McCanns going too far?

Absolutely. There has always been something about this case that has never sat well with me. There have been numerous times we have seen other cases with the loved ones gushing grief in public at every opportunity only to be found guilty of the crime at a later date.

That said, innocent until proven guilty is paramount but I expect there will be a trial by media in the coming days. :(

What if the Parents can't grieve because they don't know the final situation of Maddy? Perhaps, like they have said, they physchologically don't believe Maddy is dead, and is still out there. Also you don't have to grieve when the Camera's are pointing at you in the face, what if they already grieve out of the limelight...
Maybe he did it?

You know what you maybe right. Let me ring up my Journalist friends, and I'll get them to run a story. Hopefully your average joey public lemming who can't think for themselves will starting believing the Newspapers who in turn will sell/make more money. The story will then have a snowball effect. If repeated enough it will come true :)

Again, another myth perpetuated by the left-wing media. Remember that half-caste girl abducted in Nigeria? Was there not a very big fuss in the media about that too? Fortunately that story had a happy ending.

Thousands of children might be missing, but hardly any of them have been abducted.

Left wing media made stories about people helping ? I never said she was abducted, I said missing. I don't remember that girl in Nigeria, but i don't remember anyone random average joe going over there to look for her or anything like this.

Fact is, for every maddie missing, there's bound to be at least another 1. How many missing child case have you seen since then that has been on the news for more than 3 mins or even a mention. That's not left wing media, that's just what has happened.
Left wing media made stories about people helping ? I never said she was abducted, I said missing. I don't remember that girl in Nigeria, but i don't remember anyone random average joe going over there to look for her or anything like this.

Fact is, for every maddie missing, there's bound to be at least another 1. How many missing child case have you seen since then that has been on the news for more than 3 mins or even a mention. That's not left wing media, that's just what has happened.

Missing child != abducted child ffs.

You know what you maybe right. Let me ring up my Journalist friends, and I'll get them to run a story. Hopefully your average joey public lemming who can't think for themselves will starting believing the Newspapers who in turn will sell/make more money. The story will then have a snowball effect. If repeated enough it will come true :)


Qwerty beat us to it by about 4 months :p
Can we have a rough translation?

Automatically translated text:

Kate McCann finishes to give entered in the PJ of Portimão
7 of September, 11:08

The mother of Madeleine McCann came back today to the Judiciary Policy of Portimão to be heard in the case of the disappearance of the son.

This morning, the British press gave account that Kate would be constituted arguida citing sources next to the McCann family.

Later, the half one of the morning, the lawyer of Kate McCann said to the Lusa Agency that in the inquiry of the mother of Maddie, interrupted today of dawn, was raised the hypothesis to pass to be arguida, “but without nothing of defined”.

“Of the colloquy it did not stand out of the part of the PJ that today it passed to be arguida in the case, but was raised the hypothesis. By the way, this hypothesis always exists, since that a person it is heard as witness”, affirmed Carlos Pinto de Abreu to the Lusa.

Throughout today Kate it will come back to be heard and the PJ will have to still hear the father of the desparecida girl in the Beach of the Light.

Kate McCann entered in the PJ before some apupos on the part of the multitude that if joined in front of the door of the PJ of Portimão.

Pablo M. Guerrinha
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