:

If the blood in the apartment turns out to be totally unrelated, I cannot see any link whatsoever to the Mcanns killing Madeleine.

Even if the blood does turn out to be hers, that still doesn't mean much. It's still very plausible that an abductor hurt Madeleine during the capture and cleaned away the evidence, or they thought they did.
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