McCanns going too far?

The McCanns' lawyers will file for defamation, saying the "untrue" story had caused "suffering and humiliation".
So, the lawyer will now have to prove, beyond all reasonable doubt that the story actually is untrue, which could lead to some interesting revelations.
So, the lawyer will now have to prove, beyond all reasonable doubt that the story actually is untrue, which could lead to some interesting revelations.

Could this be a very cunning manouvre by the mccans to throw-off the possibility of them really being charged for murder. Or maybe somehow have them stand in a show trial with minimum legal risk as opposed to a real trial with them facing 25+ years?
I'm confused! With this libel case, how are they going to prove that they didn't murder her? Just stand up in whatever court they have in Portugal and say "We didn't do it M'Lud, honest!".

I for one sit back and await, with much anticipation, the evidence they have to prove themselves innocent.
I'm confused! With this libel case, how are they going to prove that they didn't murder her? Just stand up in whatever court they have in Portugal and say "We didn't do it M'Lud, honest!".

I for one sit back and await, with much anticipation, the evidence they have to prove themselves innocent.

Would the onus not be on the newspaper to prove their case rather than the McCann's to prove their innocence?
Would the onus not be on the newspaper to prove their case rather than the McCann's to prove their innocence?
Hmm, having thought about it more I think this is the case.

Despite the fact that the McCann's say this headline/article is defaming, the article was posted first, thereby making a "factual" statement in the public domain. Therefore, and I'm not sure, I would expect the prosecutor (and the court) to place the onus on the newspaper to prove that the McCann's were involved.

Now, whilst the paper could say "prove you didn't", I don't think that is a defence that would hold up in court.
We could do with someone from Portugal to explain how their legal system works. It's pretty strange when compared to ours, from what I gather. That first suspect, Robert Murat, only declared himself a suspect so that, under Portuguese law, he could have access to more legal rights than if he stayed a witness. So god knows how the rest of the system works.
Again, printed in a newspaper..

From the BBC article:

However, the director of police has said publicly that the McCanns have never been viewed as suspects.

Remember that the defamatory statement in question isn't that they killed Maddy, but that the police believe they killed her. So if the paper can get access to the investigation and show that the police viewed the McCann's as suspects, then that will be the basis of their case.
As far as I am aware the libel case centres on reports that the police believe the McCanns are guilty, in some manner, of the death of Madelaine. This is quite different to the papers saying that they are guilty. If the police say that they do believe this, the case is lost, if they say that they do not the case will be proved.
I would have thought that this is a comparatively trivial basis for a case, given that the whole matter could be sorted out by a statement from the police. Perhaps it is to warn others that they have the will and funds to pursue libel cases with their publicly donated war chest.
Both parents to be re-interviewed separetly:,,91210-1282955,00.html

Mrs McCann will attend the police station in Portimao in the Algarve at 2pm, accompanied by her lawyer, Carlos Pinto de Abreu.

Her husband will be questioned separately at the same police station tomorrow

Now i would have thought they would have both been questioned at the same time but in diff rooms?
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I believe is was James Maybrick that did it. Or was it the butler? Or The Prince Of Wales?

Some poor girl died because of their parents. Whether they did it with their own hands or because they were out boozing whilst she was taken/murdered is irrelevant. If this girl was washed out to sea because they were sat on the beach boozing then this story would be a small one on page 10 for one day. The parents would be hopefully arrested for neglect and it would be a lesson to us all.

The media is a self perpetuating industry. (think thats the right term for a bunch of people who make "news" out of nothing then make more "news" about how the "news" isnt "news" but the real "news" is this which they print).
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