McCanns going too far?

iCraig said:
I thought perhaps it was due to the really poor sample they have, meaning it takes longer to analyse properly?

The only difference it makes is in the type of analysis chosen. I would assume that the lab went for LCN, which will slow things down a bit, but only by a few hours.

Just read this from a Portuguese newspaper,seems strange that Gerry was requesting a priest only hours after her going missing and all the phonecalls being made shortly afterwards and the amount of wine that was drank between them on that night?

New contradictions in Maddie’s case

By Felicia Cabrita, with Margarida Davim

The version that the McCann couple and their group of friends have been giving about what happened on the night that Madeleine disappeared, is shaken by new testimonies that were collected by Sol.

The English started by saying they took turns every 15 minutes in order to, through the windows of the rooms where the children were sleeping, listen if anything abnormal was happening. This ‘vigilance’ system, which they assure was efficient throughout a week of holidays, is questioned by an English citizen who lives in the apartment above the one that was occupied by Kate and Gerry McCann.

Employees deny Russell

Senn told Sol that, on the night before she disappeared, Maddie cried for quite some time, calling out ‘daddy, daddy!’.

Also the table waiters that were working in the resort’s restaurant – the Tapas, where the group of friends had dinner that night – didn’t notice much movement of checking on the children. One of them guaranteed to Sol that, since the beginning of dinner (which started between 8.30 and 9 p.m.), only two men got up, almost simultaneously.

One of them was Russell O’Brien, one of the doctors of the group, who was absent for most of the dinner and who returned to the table 5 minutes before Kate went to her apartment and noticed Maddie was missing. Russell then explained that his daughter was sick, and even “vomited so it was necessary to change her bed sheets”. One of the employees of the Ocean Club, who was heard by Sol this week, contradicts his version: “If that had happened, he would have to ask the housekeeping service for some clean sheets, which did not happen”.

During the short hour that dinner lasted, the group asked for, and consumed at their table, eight bottles of red wine and six of white wine, according to the restaurant’s records.

GNR was on location since 11 p.m. With the help of a member of staff from the Ocean Club, who helped as a translator until 4 a.m., they collected the first reports. Although Maddie’s mother guaranteed that, when she noticed her daughter was missing, the shutters of the room where the children were sleeping were up and the window was open, the members of this police force did not detect any clues to indicate that these had been forced.

On the other hand, the resort’s employee guaranteed to Sol that “the shutters are so old and simple” that, with the sun exposure they were subject to in these 14 years, if anyone did “try to open them from the outside, they would have broken”. The main door to the apartment didn’t show any signs of a break-in, either.

The McCann family were never alone. Dozens of members of staff at the resort appealed to the local population, mostly English citizens, and the surrounding areas were searched thoroughly. The couple was busy making phonecalls.

Aurelio Guerreiro, the owner of a bar at the marina in Vilamoura, was close to being involved. His testimony to Sol confuses the McCanns’ time version. Sometime between 0.30 and 1 a.m., Aurelio got a phonecall from an old customer: Pat Perkins, the human resources director from a public English organism. She calls him, upset: “She told me the daughter of british friends of her, who were vacationing close to Lagos, had disappeared over 3 hours ago, that they were completely alone and that nobody was helping them to search for her”.

Kate McCann had just informed her parents of the tragedy. Pat, who lives in Liverpool, confirms: “I was at Kate’s parents’ house at that moment. But I have nothing further to add”.

Guerreiro tells what he did after Pat called him: “I understood she wanted me to go meet them, but I was an hour away from their location, and I could not close the bar, I decided to call the police”. After PJ in Portimao confirmed to him they already knew about the case, Aurelio phoned Kate, at the number that Pat had given him: “An English man picked up. He thanked me, and contrary to what I expected, he didn’t ask me for anything”.

Minutes after this phonecall, Gerry asks for the priest from the Luz parish to be called for him – but the Ocean Club staff members refused, given the time it was. At four in the morning, Jane was asking a member of GNR: “Have you cut off all the roads already?”. Minutes later, Gerry, given the fact that the priest didn’t appear, asked another element of GNR to show him the way to the church.

Couple wants to return to England

As Sol has been reporting, the clues that were collected by PJ with the help of English police, lead to a turnaround in the investigation. One of the dogs used by the british ‘marked’ Maddie’s death inside the apartment. On the other hand, blood was found inside the bedroom where the McCanns’ children were sleeping, which has been dissimulated with the help of whiteners, and is still being analyzed in a british laboratory.

The path that the English dogs followed 2 weeks ago, in the surroundings of the apartment, exclude the possibility that the child was abducted and is still alive. The dogs walked the only two paths that Maddie’s family and friends knew.

One of them leads to Luz beach. The irish citizen Martin Smith, a local resident for years, told Sol that on that night he crossed ways with a man who was carrying a child, with the characteristics of Maddie. That path was searched by police and other people. Six days after the disappearance, Gerry, who was accompanied by an unknown individual, also seemed to participate in the searches, but on the opposite side of the way the dogs walked.

Parents are leaving

Throughout this week, much was speculated in the press. ‘The Times’ published that the blood that was collected inside the apartment is not Maddie’s but “from an individual from the European northeast”. The English lab denied this, stating that they have not finished their work yet. The McCanns were saying yesterday in several newspapers that they were considering going back to their country.
The Portuguese newspapers have already speculated and exaggerated over a lot of things. They usually print information as fact rather than speculation and is often misleading. A lot of stories about Madeleine they've ran with have turned out to be false already. I would take any article written by them with a pinch of salt.
iCraig said:
The Portuguese newspapers have already speculated and exaggerated over a lot of things. They usually print information as fact rather than speculation and is often misleading.

Thank G*d the papers over here don't do that! Oh, wait a moment....

being a hotel room the blood can be anybodys, its a pointless find and wont prove anything whatever results come back.

As for their campaign, I don't mind, they're doing what they have to do. Why do people care they are still looking for their child?

Can you imagine if that child was yours ? theres nothing wrong in trying your absolute best to find your loved one.

It's good they are doing this, afterall it may make other child abducters think twice because of the exposure it may receive, otherwise its like nobody will mind if they pinch that little girl because no one will make a fuss...
pallys said:
... it may make other child abducters think twice because of the exposure it may receive, otherwise its like nobody will mind if they pinch that little girl because no one will make a fuss...

Nope, it will just make sure none of the kids come back alive. No point having evidence or witnesses around is there.
If I was the abductor of Madeleine and I saw all the news coverage, I would seriously consider killing her and trying to dump/hide the body. There is no way anyone would want the girl, she would be dropped like a hot potato. Yes maybe that is a bit sordid, but it is what everyone is thinking, unfortunately. The intense media coverage lends a huge disadvantage to the likelihood of finding Madeleine alive, and I do not believe the parents realize this.
pallys said:
being a hotel room the blood can be anybodys, its a pointless find and wont prove anything whatever results come back.

What? If the results came back as positive it's evidence towards her being attacked/killed in the room, no?

It's far from pointless as every bit of evidence counts in an investigation.
Just wondering, I have only seen a little about this as was on holiday and haven't really read too much about it..

When are her parents going to be arrested for leaving the kids all by themselves? Surely there must be something, I mean I do feel sorry for the kid but tbh the parents get no sympathy from me!
pallys said:

Can you imagine if that child was yours ? theres nothing wrong in trying your absolute best to find your loved one...........

I wouldn't leave me daughter out of site in a foreign country, alone and un supervised with her two younger siblings while I went out for a meal with my mates.
With the media circus they have created imagine if another child was to go missing do you think that child would get the same coverage?

I very much doubt it the McCanns would do everthing in their power to make sure their story was the one in the newspapers each day.
ste_bla said:
When are her parents going to be arrested for leaving the kids all by themselves? Surely there must be something, I mean I do feel sorry for the kid but tbh the parents get no sympathy from me!

On the 32nd of September.

The Portuguese police have already informed them that what they did fell within the realms of normal parenting. Whatever your opinion may be, it doesn't change the fact that they haven't broken any laws and the police over there are not interesting in trying to charge them with anything.
Deluxe1 said:
I very much doubt it the McCanns would do everthing in their power to make sure their story was the one in the newspapers each day.

If it was your daughter missing, wouldn't you? :confused:

People seem to be condemning them for using the media to try and expose the incident as much as possible. Sure beats going home, twiddling your thumbs and eating biscuits by the phone.
The problem is the girl is missing because of their own neglect. Kids go missing every day for reasons out of controls of the parents yet they arent in the paper every day, how is that fair?
R5Rich said:
The problem is the girl is missing because of their own neglect. Kids go missing every day for reasons out of controls of the parents yet they arent in the paper every day, how is that fair?

...but these are respectable and articulate middle class doctors! It's different. ;) :rolleyes:
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