McCanns going too far?

I can't believe there's three pages of drivel discussing the number 3.

Oh, wait....

Glad to see OcUK hasn't changed then ;)

But yes, bored of this whole business now. And while it seems insensitive to say so, I think the whole sensationalisation (is that a word?) of it has desensitised most of the UK to it.

Also, they're not the only people with a missing child in the UK, they're just the only ones with enough money to fund a campaign like this.
they could open up a bookies who could earn tons out of this...

a bit like "who shot phil mitchell"

having said the above as they are fortunate enough to campaign thats why it sticks out like a soar thumb and you can never go far without hearing some update about the case...

whereas human nature for the other cases kicks in and its a case of what we cant hear or see we dont know about...

i think this case only reemphasises the sick world we live in today and the fact its only getting worse...

all you people who are bored, are you bored because you dont care or because the constant reminder reemphasises the state of the world.


anyway hope shes alive
I like how you accuse the dastardly media for doing that, straight after having done it yourself with weasel words and phrases like "died because of their parents" and "out boozing".

If they had been in the hotel room with their kids like any responsible person then she wouldnt have been taken. It is a fact they were out having a meal with friends instead of doing their job as an parent.

I was accusing the media as making a news story out of the fact she was missing, the belief that the world she care she is dead and completely speculating how she is missing. Its just like the whole Diana thing. Its disgusting to see new programs, papers, etc coming out about her.

I guess there goes the libel trial.

Tbh I expect the father to be declared a suspect later today or tomorrow as well. From what I gather about Portuguese law, certain questions cannot be asked unless someone is declared a formal suspect. Both the McCanns are innocent until proven guilty.
Can't wait for the ITN evening news.

I can just imagine that lanky twerp Mark Austin or the creepy Mary Nightingale "tonight on the ITN news we ask what drives parents to kill their children in our report......

I so hope so! It will serve them right for going on and on and on about some kid, when lots of kids go missing every year and they dont get the attention.

Where is iCraig :( I miss his uncompromising defence of the case. Now it's all bwhahaahahah since there is only one viewpoint.

I'm never happy.
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