McCanns going too far?

clv101 said:
Deluxe1 isn't talking about effort, he's talking about achievement. Achievement is judged by results.

But do you think that because their campaign hasn't achieved anything, it was a pointless endeavour?

I mean, yeah, it didn't work, but I can't understand the bitterness behind it that it was the wrong thing to do *because* it hasn't worked.
My opinion on this is that the British press are being somewhat too soft on them, they should shoulder quite a bit of responsibility for this. The analogy he used about 'dinner in the back garden' was a laugh, that place was far and even though i'm not a parent (hopefully never will be, i might be charged for murder if i was, cannot stand kids :D ) i'd never leave my kid alone like that. Also something about those two strike me as rather.. odd and sinister in a way and i think they know more than they let on and might be a bigger part of this than we think.
iCraig said:
But do you think that because their campaign hasn't achieved anything, it was a pointless endeavour?
If it really hasn't achieved anything then yeah, it was pointless. That's how the English language works isn't it?
clv101 said:
If it really hasn't achieved anything then yeah, it was pointless. That's how the English language works isn't it?

Try not to selectively pick what I'm trying to say, as people will get the wrong impression of you being a straw-man arguer. Which doesn't go down well. :p

He's a bit you left on the cutting room floor. :p

iCraig said:
I mean, yeah, it didn't work, but I can't understand the bitterness behind it that it was the wrong thing to do *because* it hasn't worked.

It was pointless in as much as the fact it didn't yield a result, but it wasn't stupid or wrong or whatever to do it in the first place. So why the resentment towards its failure? People seem to think that because it didn't end in Madeleine being found, the media exposure was the wrong thing to do or something. :confused:
iCraig said:
It was pointless in as much as the fact it didn't yield a result, but it wasn't stupid or wrong or whatever to do it in the first place. So why the resentment towards its failure?

Becuase it's dominated our media and been in our face for zero gain. People who thought the whole thing was iffy and the posters in every Sainsburys in the country were a step too far were made to feel like anti-Maddy monsters.

Fact is, we know it was pointless. But would you lot listen in the early days?
McCann conspiracy idea

Does anyone know the answer to this question:

When was the last time Maddy was seen before her dissapearance by anyone other than her immediate family ?

Driving to work this morning I was thinking in an Sherlock Holmes type way about this case and what avenues have not been examined.

is it possible that after a quick bit of infanticide earlier in the day the parents were able to 'pretend' that she was alive and well until she 'dasappeared' later.

Perfect alibi - "we were in the public restaurant when she was taken from our appartment."

I'm not trying to say that I think they did or didn't do it, just that this may be an avenue that hasn't been examined
[TW]Fox said:
Becuase it's dominated our media and been in our face for zero gain. People who thought the whole thing was iffy and the posters in every Sainsburys in the country were a step too far were made to feel like anti-Maddy monsters.

You seem to be constantly making the assumption that the crux of the campaign is the local attention you've come across. It isn't. We all know having posters of Madeleine in your bedroom window or being given binoculars to look for her is bloody stupid and pointless, but that isn't what the campaign is actually about. That's just idiotic followers getting swept up in "make a difference" mentality where somehow they believe insignificant things they do in their local community somehow aid in "Maddy's" safe return.

The actual campaign focuses around media attention in Europe, keeping her face recognised under the hope that somebody may recognise her. Without this media campaign not many people would know who Madeleine was. Nobody can *know* if it was definitely going to work, but it is something that every parent would do if put in the same situation. Do you want to keep it quiet or do you want to get her face out there Mr and Mrs Mcann?

It isn't anything new, media exposure is a powerful tool and is always used to help missing person cases. Face on a milk carton?

[TW]Fox said:
Fact is, we know it was pointless. But would you lot listen in the early days?

Fact is, you didn't know search efforts were going to be pointless. Nobody could possibly know. You seem to have taken the route of her probably not being found as a fair bet to exercise some superior knowledge or hindsight, which is weird. :confused:
Justintime said:
My opinion on this is that the British press are being somewhat too soft on them, they should shoulder quite a bit of responsibility for this.
Thats because the McCanns were so clever and active in getting the press on their side. You're right of course though.
iCraig said:
You seem to be constantly making the assumption that the crux of the campaign is the local attention you've come across. It isn't. We all know having posters of Madeleine in your bedroom window or being given binoculars to look for her is bloody stupid and pointless, but that isn't what the campaign is actually about. That's just idiotic followers getting swept up in "make a difference" mentality where somehow they believe insignificant things they do in their local community somehow aid in "Maddy's" safe return.

Have you visited the FindMaddy website lately? It is cheesy to the extreme and was, until recently, encouraging littering this country with tacky posters.

Without this media campaign not many people would know who Madeleine was.

Which would have made no difference either way.

It isn't anything new, media exposure is a powerful tool and is always used to help missing person cases. Face on a milk carton?

Very useful for people missing in this country.

Fact is, you didn't know search efforts were going to be pointless. Nobody could possibly know. You seem to have taken the route of her probably not being found as a fair bet to exercise some superior knowledge or hindsight, which is weird. :confused:

You could make an educated guess that it would be pointless. It was very probable the search would find nothing.
[TW]Fox said:
Have you visited the FindMaddy website lately? It is cheesy to the extreme and was, until recently, encouraging littering this country with tacky posters.

I haven't recently, but is it fronted by Mr and Mrs Mcann, or do they just make updates? I would probably guess it's ran by friends and wellwishers doing what they think is best.

If you want to believe letting off balloons and recording cover songs is the true aim of the campaign, then you're being mislead. Through no fault of your own I guess, as The Find Madeleine Search Campaign is probably easily smeared by efforts of people doing stupid crap under the realms of them "helping."

[TW]Fox said:
Which would have made no difference either way.

How do you know? Why isn't it a shot worth taking?

I can't help wonder of your attitude if your young offspring was missing somewhere in Europe. Would you be trying to get your child's face out there on the offchance somebody sees it and goes "I saw her the other day, I better phone the police." Which has been known to happen.

It's largely futile as the chances of success are slim, but, everything to gain and nothing to lose.

[TW]Fox said:
Very useful for people missing in this country.

It's a technique adopted by many countries. Having Madeleine's face in the newspapers and on walls in Portugal and other European countries is just a more aggressive method of exposure. The media is very powerful these days, it would be foolish for them not to have used it.

[TW]Fox said:
You could make an educated guess that it would be pointless. It was very probable the search would find nothing.

Absolutely, but does that warrant not trying? I think even a 1% chance of success is enough to justify a campaign for 4 year old girl, no?
Hodders said:
Does anyone know the answer to this question:

When was the last time Maddy was seen before her dissapearance by anyone other than her immediate family ?

Driving to work this morning I was thinking in an Sherlock Holmes type way about this case and what avenues have not been examined.

is it possible that after a quick bit of infanticide earlier in the day the parents were able to 'pretend' that she was alive and well until she 'dasappeared' later.

Perfect alibi - "we were in the public restaurant when she was taken from our appartment."

I'm not trying to say that I think they did or didn't do it, just that this may be an avenue that hasn't been examined

Not a bad thought. As Shakespeare might have said - "The McCanns doth protest too much, methinks"!

iCraig - I have a question for you since you posed the same to me recently. You have made by far the most amount of posts in this thread. What is your particular interest in this case?
Lysander said:
iCraig - I have a question for you since you posed the same to me recently. You have made by far the most amount of posts in this thread. What is your particular interest in this case?

I posed that question to you because you kept banging on about you being sick of hearing about Madeleine, which puzzled me as you appeared to be exposing yourself to the story a lot by posting quite a bit in pretty much every Madeleine related thread.

I don't have a particular interest, it's just an intriguing case with a variety of opinions and routes of discussion. Also, somebody has to have the most amount of posts in a thread. :)
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