McCanns going too far?

Scream said:
No emotion? :confused:

Have you been watching the same parents. You just have to look at the mother, hear her speak and there is full of emotion.

Ive yet to see any emotion from either of them, both always stone faced.
Deluxe1 said:
Ive yet to see any emotion from either of them, both always stone faced.

If they cried all the time, the same people would think they were over doing it.

I have never had any sympathy for the way they have carried this off, but to be accused of killing your own child with as yet no evidence aint on really.
Deluxe1 said:
Ive yet to see any emotion from either of them, both always stone faced.

You're judging this on the short percentage of time they're actually on camera though?

Perhaps, you know, they're trying to keep it together during interviews and statements?,,91210-1279396,00.html At the end of the interview is very nearly bursts into tears. What do you want, for her to actually break down before you're satisfied?

If they kept bursting into tears, they'll just get flamed for milking/faking it though. :rolleyes:

How do you know that behind closed doors they haven't been crying in anguish? :confused:
The interesting point so far still for me is this apparent sighting. I think the development that police could not find any match on the plates is interesting.

Obviously there's two explanations:

1.) The plate number given to police by witnesses was wrong. However it does beg the question of how many people saw the registration plate? If it was several people, what are the chances they all took the number down wrong? Was the registration plate recorded without doubt, such as on a CCTV camera or camera phone etc?

2.) The theory that the media are running with - the plates were fake.
This of course fuels the idea of it being Madeleine.

As on top of a witness claiming 100% without doubt it being the girl, the man and woman with her acting strangely and leaving quickly upon the witness' acknowledgement of "Madeleine", you now also have the car they were driving could have been using fake plates.

However, although interesting, I'm not convinced at all that they were fake plates. If you're hiding Madeleine, stay indoors. Why go to the hassle of changing plates etc? It's not as though they needed to take the risk. They stopped for a quick drink by the sounds of it.
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I'm suprised you have no opinion on the distance between the apartment and the Tapas Bar, iCraig. ISTR you having a strong opinion that how the McCanns behaved was acceptable?
My opinion of them leaving their children like that has always been of it being foolish.

I've only defended some elements of their campaign. Such as travelling to different countries, generating exposure.

Their planned cover of a pop song tipped the balance though, but I don't think it went ahead? Properly just another media rumour trying to fill paper.
Well the blood isn't hers, but is a males. But by the sounds of it, the police arent going to use it. Isn't it a possibility that blood is the kidnappers. Thus they should use it against there only suspect.
AcidHell2 said:
Well the blood isn't hers, but is a males. But by the sounds of it, the police arent going to use it. Isn't it a possibility that blood is the kidnappers. Thus they should use it against there only suspect.

do you think that the girl would have been able to inflict enough damage to the man to cause him to splurt blood over the walls?
Samtheman1k said:
do you think that the girl would have been able to inflict enough damage to the man to cause him to splurt blood over the walls?

He didn't "splurt" blood over the walls.

It was an extremely small sample, so minute in fact, forensics have warned the tests have a good chance of being inconclusive.
iCraig said:,,91210-1280082,00.html

The results of tests on blood traces found in the apartment from which Madeleine McCann disappeared are not yet known, contrary to some newspaper reports.

Samples are still being tested at the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham.


Translation: the results have been sent to the police, but for some reason the police are sitting on them. Doing a DNA profile takes about eight hours from start to finish, and this would have been fast-tracked. As usual, the police are keeping quiet and blaming the lab.

Meridian said:
Translation: the results have been sent to the police, but for some reason the police are sitting on them. Doing a DNA profile takes about eight hours from start to finish, and this would have been fast-tracked. As usual, the police are keeping quiet and blaming the lab.


Probably don't want to derail the gravy train until they are sure...
Dolph said:
Probably don't want to derail the gravy train until they are sure...

I expect the Portuguese police want the McCann's to stfu and go away quietly like most people here. That way they can go back to their sleepy lives, happily pretending that there's no paedophile problem where they are...
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