McCanns going too far?

iCraig said:
I posed that question to you because you kept banging on about you being sick of hearing about Madeleine, which puzzled me as you appeared to be exposing yourself to the story a lot by posting quite a bit in pretty much every Madeleine related thread.

yes, we cleared that one up though.

iCraig said:
I don't have a particular interest, it's just an intriguing case with a variety of opinions and routes of discussion. Also, somebody has to have the most amount of posts in a thread. :)

True, but it depends by what margin :p
McCann's father calls for media restraint!

By Kate Holton

EDINBURGH (Reuters) - The father of missing British four-year-old Madeleine McCann called on Saturday for the media to show more restraint, saying they had never expected so much coverage and it had now become out of control.

Madeleine went missing from her bedroom on May 3 as her parents were dining nearby at a resort in southern Portugal.

Despite an international search and high-profile publicity campaign involving such figures as Pope Benedict, J.K. Rowling and David Beckham, there has been no sign of her since.

Speaking at the Edinburgh International Media Festival, Gerry McCann said they had originally started the campaign to raise awareness but felt that it had now got out of control.

"I don't think necessarily having newspaper headlines with the image of Madeleine being thrust on to people every single day actually helps," he said.

"There is the campaign which will continue at a pretty low format (but) what we have no real control over is the way the news story is covered.

"Clearly we have seen ... irresponsible reporting."

The story of Madeleine has dominated the British and Portuguese media since she disappeared.

Tabloid and broadsheet newspapers have continually carried pictures of the blond-haired child on their front page while news channels have camped outside the resort in southern Portugal waiting for a development.

McCann said he thought the case had initially attracted lots of coverage because many of the reporters were parents themselves. But he said the continued scrutiny and speculation had now become very unpleasant, with much of the coverage lacking any substance.

McCann said his family, who have stayed in Portugal since Madeleine went missing, were now starting to think about returning to Britain as their continued presence could be driving the media interest.

"Unfortunately the human interest side of this is enormous now."
Tough luck I'm afraid Mr MCann. You can't have it both ways and expect the media to not follow the story so closely if the campaign heavily uses the media to spread exposure.
I shook my head is disbeleif when I heard him, because people are starting to question the whole affair, way to late in my opinion too, he starts to criticise the media.

How was the Edinburugh festival Mr McCann ?
I find it very strange that as soon as the Portuguese cops start talking about them being involved, they seem to be in a hurry to play down their reasons for leaving Portugal.
I find it very strange that as soon as the Portuguese cops start talking about them being involved, they seem to be in a hurry to play down their reasons for leaving Portugal.

Exactly my thoughts as well. Ain't it convienient that shortly after the case seems to be turning away from an abductor and to a murderer instead, the McCanns are trying to get away from the media where as while it was an 'abductor' they couldn't get enough media coverage.

I've had my doubts about the father since day one and i still personally believe, as does the rest of my family, that the father killed Madeline in that apartment.
this McCann thing is dodgy as hell if you ask me, parents that lose their child are distraught and really emotional during appeals, almost heartbroken. The McCann parents seem to be milking it for all they can get.
this McCann thing is dodgy as hell if you ask me, parents that lose their child are distraught and really emotional during appeals, almost heartbroken. The McCann parents seem to be milking it for all they can get.

This is the thing though. They were milking it - which is fine to an extent - and now they're asking for the media to be quieter, which seems a little strange. I think they are sensing the backlash and are trying to remain on everyones' side.
Of course they are. They need all the money they can get to pay the Barrister's fees when it's found out that I was correct all along and the Father did it.

lmao :p They've made a hella lot of money so far, around 1million or something isn't it? Not sure why people even donated the money as it's not like it'll bring their daughter back, that's if they actually wanted her.
If they are so intent on staying in Portugal why dont they sell up everything they own in the uk and use that money to set up in Portugal.


THE parents of Madeleine McCann want trustees of a £1million fighting fund to start spending the money fast in a last desperate effort to trace their missing daughter.

As the police investigation into Madeleine’s disappearance flounders, tensions are building between Gerry and Kate McCann and the fund trustees, including his brother John, who control the money donated by the public.

The McCanns’ spokeswoman Justine McGuinness said: “The people operating the fund clearly think they have to protect it because they don’t know how long it is going to last.

“But Gerry thinks now is the time to be spending the money because this is the time when it is going to be most effective.”

So far only £70,000 has been spent – on setting up a website, running a press office, producing wristbands, T-shirts and posters and paying legal fees.

The McCanns want more money spent on a new poster campaign, hiring extra staff to boost publicity and perhaps even employing a firm of private investigators. Some cash could also be used to help cover the cost of keeping the couple and their other two young children in Portugal.
After four fruitless months, the family are beginning to struggle financially and may soon have to return to work in Britain.

Yet they face a bureacratic nightmare if they want to draw money from the fund, which is believed to be earning thousands of pounds in interest every month.

Rather than being allowed easy access to the money, the McCanns are forced to fill out complicated paperwork. The trustees of the fund, which is not a charity, have imposed tight restrictions on how the money can be used.

There is a worry that if more money is not released urgently then the behind-the-scenes row will develop into a bitter dispute, distracting people from the main objective of solving the mystery of four-year-old Made*leine’s disappearance.

The increasingly frustrated Mc*Canns realise that the next few weeks will be vital, as Portuguese police appear to have made no concrete progress with any lines of inquiry.

The fund is under the control of relatives or family friends, including Peter Hubner, 64, a retired consultant; Gerry’s brother John McCann, 48; former GMTV presenter Esther McVey, 39, who runs a Liverpool-based PR firm; Doug Skehan, 54, a clinical director of cardiology at Glenfield Hospital, where Gerry works; Philip Tomlinson, 76, a lawyer and former Leicester*shire coroner; and Brian Kennedy, 68, Madeleine’s great uncle.

Ms McGuinness said: “Gerry and Kate are remarkably patient and know that people are trying to protect their interests, but it is very different when you’re in Portugal from when you’re in the UK. I think it’s difficult for some people who are retired and who perhaps aren’t used to the fast pace of things in Portugal.”

The fund, which was set up two weeks after Madeleine disappeared on the night of May 3, has stated several objectives on its website but has al*ready come under pressure to answer questions about how the money is being spent.

Mr McCann’s visit to the Edinburgh International Television Festival yesterday was paid for by the organisers. In recent months similar trips have been donated or subsidised by wealthy benefactors.

Last night the McCanns were yet again the target of cruel speculation in the Portuguese media accusing the couple of “making a fortune” from their ordeal.

One newspaper said Kate and Gerry were getting cash from selling bracelets and hairclips with Made*leine’s name on for £2 each. Although the Look For Madeleine bracelets are priced at £2 on the official website, this only covers the cost of production and postage.

The report in the respected Diarios Noticias newspaper also criticised the McCanns for putting a collection box for the fund in the reception area of the Ocean Club complex in Praia da Luz. At the TV festival yesterday Gerry hit out at Portuguese reports that he and his wife were involved in the disappearance of their daughter, calling it a “smear” campaign.

He dismissed the stories as “wild speculation”. In an interview with Sky News he said: “Clearly a line has been crossed in many quarters, where there is wild speculation being reported irresponsibly.

“There is speculation and innuendo. There are clearly some absolute and outright smears. I would direct people to the official statements made by the Portuguese police which bear no resemblance to the wild speculation. The police made it very clear.

“First of all we are not suspects, secondly there is no evidence to suggest we are involved in Madeleine’s disappearance.”

In an earlier interview with Kirsty Wark, 39-year-old Gerry appealed for restraint in media coverage. And he vowed that he will never give up the hunt for his daughter’s abductor.
I'm waiting for someone to point out the environmental cost of finding Madeleine. Then, the circlejerk of stupidity will be complete and I can finally accept that the media and general population of this nation are so completely stupid they don't deserve to live.
This comment sums up my thoughts on the matter, albeit a bit harshly.
Well the McCann's are in the papers again today, they are now suing a Portuguese newspaper for libel.

This is based on the newspaper saying that the "police believe" Gerry and Kate killed thier daughter.

Now how does libel work, does either party have to prove thier case in order to win?

Source here
Well the McCann's are in the papers again today, they are now suing a Portuguese newspaper for libel.

This is based on the newspaper saying that the "police believe" Gerry and Kate killed thier daughter.

Now how does libel work, does either party have to prove thier case in order to win?

Source here

i guess so. they have to be fairly confident of their innocence to go ahead with it. but then again Jeffrey Archer always was :o
Ben Fairhalls Blog said:
The coverage of the strange case of Madeleine McCann was, in today's Times, restricted to the smallest of paragraphs on page seven. And yet even this small act of measured disclosure managed only to further amplify the weird eddies which attach to this mystery; whose hundredth day was marked last sunday. There can't be many distraught parents of a missing toddler who apply to trademark her name- or the name of the fund established to help find her; and yet the directors of Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned, have indeed sought to do just that. Even stranger is why this has only (officially) been revealed now, when the application has been known about since shortly after it was first made: on May 18th.

This, should anyone's memory need refreshing, was barely two weeks into the case: precisely when we might expect the waves of panic, terror and delirium to be at their most crippling. But such would gravely underestimate the capacity of the people at the centre of the storm to survive, even to thrive, under the most terrible of circumstances. In the first place it was Gerry who seemed most intoxicated by the grief, becoming- in his own words- 'like a man possessed' following a curious encounter in his local Catholic church. In an earlier article we posed the question of whether the cardiologist's dramatic metamorphosis was provoked not only by desperation but perhaps by an enormous upsurge of kundalini energy, a spontaneous physical reaction of the sort which extreme grief- or love or madness- can commonly produce. We further speculated whether such a course might not have been assisted by his (unproven) involvement in spiritual practices of the occult variety: specifically, Illuminism.

In more recent days it has been the turn of his previously mute wife to bask in enhanced energies; leading to a far more prominent role for the locum GP. But whether this has anything to do with the omnipresent forces of the occult conspiracy, or merely the latest stratagem by those on the payroll to promote their strongest asset, common sense must determine. Still, though, though the style gurus will still be wringing their hands, because the net result has merely been to present a second jaw-droppingly odd individual up to the public's forensic gaze; and coming from a conspiraloon like myself this is quite a damning observation.

But then nothing about this case is normal; and the same could be said of the family at the heart of it: fat salaries notwithstanding. Who else has big-time politicos flown out on their behalf, alongside a glittering rostrum of media and PR heavyweights? Who else inspires late-night telephone calls from British diplomats, to foreign police chiefs suspected of asking the wrong questions? Who else has the machinery to support a global campaign- procedures, directors, auditors, lawyers- fully in place thirteen days after their toddler disappears; taking donations from the millions of visitors to a website registered yet earlier: a full six days after said toddler's 'abduction?' It could only be the McCanns. Who else can call upon the services of River Media, a top production company, to create said website; whilst insisting it was knocked up over coffee by a Scottish student and sustained by a handful of do-gooding teenagers?

Who else could create a limited company- expressly 'to provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine's family'- and seek to obtain charitable status for said company, even petitioning Parliament in an attempt to procure it? Who else would appoint as co-director of the fund one Esther McVey, the latest in a long line of mysteriously well-connected family friends? (Like Jill Renwick, for whom the cream of the British establishment came out to bat for Kate and Gerry, all on the basis of a desperate, intuitive phone call to GMTV; and a chance encounter with the Prime Minister's brother.) That's media and image consultant, the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Wirrall East, and well-known radio and television personality Esther McVey, self-professed expert in 'the art of presentation.' Whose PR company, Making It Ltd, offers 'clear guidance... on how to make every interview an advantageous situation for you...' and on 'delivering your message as clearly and concisely, relaxed, confident and authoritatively as you can.'

Not that anybody could accuse the McCanns of a deficit of confidence; and they have certainly been relentless in driving home their message. Not, of course, the message of their daughter's disappearance- they have elected to leave the searching to others- but the message of their blamelessness, which they have continued to spout even in the face of mounting evidence against them. Including on BBC1's The Heaven and Earth Show, a sunday morning God-slot previously fronted by one Esther McVey, and currently by that well-known political rottweiller: Gloria Hunniford.

But then Esther McVey, rather like the McCanns, has carved out a lucrative niche as the caring face of corporatism. Which would explain why, in her capacity as 'family friend' she was happy to be interviewed by Sky News; ensuring that banners advertising her business were prominently displayed behind her. (Banners, incidentally, boasting a highly esoteric symbol: a negatively-aligned pentagon formed of five-pointed stars, seemingly conjured by the 'Happy Man' of Secular Humanism, a character we have met with before in these pages.) Taking their lead from this stirling moral example, the McCanns too have proven highly adroit at turning suffering into profit.

The logo of Esther McVey's Making It Ltd: note the 'Happy Man' symbol, juggling the stars. Inspired by earlier symbols of the Divine ('Illuminised') Man as pentagram- universally recognised as Venus...

Another version of the 'Illuminised/Happy Man', covering two and a half acres of East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. This, the best crop circle of 2007, appeared on 777. (July 7th, 2007.)

An initial run of 100,000 yellow 'Madeleine bands' was followed swiftly by a range of merchandise and donation opportunities, none so crass as the one-pound 'Text MADDIE to 60999' appeal; for whose sake the parents were willing to ignore their own curt reminders to journalists that their daughter be known exclusively by her full name. And whilst the online store may currently be down- with the advice for shoppers to 'try again later'- the famous McCann entrepreneurial zeal is unflagging. If the rumours are correct, both Kate and Gerry have been spotted filling in hours between strategy meetings hawking wristbands at Algarve supermarkets well served by the British tourist trade. Strange, then, that the totaliser has remained frozen just below the million mark for weeks- having only ever been updated infrequently; giving rise to suspicions that the total revenue may be several times greater than the team is letting on.

Although the site carries no advertising, it links to one which does: the website for the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, a government-run body whose corporate logo happens to look strangely like the iris defect upon which so much attention has been directed. Interestingly, there are no adverts on any of its other pages except the one linked from the Find Madeleine site; which suggests, at the very least, that CEOP is also prepared to exploit public anxiety where it thinks it can make a tidy profit from doing so. A more cynical observer would consider the likelihood of a revenue-sharing deal struck between CEOP and its hugely-popular 'subsidiary', the Find Madeleine site; the principal beneficiaries of any such deal being, of course, the fund (ie, the McCanns.) But behaviour so rapacious would be anathema to the good doctors, surely?

The logo of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre. Note the similarity to Madeleine's split iris: her All-Seeing Eye...

Perhaps not. The McCanns have consistently misled the public about the reasons they so quickly moved to establish the fund in the first place. Whilst many assumed that some of the money would be used to employ private investigators, the one group of professionals that the McCanns definitely have instructed are lawyers. Expensive ones. A news release from the International Family Law Group, dated May 13th, shows that the family contacted IFLG for advice less than a week after the disappearance. As the mood in the Algarve turns nasty, and the evidence- if not of murder, then neglect and perverting the course of justice- piles up, several have questioned whether the real purpose of the presence of two lawyers and a QC is to build a defense in the event of a possible arrest, rather than to further the hunt for the girl.

'Madeleine is such a sociable child,' said Kate McCann in a recent interview, 'so funny and engaging... But she hated it when we called her Maddie. She'd say, 'My name is Madeleine', with an indignant look on her face.

I bet she's giving whoever she's with her tuppence worth.'

Seems like she's giving a lot of people her tuppence worth- this Murder Incorporated... And a lot more than that too. There are a lot of powerful forces with a keen interest in this little girl, conspiracy theorists included; and whilst the money keeps rolling in, the circus will keep rolling on.

More at

I think it's only a matter of time before attention turns to the parents. Not once have you seen them cry on TV. Usualy whenever a child goes missing the mother at least is always in tears when making an appeal for the return.
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Well the McCann's are in the papers again today, they are now suing a Portuguese newspaper for libel.

This is based on the newspaper saying that the "police believe" Gerry and Kate killed thier daughter.

Now how does libel work, does either party have to prove thier case in order to win?

Source here

Under English law I'm pretty sure the newspaper would have to prove that their statement was correct. No idea about Portuguese law though.
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