McCanns going too far?

I personaly think both are in on it. And on some 'conspiracy' forums I've been reading a lot of people are convinced there's some element of satanism involved in this case. Incidently :-

Robert......................................= 33
His Age.....................................= 33
Police.......................................= 33
Questioned for 12 hours (1+2)......= 3
McCann....................................= 3
Day taken.................................= 3
May.........................................= 3

3s in sequence are a very powerful when used symbolicaly and ritualisticaly.

Somebody else who thinks the same way that I do.
Magick is completely right and in Portugal thursday is the 3rd day of the week and not the 4th.
May is also the 3rd month of the Portugeuse calendar.
They also had 3 kids and on the day in question they had been out for just over 2 hours which meant they looked on the kids 3 times.
One of the McCanns former friends said that he shook his willy 3 times after every wee.
They also had 3 kids and on the day in question they had been out for just over 2 hours which meant they looked on the kids 3 times.

Missed that one, nice one dmpoole. Somone was also saying madelines birthday carries the 3 vibration a lot don't know her birthday to confirm it though.
Somebody else who thinks the same way that I do.
Magick is completely right and in Portugal thursday is the 3rd day of the week and not the 4th.
May is also the 3rd month of the Portugeuse calendar.
They also had 3 kids and on the day in question they had been out for just over 2 hours which meant they looked on the kids 3 times.
One of the McCanns former friends said that he shook his willy 3 times after every wee.

You had me going there for a minute :p I was amazed seeing your user name and that post together, then I read the last line hehe.
Don't patronise me slinwagh. Regardless of wether you believe in numerology or not some thing is not right with the whole case.

Look here, Mr Magick. Firstly, I shall assure you that I'm not one of the people here who think that Satanism, numerology or any of those similar arts are mumbo-jumbo. My father was involved in magik, my aunt is a medium and from the age of four I had a very spiritual upgringing.

However, I really don't buy your 3333333 story. You can make anything add up to any number that you want. I don't think Satanism or the CoS were involved and there are no black practices going on here. I will agree that the whole case is awfully suspicious and I don't discount the possibility of their being involved somehow.

But really, some people have too much time on their hands. The fact that it's now being blamed on Satanism proves how ridculous the whole thing has become.
Didn't they say they checked on the children every 30 mins? In which case in 2 and a half hours they would have checked them 5 times and not 3.

2 and a half hours = 150 mins.

They had three children.

Divide 150 by the number of children they had = 50.

Then divide 150 by 50 = three.

2 and a half hours = 150 mins.

They had three children.

Divide 150 by the number of children they had = 50.

Then divide 150 by 50 = three.


Like I aleady said you can make anything add up if you want it to. Pick another number and then try to make it all fit to that instead. Easy.
However, I really don't buy your 3333333 story. You can make anything add up to any number that you want.

Numerology isn't the basis of my suspicions it does however reinforce my suspicions.

I don't think Satanism or the CoS were involved and there are no black practices going on here.

I'm almost certain the CoS wouldn't be involved. And to be honest when I said satanism I really meant black occult practices though I thought satanism would be easier for some of the people here to understand what I mean.

Also I never personaly said I thought the motives were satanic/black magic just that a lot of people on conspiracy forums believe it is. Though I do have suspicions there might be.

Either way this whole case has generated a huge amount of energy across the globe like no other and somethings not right about the whole thing.
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