McCanns going too far?

iCraig said:
The Portuguese police have already informed them that what they did fell within the realms of normal parenting

Then the Portuguese police are idiots.

Having a meal 400 METRES away - thats nearly half a kilometre - does not fall within the realms of normal parenting.
iCraig said:
If it was your daughter missing, wouldn't you? :confused:

People seem to be condemning them for using the media to try and expose the incident as much as possible. Sure beats going home, twiddling your thumbs and eating biscuits by the phone.

Do tell me what exactly using the media has achieved so far?

Have they found their daughter?
Third Opinion said:
The longer the McCanns seem to be avoiding coming home home, the more suspicous I am becoming of them. I am not sure why but there is something about this case I have a bad feeling about.

At some point the media is going to turn on them, when that will be I'm not sure.
[TW]Fox said:
Then the Portuguese police are idiots.

Having a meal 400 METRES away - thats nearly half a kilometre - does not fall within the realms of normal parenting.

Don't forget the other part of my quote now. ;)

iCraig said:
Whatever your opinion may be, it doesn't change the fact that they haven't broken any laws and the police over there are not interesting in trying to charge them with anything.

Their decision to leave their kids was idiotic, but there's no point bleating on about them needing to be arrested and fed to the alligators. :p
Deluxe1 said:
Do tell me what exactly using the media has achieved so far?

Have they found their daughter?

What kind of logic is that? :confused:

Just because she hasn't been found, their efforts were pointless?

What a load of crap. Since when was effort judged by results?

Can you imagine telling a firefighter who tried to save somebody in a burning building, but after trying his best and doing all he could, had to give up and leave. "OH WELL THAT WAZ POINTLESS! DID YOU SAVE THEM? NO!"
SideWinder said:

From who? I had wondered how they could afford to stay there for such a long time..and what about their other commitments? Jobs? Etc.
Well the jet was provided by Phillip Green(e?).

As for the rest, in my opinion they're blatantly skimming the 'Find Maddy Fund'.
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