McCanns going too far?

if they are guilty/charged with causing accidental death

You don't get 'charged' with an offence that doesn't exist.

If a verdict of accidental death is recorded, they won't be 'charged' for killing her. However, such a verdict is highly unlikely whatever happened.
[TW]Fox;10053760 said:
You don't get 'charged' with an offence that doesn't exist.

If a verdict of accidental death is recorded, they won't be 'charged' for killing her. However, such a verdict is highly unlikely whatever happened.

hence why i said guilty/charged. if leaving her unnatended was the cause of her death and they hid the accident wouldnt they be charged with peverting the cause of justice.
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hence why i said guilty/charged. if leaving her unnatended was the cause of her death and they hid the accident wouldnt they be charged with peverting the cause of justice.

yes, if they can prove it, almost impossible without the body. or huge quantities of blood.
It's a bluff, isn't it. And a bloody good bluff.

At the end of the day things don't add up.

Three kids being abandoned, patio doors being left open.... both doctors... Argh. Something is wrong. Also, I know this is completely ridiculous, but I don't trust the look of the dad.

i agree entirely and i've always thought something just smelt wrong about this whole picture.

i don't particularly trust the look of either of them, they don't fit the mould of ppl who have someone's like a look of shame/guilt or something especially on her.

they've gone way way overboard with the media exposure too, ie the pope visit etc etc ...i know they're well to do professionals but it's like they're trying to overcompensate for something else.

time will tell.......
[TW]Fox;10053760 said:
You don't get 'charged' with an offence that doesn't exist.

If a verdict of accidental death is recorded, they won't be 'charged' for killing her. However, such a verdict is highly unlikely whatever happened.

Accidental death is frequently covered (in the UK) by manslaughter, if it can be demonstrated that the actions of someone clearly caused the death even though it was not intentional (for example, shaken children, someone who is pushed and hits their head etc).

And then there is the issue of lying, concealing the body, causing a worldwide manhunt and fraud, if indeed it was one of the parents (as I suspected all along and voiced long ago in this thread)
i'm confused. they were in restaurant no more than 5 minutes away. They went to check every 30 minutes. Kate McCann goes to check on kids, then comes back and informs hubby that their eldest is missing.

If she had commited this act on purpose or unintentionally

a) If on purpose why no harm to other kids?
b) How come no trace of maddies blood has been found in the apartment?

I am not sure were this checking on them every 30 mins came from.

According to statements they left them asleep around 7.00-7.30pm and Mr McCann was the first to check on them at 9.00pm. Then a friend when at 9.15 (apparently saw a man carrying away a child) and then Mrs McCann at 10.00pm when she was declared missing.

The restaurant was indeed 5 minutes away as the crow flies but apparently can take up to 15 minutes because you have to walk around the outside of the complex.

Now Mr McCann is a suspect.
[TW]Fox;10053760 said:
You don't get 'charged' with an offence that doesn't exist.

If a verdict of accidental death is recorded, they won't be 'charged' for killing her. However, such a verdict is highly unlikely whatever happened.

I think things are slightly different in portugal.
If they cant find the girl, or they find the girl but cant find a killer, the mcCanns will be charged with criminal negligence (or whatever the term is) for leaving the girl unattended and hence the reason why she is either dead or missing.
Which ever way people try and spin it the Mc Canns are 100% to blame for the entire affair.
Yes i am a father and no, my son has never been unatended anywhere (he is now 11)
She's a doctor, he's some surgon or something. She's give Madeleine some kind of sedative so she will sleep and so they can go out. Somethings gone wrong, they come back and find her OD'd
I think things are slightly different in portugal.
If they cant find the girl, or they find the girl but cant find a killer, the mcCanns will be charged with criminal negligence (or whatever the term is) for leaving the girl unattended and hence the reason why she is either dead or missing.
Which ever way people try and spin it the Mc Canns are 100% to blame for the entire affair.
Yes i am a father and no, my son has never been unatended anywhere (he is now 11)

You are soon going to be starving your son of social development and independence. I was left alone when off school ill in the house when 10ish although never allowed to stay home overnight alone until 16 - not least because my parents don't really go anywhere overnight as they've got work pretty much every day of the week.
She's a doctor, he's some surgon or something. She's give Madeleine some kind of sedative so she will sleep and so they can go out. Somethings gone wrong, they come back and find her OD'd

i don't buy that. if that's the way it happened, they did a remarkable job of covering it up in what must have been immense shock, horror and confusion when they discovered what had happened.

i don't know if they did it or not, but if they were to blame, they must have both been involved and must, as far as i can see, have had a plan in place prior to the events.
The blood (or DNA) in the hire car is intriguing. It suggests to me one of two things:

They waited 25 days to dispose of the body (in which case where did they hide it for so long?)

Madeleine was never killed and the whole thing a money making expedition.

Neither really adds up does it?
I find it hard to believe they were involved. How could the Mccans possibly keep their composure been constantly followed by the media and not give anything away from nervous body language ???

There is no way they could keep that composed.
They could be sociopaths, who knows maybe there never was a girl named Madeleine McCann but they'd been claiming benefits for her and this was a way to cover their tracks? :p

(Bad taste > *)
What, so are people suggesting they killed her before they went out for a meal, got rid of the body, and then claimed she was taken after they came back from the meal to give them an alibi?
Is there any proof that she was seen by anyone other than Team McCann before they even went out to the restaurant for their meal? I just realised that I don't know who the last person (other than the suspected parents) to have seen her alive is, and when they saw her.
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