McCanns going too far?

iCraig said:
But usually it's just because of "hunches" and "feelings" and then some have the strange need to genuinely ask why they haven't been arrested and thrown into jail for murder/manslaughter etc yet? :confused:

If the blood in the apartment turns out to be totally unrelated, I cannot see any link whatsoever to the Mcanns killing Madeleine.

Even if the blood does turn out to be hers, that still doesn't mean much. It's still very plausible that an abductor hurt Madeleine during the capture and cleaned away the evidence, or they thought they did.

I thought they were only away from her for about 20 minutes :confused:
Azagoth said:
Probably due to the fact that the Portuguese police are absolutely dire, and this finding was only discovered after they'd allowed our police to get more involved and use their sniffer dogs.

Are they blind, usually blood, is a nice shade of red... :P

I know it was because our police went over there, just amazed they missed something so basic and vital....
G|mp said:
I thought they were only away from her for about 20 minutes :confused:

Are you confused about the window of opportunity being too small?

Hard to say isn't it without knowing what happened. It's quite plausible that in the space of 20 minutes she was grabbed, hurt and knocked unconscious whilst the kidnapper wiped any traces they could find, away.

If it was infeasible, it wouldn't be the police's main line of investigation.
Baz said:
Are they blind, usually blood, is a nice shade of red... :P

I know it was because our police went over there, just amazed they missed something so basic and vital....

It wasn't like a blood smear across the wall or anything. Apparently it was extremely minute and hence why it was taken to a leading forensic lab over here.

The UK are way ahead of Portugal in the world of forensics.
iCraig said:
Are you confused about the window of opportunity being too small?

Hard to say isn't it without knowing what happened. It's quite plausible that in the space of 20 minutes she was grabbed, hurt and knocked unconscious whilst the kidnapper wiped any traces they could find, away.

If it was infeasible, it wouldn't be the police's main line of investigation.

Yeah 20 minutes aint that long really when your smacking little girls about and then trying to wipe away blood and any other evidence
iCraig said:
But usually it's just because of "hunches" and "feelings" and then some have the strange need to genuinely ask why they haven't been arrested and thrown into jail for murder/manslaughter etc yet? :confused:

If the blood in the apartment turns out to be totally unrelated, I cannot see any link whatsoever to the Mcanns killing Madeleine.

Even if the blood does turn out to be hers, that still doesn't mean much. It's still very plausible that an abductor hurt Madeleine during the capture and cleaned away the evidence, or they thought they did.

Statistically a child is most likely to be murdered by a parent, guardian or relative, especially at the age involved. The number of children murdered by strangers is absolutely tiny in comparison.

(US based I know, but the UK figures are similar)
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iCraig said:
It wasn't like a blood smear across the wall or anything. Apparently it was extremely minute and hence why it was taken to a leading forensic lab over here.

Still, don't they have one of those cool lights and 10 liters of luminol aka CSI Styleee </sarcastic mode off>

I know what you are saying about the Portuguese police not being very good, but I do get the distinct impression that they are not taking it at all that seriously...
G|mp said:
Yeah 20 minutes aint that long really when your smacking little girls about and then trying to wipe away blood and any other evidence

If I were (hyperphetically) to take a child in a similar scenario, I wouldn'f faff about knocking them about in the home, it would be quick, make the child silent, then leg it...

Less risk of being caught...
iCraig said:
But usually it's just because of "hunches" and "feelings" and then some have the strange need to genuinely ask why they haven't been arrested and thrown into jail for murder/manslaughter etc yet? :confused:

If the blood in the apartment turns out to be totally unrelated, I cannot see any link whatsoever to the Mcanns killing Madeleine.

Even if the blood does turn out to be hers, that still doesn't mean much. It's still very plausible that an abductor hurt Madeleine during the capture and cleaned away the evidence, or they thought they did.

What evidence is there that Madeleine was even in the room when the parents left that night to go to dinner? Did anyone else apart from the parents see all the kids that night in the hotel room? Any other witness? No, because they didn't hire the babysitters which points to the possibility that she wasn't there when the parents went out for the meal. They removed an outside 'witness' who could easily testify that she wasn't in the room by not hiring the babysitter.

Where is the evidence that an abductor was even the cause of her disappearance?

We have to ask these questions because there is something not right with this whole thing. And I don't buy into the opinion that if the parents had something to do with it, they'd be arrested by now. There have been cases in the past where the true facts have not come to light in years and arrests have been made. I've seen husbands and wives on tv crying their eyes out at the disappearance of a loved one, only to then be arrested and found guilty of manslaughter/murder a few months later.
I did have another theory the other day...

Maybe she doesn't exist, and is a figment of their imagination, they made it all up, the pictures etc... similar to Jodie Foster in Flight Plan.... but in reverse..
Baz said:
I know what you are saying about the Portuguese police not being very good, but I do get the distinct impression that they are not taking it at all that seriously...

I'll tell you how bad the police are in Portugal. They once accused my Mother of drink-driving because they're that bright and intelligent they couldn't see my Father was driving and the steering wheel was on the right!
Don't forget that not all facts are disclosed about the investigation. The only facts the media have are of that released to them from the police, or if information is leaked.

The police have reason to believe it was an abduction/murder scenario by a third-party person and they have access to all the information that points to that scenario, we do not.

If more evidence comes to light and the situation changes, then fair enough, but the current climate of information doesn't point to the Mcanns, only speculation does. :)
TiZoR said:
thing is, they are like robots when they talk etc, no emotion, if i lost one of my kids like that id be a soding wreck.

No emotion? :confused:

Have you been watching the same parents. You just have to look at the mother, hear her speak and there is full of emotion.
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