McCanns going too far?

i'm confused. they were in restaurant no more than 5 minutes away. They went to check every 30 minutes. Kate McCann goes to check on kids, then comes back and informs hubby that their eldest is missing.

If she had commited this act on purpose or unintentionally

a) If on purpose why no harm to other kids?
b) How come no trace of maddies blood has been found in the apartment?
didnt they find blood in apartment? kid may have been drugged.

Also they said they went ever 30mins but I heard that bar staff said that they didnt, two of them got up together to goto toilet and they didnt actually appear to go back til after an hr or so?

Its all abit sus though, something happens to kid they go out for a meal claiming to check on her every 30mins o no shes disappeared perfect alaby.
didnt they find blood in apartment? kid may have been drugged.

Also they said they went ever 30mins but I heard that bar staff said that they didnt, two of them got up together to goto toilet and they didnt actually appear to go back til after an hr or so?
You heard from a mate eh?
forget all the speculation. one fact for sure is they left their kids unattended and they should be prosecuted for that. i know they've already been cleared on this but i don't think it's acceptable behaviour at all.
Except that it doesn't. How many posts are there in this thread complaining about the McCann's constant presence in the media? and how they should just get over it? Its pretty obvious that they've overdone it in a lot of people's opinion. They could have quite easily let the issue drop without anyone questioning it.

Perhaps they thought giving up the search would divert all the attention onto them.

I doubt they would have just let the case rest the moment her parents stopped looking.
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Maddie Mash - from Deliah's devilish delights - published in 2009.


1 Small Maddie
2 Onions - whole
3 Carrots - peeled
200g Flour (plain)
100G Mushrooms
1litre Stock
5 large potoatoes

Chop the Maddie in quaters and place on a hot baking tray in the oven at 200degrees. Add the onions carrots and mushrooms and cook for ten mins. Add the stock and sitr in the flower slowly but continuously so as to avoid lumps.
Cook for a further 1 hour and then leave to rest for 10mins before serving.

Boil the potatoes with a little salt. Once ready, mash with a little milk and butter and serve along side the sauce.

A particularlty good wine is a Portugese Pinot Noir. A favourite in that part of the world.

AND THAT - is what happened to the kid. Next.
fastwunz said:

Woah, there... having a dig at the parents is fair game (especially as I think they're guilty of some wrong doing) but making jokes about the child is just wrong - plain and simple.

The child is the victim in this, whether she was abducted or otherwise.

Bad post, imo.
I still dont get what its got to do with the case? No-one got ate did they? :confused:

You being serious?! :confused:

Freek ate mcann/Freak ate mcann = Free kate mcann

scorza said:
Fortunately for us all, you don't make the law.

While there isn't a specific ruling there is a general law to cover unattended children. I'm of the opinion that they were negligent.

NSPCC said:
"A neighbour works full time and seems to be leaving her children alone during the day. Is this neglect?"
There is no UK law stating the age at which a child can be left at home alone. However, parents can be prosecuted for wilful neglect if they leave a child alone or unsupervised "in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health" (Children and Young Persons Act 1933). Your neighbour may be having difficulties finding childcare. Perhaps the family is isolated and lacks the support of relatives and friends? As a neighbour, could you offer help with contacting local support services or with childcare? See People to talk to for organisations that offer childcare advice.

Babies should never be left alone, even for a short time. If you notice that a baby or a child under the age of nine has been left on their own, contact the police on 999. They will go to the house to make sure that the child is safe from harm.

Before leaving an older child alone, parents must take into account the child's age and maturity, their ability to cope in an emergency and how they feel about being left alone. Most children under the age of 13 are not mature enough to cope in an emergency and should not be left alone for more than a short time.

We recommend that children under the age of 16 should not be left alone overnight.

Apparently they have found traces of Madelines blood in the boot of the McCanns hire car.

They have given them a chance to fess up for a reduced Jail term.

They are denying it.

I wonder how long for.

I was wondering this, if your child went missing would you keep it cool so you could keep the pressure off or go all out, going seeing the Pope, tbh if they did kill her all this sideshow is a great way of covering it up.
if they are guilty/charged with causing accidental death although it doesn't carry any offense wouldn't they be charged with peverting the cause of justice by hiding what happened?
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