McCanns going too far?

Can you imagine the fallout if one or both of them are guilty.

The media are going to look like fools!

Not just the media, everyone who went along with it. Those yellow ribbons, charity runs, T-shirts, posters, donations, websites, facebook group !

This is turning into an episode of CSI...........have a very strange feeling i've seen it before :p
IMO They are not really a suspect are they...

Why would Parents make such a big fuss to find out the truth of their Child? Why visit the Pope? Why visit J.K.Rowling? and aim to build so much attention?

It just doesn't fit the accusation :)

All this is is shoddy 3rd World Country Law, because the Portugal Police are getting fedding up of them. Unfortunately thats rabbid Humans for you...
Not just the media, everyone who went along with it. Those yellow ribbons, charity runs, T-shirts, posters, donations, websites, facebook group !

Whatever happens, Maddy is still missing. I don't see why ordinary people who weren't connected to the case and wanted to find out what happened to her are worthy of your venom.
Why would Parents make such a big fuss to find out the truth of their Child? Why visit the Pope? Why visit J.K.Rowling? and aim to build so much attention?
To divert attention? Quite simple really.

Anyway, this doesn't mean what most people will think it means - simply that in order to ask particular questions, the police are required by law to declare them suspects, rather then witnesses.
Genius - lets divert attention from ourselves by attracting attention to ourselves. How is that supposed to work? :p
A simple double bluff.

Go to the ends of the earth (literally, on board someone else's private jet), go to the pope, go to every country on a whistle-stop tour declaring that you'll never rest until your daughters killers are found, and the [media]world will go with you.
About time!

Absolutely. There has always been something about this case that has never sat well with me. There have been numerous times we have seen other cases with the loved ones gushing grief in public at every opportunity only to be found guilty of the crime at a later date.

That said, innocent until proven guilty is paramount but I expect there will be a trial by media in the coming days. :(
Whatever happens, Maddy is still missing. I don't see why ordinary people who weren't connected to the case and wanted to find out what happened to her are worthy of your venom.

May be I have seen too much CSI/Without a Trace (actually, not really the latter), I just think it was strange all these people want to find a girl they've never met or heard of just because the media put it on the front page every day for a month. They decide to pick this girl out of a thousand others who are also just as missing, may be the exotic location helped, may be she's one of the better looking kids? Who knows.

It was all I dunno, a mass "do something to show I am helping by selling ribbons in the shopping mall at Grimsby"..........when Maddie was in Portugal. That made no sense to me, never have.

Its not venom, people can do and choose whatever they like, its a free country. I just find it very gullible all just because its in the front page.
IMO They are not really a suspect are they...

Why would Parents make such a big fuss to find out the truth of their Child? Why visit the Pope? Why visit J.K.Rowling? and aim to build so much attention?

It just doesn't fit the accusation :)
It's a bluff, isn't it. And a bloody good bluff.

At the end of the day things don't add up.

Three kids being abandoned, patio doors being left open.... both doctors... Argh. Something is wrong. Also, I know this is completely ridiculous, but I don't trust the look of the dad.
A simple double bluff.

Go to the ends of the earth (literally, on board someone else's private jet), go to the pope, go to every country on a whistle-stop tour declaring that you'll never rest until your daughters killers are found, and the [media]world will go with you.

I can see what your saying. But I don't think if they genuinely murdered their Child, they would go to such extreme lenghts to raise awareness as they have done. Instead they would have remained with a low profile, grieved some, shed a few tears, make 1 appeal and then come back to the UK and get on with their lives. Instead we have 2 Professional Doctors who are more determined than most to really try and get the truth, and refuse to return to the UK until they find the truth...

Also if they did it, why would they stop at killing 1 Child? and not the other 2 that they have...
The little girls aunt has just said on This Morning that the forensic evidence consists of "Bodily fluids from Madeleine found on the clothes of the parents"

She has just also said "A friend of Gerry and Kate saw Madeleine being carried away"

And "Gerry and Kate are being fitted up"
Actually, I really object to something the aunt just said on tv, she said "Can I just say to the audience that [the parents] have nothing to do with the abduction" or words to that effect.

Yes they did sweetie, they ABANDONED THEIR THREE CHILDREN and left the patio doors unlocked. That alone should be punishable by law.
Actually, I really object to something the aunt just said on tv, she said "Can I just say to the audience that [the parents] have nothing to do with the abduction" or words to that effect.

Yes they did sweetie, they ABANDONED THEIR THREE CHILDREN and left the patio doors unlocked. That alone should be punishable by law.

I heard her spoting that too.

What gets me is if a friend saw here being carried away why didn't he/she do something !!!!
A simple double bluff.

Go to the ends of the earth (literally, on board someone else's private jet), go to the pope, go to every country on a whistle-stop tour declaring that you'll never rest until your daughters killers are found, and the [media]world will go with you.

Ends of the earth? AFAIK They went to Morocco, Spain and Italy (vatican) - the first two because there were supposed sightings of Maddy there.

If the parents did kill Maddy, then we're breaking new ground here for killers. The logical behaviour for them in this case would be to do a few tearful press conferences, fly back to the UK to be with friends, then say you believe she's dead and thats the end of that. Though I accept if someone kills a child then they aren't logical in the first place, its just that the McCann's behaviour makes no sense if they did do it.
May be I have seen too much CSI/Without a Trace (actually, not really the latter), I just think it was strange all these people want to find a girl they've never met or heard of just because the media put it on the front page every day for a month. They decide to pick this girl out of a thousand others who are also just as missing, may be the exotic location helped, may be she's one of the better looking kids? Who knows.

Again, another myth perpetuated by the left-wing media. Remember that half-caste girl abducted in Nigeria? Was there not a very big fuss in the media about that too? Fortunately that story had a happy ending.

Thousands of children might be missing, but hardly any of them have been abducted.
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