McCanns going too far?

Does the blood in the car match anyone in their family? If not, surely it's irrelevant?

If it does match, then is it the little girl's?

If it is then the police are implying that they stored her body somewhere for many weeks and then moved it elsewhere using the car, right?

This case is has more twists than a Denzel Washington crime/drama movie.
at first i always suspected it was them.

not sure now though unless theyre tottaly insane. i mean why milk it and make such a fuss , they could have easily gotten away with it (if they did do it) if they didnt make the media fuss
at first i always suspected it was them.

not sure now though unless theyre tottaly insane. i mean why milk it and make such a fuss , they could have easily gotten away with it (if they did do it) if they didnt make the media fuss
But could they have gotten away with it and gotten a million pounds?!
why is just the mum a suspect and not the dad? is it because he has not been interviewed yet?

why is only the mum possibly going to be charged and not the dad?
I'm going to register ;)

It just does not make any sense that they'd go to all this effort to find Maddy if they killed her themselves! The supposed damning DNA samples probably would never have been found if it wasn't for all the pressure put on the Portuguese police by the media campaign.
I'm going to register ;)

It just does not make any sense that they'd go to all this effort to find Maddy if they killed her themselves! The supposed damning DNA samples probably would never have been found if it wasn't for all the pressure put on the Portuguese police by the media campaign.

maybe theyre trying too hard......if they just turned around and said 'well our kids gone, ttyl' theyd be number 1 suspects. now its almost like theyre trying to overcompensate.......

*puts on tin foil hat*
It just does not make any sense that they'd go to all this effort to find Maddy if they killed her themselves!

Of course it does, the longer they keep the pretence about Maddy being kidnapped up the less chance there is of them being suspected of anything untoward.
Of course it does, the longer they keep the pretence about Maddy being kidnapped up the less chance there is of them being suspected of anything untoward.

Except that it doesn't. How many posts are there in this thread complaining about the McCann's constant presence in the media? and how they should just get over it? Its pretty obvious that they've overdone it in a lot of people's opinion. They could have quite easily let the issue drop without anyone questioning it.
IF and its a large if, they did kill their daughter, why? surely there must be a reason/motive for this act. Is it just the blood in the car are is there other evidence or motive?
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